CanopusDiamond MultimediaCreativeQuantum 3D


Obsidian2 200SB-8440

Advanced Voodoo2 based realtime 3D graphics accelerators for professional applications


Obsidian2 200SB-8440 - Optimized for full screen realtime visual simulation & training, PC-based Coin-op/LBE and interactive digital content visualization applications.

Single board “SLI” design saves PCI slots

Designed with a unique 66 MHz PCI bridge chip architecture, the Obsidian 200SB delivers better performance and improved reliability than dual board “SLI” designs. Plus, its 66 MHz PCI interface provides twice the triangle and texture download throughput of conventional Voodoo2 designs. The Obsidian2 200SB-8440V features an optional MGV 2000 companion 2D/VGA windows accelerator daughter card that also uses the PCI bridge to deliver the most powerful 2D/3D combination in the industry -- all in a single PCI slot.

SwapLock capability for multi-channel applications

To eliminate frame synchronization artifacts between adjacent monitors or projectors in multi-channel LBE and vis sim applications, the Obsidian 200SB features a “SwapLock” capability that provides master/slave vsync, hsync, pixel clock, and buffer swap sync for up to 16 independent graphics channels. In addition, the 200SB is the only Voodoo2 based board with driver support for multi-board/single-system applications.

Simultaneous RGB and TV-Out

The Obsidian 200SB delivers simultaneous RGB XGA/SVGA/VGA and NTSC or PAL TV-out outputs in either S-Video or composite formats - perfect for direct to video or cost sensitive applications where large screen monitors are a requirement.


The Obsidian 200SB features a unique, OEM-customizable authentication capability that provides enhanced protection against unauthorized use - perfect for coin-op/LBE games and other copyright sensitive applications.


Features and Performance Overview

Advanced Texturing

  • 6-chip configuration fully exploits Voodoo2 patent pending texture-streaming architecture
  • Dynamic texture download and paging capability for complex scene management and video texture support
  • Support for 14 texture formats (including narrow channel compressed and 8-bit per texel color indexed)\
  • Single pass texture compositing including detail and projected texture mapping
  • Bilinear and trilinear texture filtering with per-pixel LOD MIP mapping
  • Perspective correct texture mapping
  • Texture morphing and animation
  • Gouraud modulated textures


  • 66 MHz bus interface with “write-combining” for unmatched PCI performance
  • Automatic hardware-based back-face culling
  • Full floating point hardware triangle setup
  • Support for multi-triangle strips and fans
  • 2.5 Million textured triangles/sec
  • 384-bit memory architecture delivers up to 4.3 GB/sec graphics memory bandwidth
  • 180 Mpixels/sec trilinear fill rate

Image Quality

  • Transparency and chroma-key support with dedicated color mask
  • Per-pixel atmospheric effects with alpha blending
  • 22-bit per pixel effective Z-buffer precision
  • 22-bit per pixel effective color depth
  • Sub-pixel and sub-texel positioning
  • Edge based polygonal anti-aliasing
  • Single, double and triple buffering
  • OpenGL-compliant alpha blending

Primary 3D API Support

  • Microsoft® Direct3D
  • 3Dfx Interactive Glide
  • 3DfxGL (OpenGL® subset for GLQuake)
  • Quantum3D SimGL (OpenGL® subset for realtime exclusive mode applications)

Scene Management Software Compatabilty

  • Datapath RealiMation
  • Numerical Design Ltd. NETIMMERSE
  • Gemini Technology OpenGVS
  • Paradigm Simulation Vega
  • nDimension SimStudio
  • Criterion RenderWare
  • Sense8® WorldToolKit
  • Soft Reality SoftVR
  • Hybrid SurRender
  • Argonaut BRender
  • SciTech MGL

Board Level Specifications

  • 66 MHz PCI 2.1 compliant bus interface
  • NTSC/PAL “TV-Out” with S-Video and RCA outputs
  • MGV 2D/VGA daughter card connector
  • SwapLock connector (SwapLock cable assembly optional)
  • Software Authentication protection feature
  • VESA video BIOS extensions (with MGV 2000)
  • VESA Display Power Management (DPMS)
  • High density DB-26 VGA monitor/pass through connector
  • Microsoft® Plug and Play ready
  • Display Data Channel (DDC) 2b compliant
Obsidian2 Performance 200SB-8440
Maximum Screen Resolution 1024 x 768
Effective Texture Memory 8 MB
Total Memory Configuration 24 MB
Maximum Sustained Trilinear Fill Rate (A) 180 Megapixels/Second
Maximum Sustained Textured Mesh Rate (B) 2.5 M
Dedicated Graphics Memory Bandwidth (C) 4.32 Gigabytes/Second
A) Measured in filtered megapixels per second with LOD MIP mapping, Z-buffering, alpha blending, perspective correction, sub-pixel positioning and per-pixel fog enabled.
B) Measured in 10 pixel triangles per second with LOD MIP mapping, Z-buffering, alpha blending, perspective correction, sub-pixel positioning and per-pixel fog enabled.
Performance may vary based on application, system configuration, operating system and other variables.
C) Measured at 90 MHz graphics clock speed

MGV 2D/VGA Daughter Card Specifications

  • Alliance AT3D 128-bit graphics processor
  • 2MB frame buffer memory
  • Optimized for 1024 x 768 x 16-bpp @ 75 Hz
  • Full motion 30+ fps digital video playback
  • Bilinear X/Y digital video interpolation

Minimum System Requirements

  • 33/66 MHz PCI 2.1 compliant system
  • Available mid-length PCI expansion slot
  • MS-DOS®, Windows® 95 or Windows® NT 4.0
  • Quantum3D MGV 2000 2D/VGA daughter card or separate
  • VGA Windows® display adapter
  • VGA and/or NTSC/PAL compatible monitor

Regulatory Compliance

  • FCC Class B and CE conformity


  • One year “Return to Factory” limited parts and labor



Obsidian 100SB

High Performance Realtime 3D Graphics Accelerator Family for Professional Applications

Feature Overview

  • Dedicated realtime 3D accelerator family based on advanced configurations of 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Graphics technology
  • Optimized for game enthusiast, visual simulation and training, coin-op/LBE and digital content visualization applications
  • Unique single PCI board design provides scan line interleaving (SLI) capability for 2 times the fill rate performance with perspective correction, texture filtering with LOD MIP mapping, alpha blending, depth buffering and per pixel fog enabled
  • Pass through design operates transparently with popular 2D/3D Windows® accelerators
  • Optional MGV companion daughter card provides pass through 2D/VGA all in a single PCI expansion slot
  • Simultaneous 2D/3D RGB and 3D NTSC/PAL output with S-Video and composite connectors
  • SyncLock provides video signal synchronization between multiple Obsidian 100SBs for multi-channel applications
  • On-board authentication features protects coin-op games and visualization applications and other proprietary software
  • Supports leading primary 3D APIs -- MS Direct3D, OpenGL® and 3Dfx Glide
  1. Advanced 3D and Board Level Features

  • Advanced 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Graphics configurations with patent pending texture streaming architecture
  • Perspective correct texture mapping
  • Sub-pixel and sub-texel positioning
  • Bilinear and trilinear texture filtering with Level of Detail (LOD) MIP mapping
  • Texture compositing including detail and projected texture mapping (Single-pass with dual texture processor configurations)
  • Per-pixel fog, smoke, haze effects
  • Texture morphing and animation
  • Video texture mapping
  • Single, double and triple buffering
  • Gouraud modulated textures
  • OpenGL compliant alpha blending
  • Edge based polygonal anti-aliasing (Requires back to front sorting)
  • Floating point 16-bits per pixel (bpp) depth buffering provides 22-bpp effective Z-buffer precision
  • Enhanced 16-bpp frame buffer provides 22-bpp effective color depth
  • Support for 13 different texture formats including narrow channel compressed and 8-bit per texel (bpt) color indexed
  • Digital 21152 PCI Bridge Chip
  • PCI 2.1 compliant bus interface
  • VGA DB-15 monitor connector
  • DIN pass through connector
  • NTSC/PAL S-Video and composite RCA output connectors
  • MGV 2000 daughter card connector
  • SyncLock connector
  • Software Authentication protection

Primary 3D API Support

  • Microsoft® Direct3D
  • 3Dfx Interactive Glide
  • 3DfxGL (OpenGL® subset for GLQuake)
  • Quantum3D SimGL (OpenGL® subset for realtime exclusive mode applications)

Scene Management Software Compatabilty

  • Datapath RealiMation
  • Numerical Design Ltd. NETIMMERSE
  • Gemini Technology OpenGVS
  • Paradigm Simulation Vega
  • nDimension SimStudio
  • Criterion RenderWare
  • Sense8® WorldToolKit
  • Soft Reality SoftVR
  • Hybrid SurRender
  • Argonaut BRender
  • SciTech MGL
Obsidian 100SB Features 100-4440
Effective Frame Buffer Memory 4MB
Maximum Resolution w/22-bpp effective Z and color 800x600
Texelfx Processors 4
Texture Memory Per Texelfx 4MB
Total Effective Texture Memory 8MB
Total On Board Memory 20MB
Maximum Sustained Bilinear Fill Rate (1) 90
Maximum Sustained Trilinear Fill Rate (1) 90
Maximum Sustained Textured Triangle Rate (2) 1.25M
  1. Measured in filtered megapixels per second with LOD MIP mapping, Z-buffering, alpha blending, perspective correction, sub-pixel positioning and per-pixel fog enabled
  2. Measured in 10 pixel triangles per second with filtering, LOD MIP mapping, Z-buffering, alpha blending, perspective correction, sub-pixel positioning, and per-pixel fog enabled

Performance may vary based on application, system configuration, operating system and other variables.

MGV 2D/VGA Daughter Card Specifications

  • Alliance AT3D 128-bit graphics processor
  • 2MB frame buffer memory
  • Optimized for 1024 x 768 x 16-bpp @ 75 Hz
  • Full motion 30+ fps digital video playback
  • Bilinear X/Y digital video interpolation

Minimum System Requirements

  • PCI 2.1 compliant system
  • Available full-length full height PCI expansion slot
  • MS-DOS®, Windows® 95 or Windows® NT 4.0
  • Quantum3D MGV 2000 2D/VGA daughter card or seperate
  • VGA Windows® display adapter
  • VGA and/or NTSC/PAL compatible monitor

Regulatory Compliance

  • FCC Class B and CE conformity

