Color Bar

Giullia & Warlock

Hidding Things, Knowing Things

Giullia & Warlock

Sephiroth could remember to be carried in a kind of old bike without motor or noise and to be on a kind of big bed...

He felt better, his belly has a curative and he decided it was time to go back to Midgar and see what was going on there. He could be dead, but meteor was summoned anyway, so... so... He tried to sit down, but he felt sick and wished to vomit, but where? The weather was so damn hot, and he couldn't breath...

"Help...", he whispered.

Sephiroth laid back and so realized he was still dirty.

"Someone?" Sephiroth called.

Not too loud, but Barbara and Bobby was right behind the door. They opened it fast.

"Hello, feel better?"

"Need something?"

Sephiroth looked at them. His eyes shining in the darken room made him look more dangerous and also fascinating.

"A river or a bathtub could be a good start."

Bobby entered another door of the room, turned on a button and called:

"The water is warm. Come and let me help you."

"Where is Masamune?"

"It's under Barbara's bed. No one never enters her room."


Sephiroth still laid took of his pants and, naked as he comes to the world, he got up and leaning in the walls to ease the dizziness, he entered the door left opened for him.

Barbara and Bobby stayed there looking stared at the almost two meters strong man.

"Barbara, Did you see that body, that muscles?"

"Yeah..." She felt in ecstasy.

"Barbara, he has no hair in the body..."

"Yeah..." Her legs were shacking...

"Just some hair over his... I mean... did you see how big..."


"Well... Girls like it big..."

"Bobby go bring his lunch!!"

"But I'll help him in the bath-"

"Bobby do as I said, now!!"

Bobby smiled.

"yeah... The Big One... Make the girls go crazy... I hope to have this size when I got his age!!!"

Barbara ran after the brother.

"Kick, kick, kick!!"

Bobby left the room singing:

"The big one... The big love... The big one..."

Barbara smiled.

"I'm healthy, God Damn!!"

Barbara entered to the bathroom. Sephiroth was wet in the bathtub, his hair dipping wet, floating on the bubbles. His face was clean now, his eyes were shinning with that kind of green, his mouth so small. He licked his lips almost sensually, gently rubbing a bath sponge on his skin in a way she could swear he was feeling pleasure with that. He was totally concentrated in his own chest and shoulders that even noticed her presence.

She was in ecstasy.

"Seph... Sephiroth...!"

He looked at her deep in her eyes.

"Appreciating, child?"

"Yes I am... Can you please keep on?"

Sephiroth laughed for the first time in his last days.

"You don't know, do you?" -Barbara pushed.

Sephiroth kept washing his body gently.

"Do I know what?"

"The attractive power you have over the girls?"

"Ahhh... I don't think so."

"Excuse - me?"

"I'm not a big deal, Barbara. I'm made of Mako. I'm radioactive. It makes some guys... no, it made ME a kind of different. I don't think girls will appreciate me that much. I'm too white, my hair is too weird, my eyes are too different."

"Sephiroth, you never had a girlfriend?"

Sephiroth raised his eyes to Barbara again.

"Once that you're here, can you help me with the back?"

If Barbara were "The Flash" she wouldn't be faster. Two seconds later she was there rubbing Sephiroth's back.

"Barbara, I don't know that much about love, but I know what a girlfriend means. I mean, in my point of view is someone you have some dates with, than get married or not, then have a kid or not."

"Do you know what happens in this dates?"

"Well... I actually never had a date..."

"Do you ever had a kiss?"

"I don't think so. I mean, I don't know exactly."

"Do you know where the babies come from?"

"Hummm.... Mako reactors?"

"Nope silly. We are the reactors; burning, moving, exploding in flames of lust, babies are just a kind of mistake. Got it?

Sephiroth rose his shinning Mako eyes to her face, while his white wet chest was out of the water, "I don't feel myself as a reactor, child..." He said smiling.

"But you are Seph" - She thought, "You are"

She couldn't believe, there was her dreams, so close, so real. Her wish was to jump over him and make all her most carnal dreams come true. The legendary warrior was innocently enjoying the hot water covering his body and his silver hair, even with a lot questions rounding his imagination.

She got closer trying to reach his small lips, "I think you should relax Sephiroth, close your eyes, let me make you a good massage."

As a proof of trust he closed his eyes, but still he asked: "A good what?..."

No time to answer. She finally reached out her goal - his lips - and sealed with a sweet kiss, her hands in his shoulders.

At first he felt surprised, and opened his eyes, but in the next second he felt like his nerves was in a big fire explosion, the chills running not only up and down his spine, but also in his whole body, in his finger tips, in his hands... everywhere.

It was his first kiss of his whole life that gave that sensation. She gently held his chin, caressing softly, and one more energy charge was turned on. But he really felt the things when she gently opened that little lip pulling softly with the finger and brought her tongue inside his mouth, softly, feeling inside, tasting Sephiroth.

He felt he would get mad. Lots of sensations unknown and lots of... what else? He couldn't tell. But he has instincts, and held her for the shoulders too, bringing her closely, her breasts touching the hot water that she felt so cold. They involved one another in a hug, Barbara exploring his mouth with her tongue, he thinking that marvelous and trying to do the same, when...

When the door get hit strongly. "Barbara, mom and Dad are arriving, hide Sephiroth fast!!!"

"Oh my God" Barbara exclaimed "Jesus, not now, oh shit, Seph, we need to hide you now, boy, let's go!!"

Sephiroth naked, clean and wet came out of the bathtub.

"Barbara, what is going on?"

"The enemy arrived!!"

Sephiroth wide opened his green eyes and looked around for Masamune.

"Where's Masamune?!"

"No you don't need it, let's just hide you!"

Bobby's voice in the other side:

"C'mon Barb they'll want to come here!!"

"They who??"

"Our parents, Seph!"

Sephiroth calmed down.

"Parents aren't enemies."

"Mine are."

Barbara immediately wrapped his waist with a towel and opened his door, pushing Sephiroth for the outside.

"C'mon barb, hide him in the closet!"

"No I don't think so, dad will travel tonight and they came earlier to do their bags! Oh how stupid!! I could never forget this things..."

Bobby looked at Barbara, wet chest, and to Sephiroth completely blushed and ashamed. And smiled.

"At your place I would even forget the Christmas party dear..."

"No time for joke, let's hide this big man...

"Under the bed!"

"Won't work..."

"In the larder!!"

"Perfect! They won't need food in the plane! Let's go Seph, to the..."

Sephiroth stopped.

"Wait a minute... why you just don't introduce us?"

"Seph, this is NOT your world. Later I explain, but now you need to be in the larder. Please be a nice boy and do not say a word until we take you ok?"

Barbara reached the bed where Bobby had put clean clothes for Sephiroth. She gave Sephiroth a clean T-shirt of LA Lakers and another flannelette pants, underwear and also some new bandages for his cut. He held that pile of clothes with an interrogative look.

"Dress there."

Bobby grabbed Sephiroth by the hand and ran upstairs, opened a door under the stairs and pushed Sephiroth inside.

"Stay there!!"

Bobby locked the door and putted the key inside his pocket, just when the mother arrived.

"Bobby dear!!!"

"Mommy sucks!!!"


"Hello mom."

As the mother was ready to give Bobby a sermon, Barbara appeared wet upstairs.

"Hello mom... He's sad because you're going to travel!!"

"If you want I can stay..."

"No don't need mom" - said Bobby fast. "Go in peace... we will be all right."

"For sure we will..."

The father came inside carrying two bags.

"We need to make these ones here. Barb, were you having shower in my bathroom?

"Yes I was. And my name is Barbara, you hear me? If you don't like to call me Barbara, why gave me this name?"

"Bobby can call you Barb."

"Don't be stupid, Bobby is a child, you are a man. Besides... his name is Robert."

"Kids... is to have that behavior we have kids?"

Mother remained, "Curt, Barbara is not your daughter..."

"Barbara, please tidy up the Bathroom ok?"

"Ok mother."

While the parents went upstairs to make the bags, Bobby ate that food he has made for Sephiroth. And only then, Sephiroth realized he was starving too.

Color Bar

Four hours later, Bobby opened the larder's door.

"Ok Seph, they finally left."

Sephiroth opened his eyes.

"I slept..."

"Wanna eat?"

"I would love to."

Bobby took Sephiroth to his parent's room.

"This one will be your room for now. And here are your original pants, cape and what-is-this-part here. Please dress it now..."



"Good or bad?"

"Good I think..."

Less than ten minutes, Bobby and Sephiroth went to the dinning room. They met Barbara with a wonderful green dress, that even short was perfect with her red hair and green eyes. Sephiroth, sexy and elegant as usual, felt very surprised with all that food, and the place, decorated with chandeliers all around and roses.

Eyes in eyes, Sephiroth and Barbara were frozen on time, she was pretty, her clothes, short as Tifa's, seemed different to him. She was different somehow, wasn't a fighter, and wasn't hunting him in the way he knew). He was alone, lost and probably cursed to never come to his world again. For his very first time he was felling confuse and vulnerable, and Barbara was there, with a big welcome smile, ready to show him a new world, a world without warriors, Shinra, Jenova and summons.

"Good evening Sephiroth, tonight you are my special guest so please, take a sit"

Sephiroth gently smiled to Barbara, he was surprised. "It's so different to be a special guest of someone, to be well treated, is almost like a family should be", he thought.

Bobby gave Masamune back to Sephiroth, making a huge force to carry that big and heavy thing without hurt himself. Sephiroth received the sword back, made a movement that the kids knew so well and put the sword aside.

"You should keep it, but don't wear in this world, ok?"

Sephiroth smiled. "Thanks."

He saw the kids couldn't stop staring at him.

"How do I look?", asked Sephiroth, dressed with his famous original First Class Soldier suite.

"You're just perfect..., charming and elegant as always, isn't him Bobby?"

"Yeah"- Bobby was still fixed on his image, his hair, the original FF7 legend warrior sited whit them, having a dinner.

"So Sephiroth, what are you thinking of here?"

"Everything is so different here, no one hide their friends of the parents the way you do here" Said almost laughing. "On my land when I don't like someone and this one gives trouble, it's easier...I just take my Masamune and take them out of my way!"

Barbara couldn't hold her curiosity:

"Do you have someone in you land Seph?"

"Excuse - me?"

"Someone, a girlfriend, you know..."

"Oh, let me see... No, I have no time and use for it"

"I see, but, and know that you are here, with no monsters to kill or a boring Cloud in your steps?" Sephiroth took a time to think, "Cloud was so blind as me, blind for the anger, looking for answers. And now? Who found the answers?"

"Seph?? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, it's just my cut, aches when I move. Besides, the dinner it's wonderful and is getting cold, right boys?"

Color Bar

After a real long night, Sephiroth woke up with a hot day, he went to the window and admired a different sky, without a comet fallen day by day. He felt freer once Barbara's parents were travelling, put his pants and an undershirt and went down the stairs.

His new friend were in front a big TV, playing something; once he saw a different kid there he hid himself to know what were going on.

The other kid has a video game control in his hands and, exited, was screaming loud enough to be heard:

"I got you Sephiroth! You're gonna die faster as you can take your sword!!!

Sephiroth watched the final FMV sequence furious.

"Die bastard!! I won!!!"

Sephiroth couldn't keep himself, what the hell was that? His image, full of blood defeated for Cloud.

"What the hell is it??!!!" Screamed Sephiroth out of control. Barbara came running and before he got into the room, she held his arm and pulled him for another living room.

"Calm down Seph it's a game, is just a game."

"A game, you call this thing a silly game?!"

Barbara didn't know what to think. She tried to hold him, but he was furious, moving around the living.

"Look at me, do I look like a game for you??"

Barbara was scared, Sephiroth's eyes changed in a deep blue color, full of anger.

"How could someone think this is funny? It's a battle of real people, that fells a real and huge pain!", Sephiroth cried, tears of anger in his eyes.

"We bleed, we die, we love, we hate, we live, we are very alive, can't you see?"

Tears started to roll down on Barbara's face.

"Seph, I..."

"There is no victory on it, who dies falls forever and who kill someone that loves suffer for the rest of his life!!!" Barbara tried to hold him, tried to give some support.

"We know that, Seph, but that is the way we have to know you. I know the pain you fell about Cloud, about Vincent and Lucrecia. Please try to understand, the boy who's playing couldn't never imagine that you are so real as himself."

Sephiroth's blood was still running and burning, his life was there exposed for young kids smaller than his own sword... Everybody knew about his madness, he wasn't free of his past anymore.

Barbara tried to talk with him but he was closed in his own world.

Bobby saw what happened and put his friend out. Barbara was crying while Sephiroth ran back to his room.

Sephiroth was still shocked. What kind of world is this that turns someone's pain in a stupid kid's games?

For the first time he realized he was in a kind of hell. Everything was enough to bring his memories back... "Cloud killed me felling his own death, Vincent hasn't no choice, Jenova was a lie, a lie that made me and everybody act like puppets in Shinra's hands", he thought.

He has his hair covering his face and his tears; he was alone and exposed, being seeing for millions as an outlaw puppet of a fantastic game.

He took his long sword and started to fight with an imaginary enemy in the air, trying to destroy the sadness and pain inside of him.

"What can I do, oh, I want to go home..."

Sephiroth tried to summon something, but he couldn't have even a small bolt in the sky. He tried to fly, to materialize, and to do any thing he knew. He looked for his materia, but all he found inside his gun was little colored balls made of glass with no use.

"I got no home..."

Sephiroth fell down on his knees, than laid in the ground, in a fetal position, for the first time since he was still a kid, crying as one.

Color Bar

"Wá, há, haaaaahhh... You'll wish the HELL!!!!"

Sephiroth woke up scared and breathing hard, dry throat, and he rose up his hand to reach Masamune, but he felt something warm around his waist and a soft voice told him:

"Easy, easy... Everything is going to be all right now. You're safe, no one will touch you again, I swear..."

He thought he has a mother.


"If you want I can be your mammy today... Come here, hide your face in my breasts, fell safe."

He turned to the voice's direction slow. One hand ready to grab the deceiver monster for the neck. But instead a monster he found Barbara, laid by his side, her body perfectly fitted on his, holding him tight. He smiled, thinking that little girl, with a half of his size, could fit him so well...

She felt his movement and rose up, pulling him for the arm.

"Don't be in the ground anymore... son... lay in your bed."

Strangely, Sephiroth felt safe and followed her. She helped him to lay in the bed, covered him and laid by his side. Suddenly and softly she pulled his head for her chest, and held tight. He held her waist, laid his head comfortably in her breasts, a hand on one of them... And only woke up at 5 p.m., felling a warmth inside he never had before... And a bit less nervous and trying to think well, he went upstairs once more.

Barbara was making some cookies in the kitchen when he approached her slow as a cat. Watching her, with a male shirt and underwear only, she thought she was the most beautiful female he ever had seen.

He came right behind her slowly and softly put his hands around her waist.

"Smells good..."

"And tastes good too, Seph", she said, giving him a cookie in the mouth.

"Hummmm... Yeah, indeed..."

"More cookies?"

"Well, in fact I came here to say... well, you've been so nice to me, and... well, I'm no good with words..."


"Well, thank you... For taking good care of me, giving me shelter and all these things... That... That I never had before."

"Well, Sephiroth..."

"You can call me Seph if you wish."

Barbara gently pulled Sephiroth by the shoulder. He immediately understood what she was wanting, and opened his small lips for a good, soft kiss. Holding her for the waist he rose her until sit her down on the marble sink and the kiss was hot, soft and somewhat wet. So, they separate. Sephiroth still had Barbara in his arms when Bobby came in.

"Hello Sephiroth, felling better?!"

"Yes I am."

He smiled to Barbara, ashamed and blushed.

"The cookies are made, Bobby. Let's go upstairs, I think we own Seph some answers, right?"


The three came upstairs, Bobby turned up the video game.

"Seph" said Barbara, "Please do not be angry with us. If for some reason you get mad with all of this thing, hide yourself on my chest again ok?"

"I'll try to not get mad... If you hide me some other time..."


"Listen... This is a video game. A game, like in computers in Shinra, you know..."

"What do you know about Shinra?"

"More than you."


"Well, someone create a game with your hole story. But everything exposed by some another point of view's... And telling everything that happened."

Barbara helped:

"We don't know exactly... Everybody thinks you are someone else's creation. You, Cloud and the whole story. But now that you're here, flash and bones, human body, I think a theory of Collective Universe is right... and there is some communication with another dimension, and someone could communicate with yours and bring us your story."

"I also think they fantasize a lot of things too, that maybe you can explain in a way we can understand. As that "materia" thing."

Sephiroth was hearing every word with all his concentration. "Let me see if I got it: I am in another dimension. Someone of your dimension saw us somehow and wrote a history and creates a game. A game about us."

"Yap, that's it", said Bobby.

"But Seph... The game has a lot of truths I think you should know, as Jenova. You had mom, she may be alive. Hojo never allowed her to see you; he stole you from her. She was sad and ill. You shall not be the villain, but the victim. Hojo, Shinra, they were the villains. But you get mad... in anger and pain... and after revenge you and all the bad things Hojo made, Cloud and his party had to do something to stop you, to make you see... But it was too late. You wasn't wanting to hear anyone."

"I think he should play the game, Barb... This way he could learn everything he couldn't before Cloud kills him."

"Yes, I wanna play the game."

The brother and the sister looked at one another than to Sephiroth.

"You Do???"

"Yes I wanna try."

Barbara held his hand.

"But Seph, there's something you need to know... it's under Cloud's point of view."

Sephiroth rose up of the couch.

"A what??"

"Sephy, please, you promised!!"

"What??? This is not fair!! Why not under MY point of view? No one cares?? I'm not a damned Villain, I got my reasons and no one cares!! Cloud is only a DNA development!!! I want a game in MY point of view!!"

"Don't be so egocentric, Seph..."

"You got three points of view, Sephiroth... Your point of view, God's point of view... and the others point of view!!"

"I wanna play MY game!! I wanna play MY game!!!"

Suddenly Barbara and Bobby started to laugh. Sephiroth looked at them, surprised.

"What the hell..."

"You're acting like a child, Sephy dear... Come here, hold me, and play with us for a while... If you don't like we let you quit, ok??"

Sephiroth sat down slowly. Barbara was with her arms opened and waiting, inviting. Sephiroth went close of her and she held him the best she could, and gave him a cookie.

"That's right. Be sweet to me."

Bobby turned the game on.

"You're pretty famous, know that??"

After some time, Sephiroth learned how to manage the control. He thought the battles really boring ("it doesn't happen this way, one hit per time...") and the use of materia very artificial ("we usually spend time after time to learn magic..."), the travels very fast ("No, it sometimes takes weeks, the world is big, bigger...").

And during three days the kids locked themselves in the house. They spent the time showing Sephiroth all the truth about Cloud, the story, and hearing his explanation and his point of view. Sephiroth laughed, cried, hated, exploded, regretted, and enjoyed. And - it was the best part - with the sweet Barbara to provide everything he wanted, with lots of cookies, junky food, popcorn, and all the things he never had eaten before.

The nights were warm by her side, but they never slept in the same room.

Color Bar

To the Charpter 4 Learning To Live