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Used Scooters!

For Sale

Last update: September 3rd

Miscellaneous items:

- none so far -


- none so far -

Used goods shopping:
Having been to every single used goods shop in Kitakyushu at one time or another (not kidding here!), we can confidently tell you that the shop in Mihagino that most people are bound to recommend to you, Almost New, is definitely not the best in the city. The problem with that store is that they only have very limited display premises, and so two thirds of their stock is held in storage behind the shop, and cycled around on a regular basis. Keeps you coming back, maybe?
If Mihagino is nowhere near you, then there is another branch of that same company slightly outside Kurosaki centre (200m from the main post office). However, the store that most JETs don't know about is located across the river from Kitakyushu University (15 min walk from there). That particular store has absolutely everything; furniture, air-conditioners, washers, fridges, stereos, TVs, occasionally bicycles, minor electrics, tools, sports stuff, camping stuff, ornaments, clothes (good for halloween?) and toys. If you are feeling lucky you might want to try knocking the price down a bit! It would definitely be worth your while tracking that shop down.