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-=*L A S T updated november 3, 3:37 p.m., 2 0 0 3*=-

~ N E W Z ~

nov 3, 2002

wow it's already been about a year since i last updated. now, i regularly keep up with my blog and it's funny how i posted about betraying this webpage in favor of my blog. this webpage sux... i'm just no good at html. hmm, my blog template isn't that great looking either. i've just never taken the time to make either of em look much better. yea.. i'm sick. but i'm already getting better! that's the good side.. ok i donno what else to say. watch HYD!! ive seen the bootleg dvd versions of hyd out on ebay but i have yet to see the legit ones.. oh yea. and don't get ripped off on ebay like i did. >:O GGPO!

nov 26, 2002

hey it's been a while since i've updated this. I'm KINDOF almost done with my apps.. phew. I've recently taken up drawing again.. the last time i drew in my sketchbook was during the summer in July. The other day i drew this pic of Tsukushi.. I love it! it's from the manga.. i feel like this website has no potential, but i will continue to keep it alive, updating from time to time. it's weird. I hate revamping.. yet i still kindof want to clean the slate. My indecisiveness at work again.. Oh yeah, i used the background pic of Rui and Tsukushi for one part of my Rice app ^_^

august 05, 2002

well, marching band has started...the hours and HOURS of practice under the sun, ugh who doesn't hate it? Anyway, i guess i shouldn't complain since IIIII was the one who decided, on my own, not to quit band. Am i a band nerd? Maybe sometimes. I just signed up for a blog.. i feel like a traitor to this website! which i've had forever..and hardly done anything to. i guess i should put thoughts/feelings like these into the blog..haha~ i will endeavor to make some changes now and then, but once school starts i'll be totally occupied with college apps and all this CRAPOLA. GOD. okay! i'll ttyl guys later. :-D

july 15, 2002

LacHesiS f s s: i have to learn my freakin minor scales!!! ugh!! i can only do like... 5 of them
LacHesiS f s s: (by memory)
skuld187: scales.. fish.
what a funny bunny. Anyway...today i got my AP scores. I guess i'm pretty satisfied with them...but i was just hoping i'd have another miracle and get all 5's. heehee. i really need to clean up my file manager...i'm using up 97% of my storage space (probably with all the pics that aren't even linked to) and i have nothing special. sigh, will restructure the hana yori dango page someday..perhaps scan the beautiful cell my brother bought for me.

may 11, 2002

Today was our band concert at Moore's Opera House...let's just hope we'll make Honor Band. i am so incredibly bored. and i know if i were to just let my thoughts go and flood this computer screen, i would end up looking at them the next time i decided to updated my webpage.. and be like "what the hell was i thinking?" and edit everything out. If you guys ever read this...i know you may get annoyed at my attempt at assuming the role of mediator...but i really hate to see things go on the way they are. i'm only trying to do something! instead of standing by like a DAMN DUCK. ok so far.. a bit better! let's see....

april 06, 2002

New York was gREat btw...things i will never forget: - Carnegie Hall - Phantom of the Opera - Telemundo - pillow fight - bargaining - Officer Lee - Turd

april 06, 2002

tonight i went to raymond's house with a couple of peepos...we played ddr and watched amadeus. the movie was great -- i'm thinking about buying it. Is it just me... or was the background for the spring pictures today REALLY ...sickening? i guess i'm just not patriotic enough.. in that sense at least. (outwardly) anyway... i better get some sleep.. volunteering tomorrow morning..i need so many hours for nhs! argh.

february 09, 2002

heylo..! i have solo and ensemble really soon.. but i can't contact ling. I don't have much to say... except that you should check out the thing below... One more thing. Is it actually necessary to say everything that comes to mind? Of course not.

january 03, 2002

i couldn't fall asleep, so i decided to update my page. Today was an interesting day...allen came over to help my brother with something..and they started drilling, almost causing my eardrums to bust. so i went outside to play some flute...don't ask me to explain how that makes sense. Yvonnie and I went to the mall and Supertarget, and we opened each others' car doors like "gentlemen" -- AWESOME! later, went to eat some yummy sushi and katsudon. (Thanx erguhguh!) i was completely stuffed. Anyway, i hope this time i don't dream about sharks and wolves like last night...I couldn't fall asleep last night after drinking sheree's 2-year old coffee milk tea from taiwan. HAHA oh yeah...can't forget my comparison of sashimi with a tongue! i'm out for now.... (oh yeah.. i also added a few neat, little pics)

january 01, 2002

I updated my links page -- that's it for now...

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