
By Tracy Lim

Saitou: Tokio...a... Nightwitch?! Oh my goodness, does this mean that
you're actually *related* to that painted witch Yumi?!?!

Tokio: Elementary, my dear Hajime... and Yumi always did like dressing
up prettily, but please don't call her 'painted'...

Saito: I don't believe it... I, former Captain of the 3rd Division of
the Shinsengumi, married a witch?!?!

Tokio: My dear I think you've read far too many fairy-tales when you're
telling Tsutomu(their son) his bedtime stories... Contrary to popular
belief, we Nightwitches don't work evil spell all the time, we're too
distinguished to work such petty stuff anyway, so you don't need to
worry about having to Aku.Soku.Zan your own wife.

Saitou: Tell me one thing, Tokio... during all my fights... DID YOU WORK
ANY SPELLS TO HELP ME?!?! (now he's heard too much bomoh stories from
M'sia...) Oh god... can it be that I've won all those fights not through

Saito becomes uncontrollable and starts hacking at everything a la
EVA-001! (Tracy's been watching too much EVA...)
Tokio glares at Tracy!! "Baka!! Now see what you've done, you've ruffled
up my husband and ruined his cool image! I know about those drawings you
made about his hairstyle!" "Gomen gomen Tokio-sama! No spells, please!
I'm a great fan of your husband, really I am! And Tokio-sama... cool
Battousai glare..."

Tokio: (sigh)So I have to clear up this mess... talk about working
yourself up over nothing... I have enough confidence in you to be
working spells for you... (delivers a smart whack at the base of Saito's
neck, he faints)(hey she's a Nightwitch right? So she can kick some ass
pretty well if she chooses to!) OK now I'll just clear his memory of the
previous 15 minutes... and YOU. (Tracy cringes) Stay. Away. From. My.

Tracy: (gulp)yes ma'am.... anything you say ma'am... um... am I still
allowed to ogle at him when he appears in RK?

Tokio: Hmm. OK. Just stay at least 10m away from him you got that?