
My favorite picture of Cory. I took it in Mom and Dad's backyard during a reunion. He had just turned to me, after attempting to avoid all previous attempts, and asked "Are you going to take the damn picture?" just as I clicked it. It's more him than other pictures I've put up/shown you.

Finally found my graduation pictures--only took me almost 2 years. ~_^ But, here's solid proof that I finally did graduate out of there.

This one is from the same picture as previous one. I just cropped it more, enlarged it a bit, and played with edges. Honestly, trying to get a good picture of my hair. ^_^

This is a picture of Cory taken for his brother's wedding. He's cute, but I like him better in jeans and a t-shirt... :)

This is Buster, the family dog. He's really, really, REALLY dumb. But, he's rather sweet.

This is Karen's favorite pet--a rather old and decrepit guinea pig. Her name is Daphne but everyone just calls her Pig. She squeals a lot when she's hungry.

This is Iggy the Iguana. He used to be a member of the family but no one played with him so he was given a new home elsewhere.

Karen--taken last year, I think. We were just dinking around. Damn, we really do look a lot alike.

Eryck and Nathan, at ages 11 and 8 1/2 respectively. They were playing a video game together and could not escape my camera. :)

Them again, just with an effect on the pic.

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