Wedding Dress

OK, my dress came in & I tried it on... It's a little big through the middle & a LOT too long, but at least I could zip it... ^_^ I did tuck the straps like I^d toyed w/ but seeing it done, I just didn't like it as well--I missed the detail that continues up the straps... So, for now, at least, that idea is scrapped.

However, I'm still torn over liking my dress or not & I^ve decided that the main reason that I^m not entirely thrilled is the top--it looks TOO tank-toppy [which was why I was originally thinking strapless]. So, new idea is to make the neckline more into a V or Sweetheart, depending on what seamstress thinks would be possible. Any suggestions on a good "shape" for the neckline would be appreciated. Onto the pics...

Here's one idea I did of how I'd like the neckline to look. I think this just adds a lot to the dress by dressing it up & drawing the focus to the top & on my cleavage. My mom "scolded" me for wanting to show it off a bit -- "It's a church" -- but what the hell, while I got it, I'm going to flaunt it... ~_^

Another mock-up of a neckline I'd like to go for. I think I like the first pic better but this is a more "full view". Looking at this one, I think I'll see if I can narrow the straps a touch to help in making it less tank-toppy. Please ignore my double chin & the odd angle of my arms--not sure what's up with that. Also, ignore my icky hair -- I pulled it into a pony to give me an idea how an updo would, no, scrapping that idea--think I'll go w/ a half up-do...besides honey likes longer hair. Oh, and you can kinda see my jewelry in this one. It's silver & viney w/ crystal & pink stones--very pretty.

Here's a close-up of my jewelry... Yeah, really big pic of my teeth...sorry 'bout that...

This is the full length view of my dress w/ my niece Katie [flowergirl] holding a dress she liked. It has similar lines to mine. She's enamoured w/ it but @ $130 I'm not so sure that'll work. I'm going to see if I can't get a deal w/ the bridal shop to get it free though. I figure since I paid full price for my gown & if I rent the tuxes through them, they should be able to throw in a flowergirl dress for nothing. We'll see.

Here are some of my original pics from when I first ordered my dress--I'm wearing the sample. I've left up the ones I played w/ to make "strapless"--just in case... ^_^

Here I am in my dress. I like it, but not sure if I wouldn't rather have a strapless. We'll see when I go try on the one I ordered in my size & maybe I'll like it as is then. But, I'm also going to "tuck" the straps in & try to get an idea of what it'd look like strapless--that is if it is even possible to modify into a strapless.

Close-up of the front. Not sure if it is clear enough in this picture, but the embroidery has pale pink flowers, light green leaves, & white "vine-y" things.

Here's the back--or at least the bottom part. The buttons go from the top of the back/zipper to the end of the train. It is very pretty--and one of main reasons I bought the dress. That & I love that it has some subtle color.

OK. Here's my albeit pathetic attempt to get an idea of how the dress would look strapless & on me. Not sure how effective it is, but there it is.

Another attempt--just of bodice.

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