Pearl, Goku, and Friday


Update: Ok, so here's what happened..>_< SOMETHING, maybe an otter/raccoon/snapping turtle got Friday...I dunno, I found a lotta feathers, and a not so nice looking skeleton floating in the water. ;-;..I buried him next to the lake..Lately, there have been otter attacks on ducks, in other lakes. Many have died...Argh...THEN, I just recently found out that Midnight was shot in the head by some kid with a beebee gun. GREAT! My brother just now decides to tell me. -.- I'd be happier NOT knowing. I swear I'll get the lil' kid who shot my duck...But that's life in the wild , I guess..*sigh* Pearl, on the otherhand..he disapeared about a week later. I think someone took him. neighbors are always stealing my ducks! WTF!? *>_<*..Goku is, however, alive and well. He's too wise to get eaten/stolen. I didn't raise enough ducks last year to keep the population in balance..hmm. SO, instead, I'm going to get geese, THEN we'll see who eats whom! are some of the last pics I took..

Ha..I fooled you. Pearl can't really fly THAT high. That was me tossing him up in the air. ^^* Also, we found out Pearl isn't a she..It's another drake. x.x I ALWAYS get drakes. Need to grow some femmes...

Old pic..just for the memories..;-;

If ya wana see an old vid of Pearl, click here
