Defenses? - M02-03299

Cleaning my harddrive of the clutter that has collected over the last few months, I stumbled across this one I had saved.  At that time, I hadn't yet collected the tools to help me enlarge and deblur images, so I had to be content with the Malin gif... it looked at the time to me to be similar to some UFO pictures I've seen around, not just another crater because of the bright "streak" in the center of an otherwise dark crater... I e-mailed a copy to Sauder, who included it in one of his articles on Sightings.  Neither of us zoomed in for a closer look at the time...

So I decided to take a closer look... Click on the picture for an even larger view.

Note the dark image behind the craft.  It appears to be some sort of entrance.  Refer to the original strip, zoom in yourself with whatever your favorite tool is, and see for yourself, it is not something introduced by my techniques, although some distortion of the lines of the craft couldn't be helped, in order to enlarge it enough so that those without the software to zoom themself would be able to form a better opinion.
