A look into....yep, you guessed it...me!

So you want to know about the insanity behind Senshi of Eternity.....okay, probably not, but you DID hit this link by accident, right?  Well, on the off chance that you just can't stand not knowing anyhting about me, here is the Utopia of useless knowledge that is Shane's about me page!  (cue gasps and fanfair)

Here's one or two little pictures of me, although the pictures of me I like I can count on one hand.

All right, down girls. Don't all of you e-mail me at the
same time (ahem...I almost kept a straight face
saying that)

Name: Shane Hopkins

Age: as of 1999, I am 18

Blood type: Um...the red kind?

Likes: the beach, a good book,
anime, and any shiny object I
can get my grubby little paws on.

Dislikes: mean people (censored for the
little ones), hentai, thin toilet paper (eh,
don't ask), and complex algebra

Favorite color: Green

    Guess I should give a little more relevant info. As of now I attend Walter State Community College working on an associate of arts. I plan on becoming a teacher; what I'll teach is up in the air for now. I'd like to say hi to all my friends out there that may see this. Hey Jeremy, Casey, Justin and all the others that don't admit to knowing me!

If you'd like to see me in the flesh, er, well at least a reasonable faximale, you can visit my live web cam and hope I'm on there. Try around 10:00 p.m. or so. If you do go, ICQ me and we'll chat a little!

Shane's cam

See ya!


"What??   3x+5y/3-34y ..... algebra....to strong....going into....coma.....can't move arms....can't complete full sentences....ca....oh look, shiny!"