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The Webmasters of Call 311-Babes: NT Y2K, NGN N2K and NTD NAK

Why We Created This Homepage (written by NT Y2K)

NGN N2K was talking to NT Y2K (me) during class at school. We were talking about each of our homepages and argued how bad or good they were. But one thing that NGN N2K asked was: "Do you want to make a babes homepage with me?" and I answered "Well..yeah".

After we have been thinking about it, I finally decided to do this homepage. Then we asked NTD NAK to join in this homepage we were to do.
All of us come from an internet clan and we were trying to convince another clan member but he refused because he was 'busy' or he didn't want to.

The purpose of this homepage was to me I think is be another player of creating a homepage for our celebrities, babes and models that we like. Otherwise we are just learning about creating a homepage.

We all three should take credit for our work in creating this homepage. Each of us has taken part in the process of the homepage, either providing pictures, designing or uploading. So each of us can say "This is my homepage!" to our friends and strangers of the internet.

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©Copyright by NT Y2K, NGN N2K & NTD NAK's Babes Homepage: [call 311-babes]
2000 and Forever