
Iliana was born to a mother of moderate means. The two have always lived with Iliana's grandmother above the pastry shop that they run together. The two older women do most of the baking while Iliana serves customers and keeps the storefront tidy. The three make just enough off of the store to live and have never had the money to send Lana to school, so she isn?t a well of information. She can read and do basic math, nothing more.

Having never gotten a formal education, Iliana can only hope to continue the family business. She learned how to count, read, and perform other basic tasked needed to run a small shop. What she wasn't taught by her mother and grandmother she learned from reading. She would stay up until the wee hours of the night reading whatever she could manage to find. As she grew, Iliana was both told and read about the people down below. From her understanding they are crude, primitive, barbaric people who should be pitied rather then hated. From the time that she could understand the history behind the separation of the Atlanteans and Earthbound peoples, Iliana could think of nothing better then to teach the poor souls the benefits of life with magic. She thought of seeking finding some way to love the hate away between the two forces, but was told by others that it would be useless.

Since she's in such close quarters with so many yummy morsels, Lana's weight is somewhat unpredictable. She?s supposed to run to burn off the fat along with some of her limitless energy. She usually runs just out of the sight of her mother and grandmother and stops to practice her magic. She figured that she would never need to be physical, that is what magic is for after all. As long as she isn?t too big to walk she?s happy.

Life was rather dull for Iliana. Pretty much work, eat, and sleep. Then Ide showed up. Ide was everything Iliana could wish for. She was older, experienced, she also saw things less in the way of how people claimed them to be, but how she herself perceived them. Ide was never dull, and hoping that some of the exciting things that just had to happen to such an interesting person would rub off on herself, began her life as a stalker. Iliana was never a stalker in the true meaning of the word. She wouldn't hide in the bushes while Ide went about her business or pay spies to keep a watch on the woman, she simply wanted to talk to her. Ide, for her part, wanted nothing to do with this girl who suddenly decided that she was the best role model a kid could ask for. Here is where the massive power struggle began. Iliana wanting to be Ide's friend and companion, Ide wanting Iliana to leave her alone. Neither one giving up or bending in any way.

After meeting Ide, Iliana forgot all about the people who lived down below, none of them could be nearly as interesting as her 'friend'. Sure she knew they were down there, and that were missing out on a lot without magic to help them do things like heal and gain knowledge, but that was their problem. Things would surely work themselves out by themselves. What could she, a mere girl with hardly any education to speak of do to help them?

As for the identity of her father? Iliana hasn't got a clue. Not that there aren't rumors. Throughout her life she's heard stories of her mother falling in love from anything from a goblin to a mystical beast. Many of these stories are so unbelievable-and in most cases, stupid- that even gullible little Iliana has to roll her eyes at the idea. She doesn't think of this mystery man often, but realizes that her mother must have pinned all of her remaining hope for love onto her only daughter.
