DISCLAIMER: All Rurouni Kenshin characters are copyrighted Watsuki Nobuhiro/Shueisha/Fuji TV. No money is being made out of this, so please do not sue. I'm not worth the trouble anyway.

One More Ishin: The Early Days

by Tracy Lim
4th August, 1998


Yumi sipped her wine thoughtfully as she watched the young boy trained. This was her first time in the dojo, and very probably the last time, too. It's all so boring, repeating the same action over and over again. It seemed to her to be simply some strenuous exercise on the legs while wielding a blade, and other aspects of kenjutsu which she wasn't sure she understood.

She would make a beautiful picture indeed, sitting comfortably by the table, one hand supporting her firm little chin, the other idly tilting the wine glass this angel and that. The ice-cubes made a crisp tinkling sound as they clanked against one another and with the wine glass itself, adding a musical element to the atmosphere in the dojo where the only other sounds were the low, firm voice of the instructor, and the slight panting of exertion from the student. Yumi's long, silky black hair was gathered up and made into a casual, loose bun at the back of her head instead of the normal tight, prudent fashion in which respectable ladies' hair were done. Long strands of it were allowed to fall casually across her forehead at the front. Though her clothing were of simple cutting, they showed taste and of an appreciation for fine art, and she let the hem of her kimono fall over her shoulders, exposing her milky white shoulders and chest. Her kimono was tied in a big, flourish! ing knot at the front, indicating that she was a Tayu, a sophisticated courtesan of the very highest class. Though no longer a courtesan, Yumi insisted on keeping the knot, as a momento of the world of which she once was the inhabitant.

She appraised the scene before her lazily. The instructor was terribly strict with his student: the boy was made to repeat the action 100 times for each mistake he made. Then again, no one would ever expect anything lenient from Shishio Makoto. You'd think that he must be some deranged severe-burn victim who'd escaped from a hospital to be here, fooling around with swords and bokkens. Yet Yumi knew very well that this was no ordinary burn victim. This was a man who'd one day take over the control of this land from those useless pigheads. She smiled. Of that, she was assured.

What she couldn't understand was why he's taking so much trouble to train the boy personally. Nope, that's certainly very weird. What's so special about the kid anyway? He looks just like any other 12-year-old, a bit on the scrawny side, black hair, innocent eyes. Seems like a nice boy, but he hardly stood out from the crowd at all. OK, so he did stand out from the crowd with that great big sunny smile of his.

Speaking of smiles, wasn't he overdoing it? Yumi mused to herself. She really doubted if a training session given by Shishio himself was anything enjoyable. All those crashes onto the floorboard when the student was caught off the guard or made a wrong move, bruises, scratches all over... Yumi grimaced. Why, then, was the boy smiling like an idiot? Maybe it's because he really IS an idiot, she concluded. Nope nope, that couldn't be it. Why would Shishio be interested in an idiot of all people?

She gave an exasperated sigh. This was getting nowhere. She came over to watch them train because she was feeling a bit bored, waiting alone for Shishio in her room. And what did she find? Boring kenjutsu trainings. Well... maybe not that boring, with that nice little mystery to sort out. Yumi rolled her eyes, poured herself another glass of wine, and persuaded herself to wait patiently for the session to end.

"...that's all for now, Soujiro. I expect you to get the trick of it perfect by tomorrow."

"Hai, Shishio-san!"

Shishio nodded as a very sweat-drenched Soujiro went out the dojo, and turned to Yumi with his customary cold smile. She returned it with her own intoxicating one, and handed him a glass of wine.

"Wine after a workout? Now I hardly think that'll go down well, will it my dear Yumi?"

Yumi beamed charmingly. "Not for you, Shishio-sama. Not for you. In any case, I would hardly call that a proper workout for you."

Shishio laughed, gently fingering Yumi's chin as he accepted the glass. "Right you are. Now then. What brings our dear lady down here to this miserable little training dojo?"

"I was bored," came her simple, wry reply.

Shishio chuckled, and pulled Yumi gently towards him. "Well, I guarantee you that you won't be bored tonight..."

Yumi slid into his arms languidly as he took his seat, smiling up at him from her prone position. As a Tayu, the highest status a courtesan can ever hope to achieve, people treated her with all pomp and splendour. But she knew all too well that those same people bowed to her simply because they wished to worship her fame, her beauty. They prayed to an image of her, not to herself. Throughout her career, this man alone, Shishio Makoto, had treated her like a real lady, a real human being, not simply some sex icon or a pretty ornament to put on for display at meetings. And for that alone, she loved him with all her might, so much so that she unhesitatingly abandoned all she had in the willow world, in exchange to be this man's lover and faithful follower.

"I thought the good lady would wrinkle her nose in disgust at all the sweat and exertion here, rather than to find it amusing," Shishio teased.

"Shishio-sama... Komagata Yumi may be unlearned in martial arts, but she is certainly not that coarse and ignorant to not to appreciate the physical strength of genuine warriors."

"Oh yes... silly of me to forget. But I'm certainly surprised that you'd call a 12-year-old a warrior, mmm?"

"That boy? Well I must admit, I'm curious. Is - whazzisname now - such a child worth your special attention?"

"Soujiro? I picked him up 'bout 4 years ago. In fact, he's my first follower since I was hurled into that fire and came back from Hell. And I'm letting you on to this now only because I love you so, Yumi: that young boy will one day be my strongest warrior yet."

Yumi blinked unbelievingly. Shishio-sama actually PRAISING someone? THAT scrawny kid? I must be getting very drunk...

Shishio chuckled as he saw her incredulous expression. "Don't worry your pretty little head about him, Yumi. He's my charge. Now let me fulfil my earlier promise to you..."

Soujiro dipped the white cloth into the water before wiping his forehead with it. A small "ara" was heard as he accidentally brushed against a nasty bruise by accident. Raising his gi, he next turned his attention to several open wounds on his legs with an amused expression.

Oh dear, I'm still not quite up to Shishio-san's standards no matter how hard I tried. It's been 3 days now. What should I do, I wonder?

With that dreamy grin on his face, any spectator would swear that the boy was thinking about dinner, instead of worrying about his performance. He heard a faint rustle of garment by the door, and Yumi put her head into the room.

"Kid, what's so funny about bruises and cuts that you're grinning silly at them?"

Soujiro looked up at the beautiful lady and gave her a dazzling smile. "Ah, you must be Yumi-neesan!"

"Who would I be if I'm not Yumi? Now kid, answer my question."

"You're very beautiful, Yumi-neesan! Even without paint and hair-pins to hold up your hair!"

"You think so? Now that's a clever boy - recognises beauty when he sees it! Hmmm... you don't look so bad yourself... could've fooled me if you're in a kimono... hey, wait a sec, don't change the subject on ME. I said, WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT BRUISES AND CUTS?"

"Ara Yumi-neesan, please don't get so worked up! I've heard that you get wrinkles very easily that way!"

"Why you... little imp, could you just answer my question and I'll be on my way! Souichirou!"

"Soujiro, Yumi-neesan."

"Don't you Yumi-neesan me, kid. Could you just pleeeeaaaase answer my question and I'll leave you alone..."

"Why can't I call you Yumi-neesan, Yumi-neesan? You are older than me aren't you... or would you prefer me to call you Yumi-sama? Or Komagata-sama?"

"All right all right, call me Yumi-neesan if you like the name. Now. For the final time: What-is-so-funny-about-bruises-and-cuts-that-you're-grinning-silly-at-them?"

Yumi was ready to erupt with impatience by now, and Soujiro finally got the hint that he'd better give a direct answer immediately if he did not want to receive any more bruises that day. "Ara?!" He blinked, and flashed his trademark sunny, innocent smile again. "I don't know. I smile all the time."

It was now Yumi's turn to blink. "You smile all the time?" Soujiro nodded, the smile still on his face. "No kidding." Soujiro nodded more vigorously, the smile still on his face, if not more sunnier. "You mean, you smile all the time, and you don't ever get a muscle cramp or something?" More nods, sunnier smile. If that smile gets any more sunnier, we won't have any more rain this month. Yumi mused. A picture of the sun, with Soujiro's face superimposed on it, shining happily in the sky presented itself in her mind.

Yumi knelt down in front of the boy, stared hard at him, and suddenly pinched hard at his cheek. Soujiro merely let out a mildly surprised "ara", while maintaining the pleasantly amused expression, much to Yumi's chagrin.

"Hey, doesn't it hurt, kid? I'm pretty notorious for my pinches back in Yoshiwara, you know."

"Well it does feel a wee bit painful..."

"Then why still the sunny smile? I thought all kids cry or at least wince when pinched real hard. Either that, or kids' anatomy have changed pretty much from the way I remember it."

"Ara? Gomen, Yumi-neesan, but why're you so annoyed?"

Yumi threw her hands up in despair. "Aaargh! I give up! You're one funny little kid, that's all I can say. Beats me why Shishio-sama thinks so much of you."

The boy's eyes lit up at the remark. "Really? Yumi-neesan, is that true? Shishio-san thinks much of me? Honto?"

She looked at the excited boy in surprise. "Well yeah... he did say something about you being a great warrior someday the other day..."

"He did? Thank heavens! I thought he must be ever so exasperated at my slowness! Yippee yippee yippee!"

Yumi looked on with wide eyes, arms folded, as the boy performed some funny little dance of victory. Wow, she thought, I never thought that any kid would look up THAT much to Shishio-sama. I mean, the sight of all those bandages would usually freak them out so much, they'll be screaming for their mothers. Then again, I doubt if this weird smiley-smiley kid would be freaked out by anything. I can't make him out at all.

Her train of thoughts was interrupted when Soujiro lost his footing and fell over. Yumi couldn't help feeling a slight tingle up her spine as Soujiro emitted a soft "Ouch" while keeping that innocent smile. It just felt... weird. She was beginning to feel unnerved by the boy.

The fall simply made those bruises on his body throb with fresh pain. Soujiro examined them, satisfied himself that no bones were broken, and began to stumble awkwardly towards the pail of water and the cloth. "No, stay there and sit down. I'll get the things." Yumi motioned him to stay put and popped out. Armed with some bandages and a fresh piece of cloth, she returned a short while later. Soujiro watched in surprise as she gently wiped the grimes off his bruises, washed his wounds and bandaged them accordingly.

She made small talk to him all the while, chiding him about what a funny boy he is, what a pity he was a boy, if he was a girl she would have a great time dressing him up, no, she thought she'd just dress him up as a girl all the same. What? He doesn't want to dress up like a girl? Ohohohoho! No protests from him! One of those days, she'd sort out all the kimonos she can get her hands on, and they'll have a good time together dressing him up. Now wouldn't that be FUN? Maybe she'd even put some paint and lipstick on him, pity his hair wasn't long or she'd really have lots of fun... She tittered mischievously as Soujiro stared at her, his eyes widening ever more at her ideas of "some fun".

"Right, there you are. Right as rain. Now run along, go play by yourself, I've got to go myself."

Soujiro stared at her for a while longer as she gathered up the bandages. He beamed at her.

"Domo, Yumi-neesan!"

"You're very welcome, kid." Yumi replied as she gathered up the left-over clothes. From the corner of her eyes, though, she noticed him fidgeting. "Yes, kid, you have something to say to me?" She demanded, not unkindly.

"Yeah, I was just wondering... ah... Yumi-neesan... you know, when we first met you... what was your job exactly? Shishio-san didn't tell me."

"NANI?!" Whatever Yumi expected from him, it certainly wasn't this. WHAT?! How could she ever explain to a 12-year-old boy that she was a courtesan? She immediately admitted defeat to this little challenge - she simply couldn't.

"Well, ah, I say, um..." Hey what am I so flustered over? Just tell him that it's none of his business and get it over with, Yumi! She reprimanded herself.

"WELL, Soujiro. What I did for a living before I met you is none of your business. Ja ne for now!" Yumi hastily gathered up everything and rose from her kneeling position to go.

"Ara? But why, Yumi-neesan?" Soujiro persisted. Great, Yumi thought in near despair. I should've known that he WOULD insist...

Was your job something bad? You don't have to worry about that. Shishio-san and I wouldn't mind that; I mean we're not any better ourselves, plotting against the government." A big reassuring grin accompanied his words.

"Was my job... heavens NO! My job was NOT a crime, I was NOT a criminal!! I simply... ah... entertained, yeah that's right, I entertained people and made them happy!" How's that, kid? Now you'd better not start asking about how exactly did I go about entertaining people... Her forehead was breaking out in sweat now...

The young boy pondered over this for a while. "....Sou... Ah now I understand Yumi-neesan!"

What what? What does he understand about now? Yumi broke out in a fresh apprehensive coat of sweat.

"You're a CLOWN in a CIRCUS, aren't you Yumi-neesan? That's a very interesting job!"

Even the ever-cheerful Soujiro could see that he'd just uttered a very, very unfortunate statement, though he's really at a lost about what was it that he said wrongly. Yumi was looking at him in horror, her mouth agape, her face generally faulted. Soujiro thought that smoke would rise from her head anytime now.

"...Kid... if you dare utter any more nonsense... I'M GONNA GET THOSE KIMONOS AND POWDER AND ROGUE, AND DRESS YOU UP THIS VERY MINUTE!!!"

Soujiro decided to make his exit right away before she tied him to a post and carried out her threat.

"Oops - ara Yumi-neesan, how quickly time flows! I just remembered that I'd some errands to complete, ahahahaha... ja!" He was about to bound out of the room straight away, when he remembered that she *did* clean up his wounds, although she had a really funny temper.

"Thank you again for taking care of my wounds, Yumi-neesan. And... you're really very beautiful!"

With that, he turned and ran out of the room as quickly as his bruises would allow him, his cheeks suddenly flushing red as he recalled how gently and carefully Yumi's hands had been while washing his wounds. Mama... A vague outline showed itself in his mind as he ran down the corridor. The face was mostly featureless, but Soujiro could still make out that it was a friendly, melancholy face. He remembered vaguely of the arms which held him lovingly. He laughed out loud, as if trying to exorcise the face, his laughs tinkling like bells in the dark fortress of Shishio, lit only by torches.

Yumi came out of the room to stare after Soujiro.

"You seem to like the boy a lot, Yumi."

Turning around, she greeted Shishio with her charming smile. "Oh, I was just talking to him. Funny boy, can't seem to stop smiling and grinning, can he?"

"Ah. That's precisely what he can't do, Yumi."

She stopped smiling. "What?"

"It's true. He's not capable of any emotions except for happiness. He can't cry, be annoyed, get angry, the lots. The only facial expressions he's capable of is smiling, grinning and laughing."

Yumi looked over her shoulder to look down the corridor where Soujiro was. "But that's... that's... terrible."

"Why so, Yumi?"

"Why, because it's... I mean... he... it's not natural!"

"What's natural, Yumi? The world's not natural. I'm not natural. You're not natural. I would hardly call a selfish pack of revolutioners who do whatever they liked as long as they're contented and happy, a mummified man who returned alive from a blazing fire, and a former Tayu who left her world of luxuries to live with that same mummified man in the dark as 'natural'," Shishio commented dryly.

"....You're right...." Yumi said slowly. Then she continued more surely. "Nope. You're not right." Shishio widened his eyes questioningly. "Since when is the world 'natural' in the literal meaning of the word? As such, all the things you said, are just 'natural' in a world that's 'unnatural'."

Shishio laughed heartily. "Well said, Yumi, well said indeed!"

Yumi smiled back sweetly. "But we'll soon see that things go the way they should, won't we, Shishio-sama?"

"Oh that, certainly. I'll take this nation under my care yet. But you realise, don't you, that such a process may take a very long time." Shishio tipped her chin and looked deeply into her eyes. "Are you sure that you're going through all these with me? You can leave me now if you want to. You're such an extraordinary woman, I'll grant you that freedom."

"To go back to that insane world, ruled by those Meiji bastards?" Yumi said in a voice that's suddenly full of intense hate and disgust. "Never! I've made up my mind that night when I joined you. I'll follow you through everything, EVERYTHING. I won't ever leave you."

The cold smile tugged at those parched lips again, and Shishio pressed them onto Yumi's red lips, holding them in a posessive caress, claiming her for his very own.

I won't ever leave you, Shishio-sama. Not ever, Yumi thought, as she remembered the night a little over a month ago, which was to change her life forever...

Continue with Part II

(Author's note: In case you were wondering whether anyone can get face muscle cramp from smiling too much, let me assure you that it is perfectly possible. Yours truly had to massage her face vigorously after a scholarship interview... yeeow... what would I give to learn Soujiro's trick of keeping that sunny smile without getting a muscle cramp.

Plus, if you're wondering whether Soujiro is *that* innocent when it came to Yumi's job... this crazed author has it fixed that Soujiro is sometimes so innocent to the point of being plain dumb on certain subjects. Man, he didn't even realise that the katana he trashed during his first fight with Kenshin was a highly valuable and famous one...)