Color Bar

Giullia & Warlock


Giullia & Warlock

The job in the library was a kind of good experience to Sephiroth, he was learning a lot reading during his work, but something inside was missing. He was a legendary warrior locked in a world without honor. All that kids around him talking about frivolous things, all of them were the same, like a legion of clones. For his first time, he missed Cloud and his comrades, missed the times when his name was respected and feared around his small world, now his only reason to keep on rocking was a young lady.

His apartment was too small for exercises with his Masamune; he felt that perhaps love wasn't everything. "If at least I could come back to my world...and start again" He thought, fallen in his dreams, lied in a old sofa in front of Final Fantasy's game.

Sephiroth submerged of his own thoughts when he heard the door's bell. When he opened the door, Barbara's furious eyes met Sephiroth's sad eyes.

" Hi Barbara, what's wrong?"

"It's my family, they are always trying to control me, and what's worse, that disgusting Curt, thinking he have the right to control me!" Sephiroth didn't know what to say, so he opened his arms and lied her head on his chest.

"You look so sad, what's wrong? I didn't want to bother you."

"It's not you, I was just thinking about myself when you came, I'm glad you did. What you think about take a walk, it's a pretty night."

"It's a bit late, may be dangerous..."

Seph smiled as a naughty boy

"Do you fear something by my side? I'm SEPHIROTH remember? Let's go."

There was then a big silvered hair man with a fired hair girl, walking in the NY streets. Barbara felt safe by his side.

"I was playing that game again, did Cloud really dresses himself as a girl?"

"I think so, such of pretty suicidal blonde" Seph laughing outright. He was feeling good walking without his library disguise, with his hair free on the wind and his cat eyes shining with the moonlight. Suddenly a guy appeared from nothing, with a gun in his hand.

"You too, Freeze, pass the money!!!" Sephiroth rose his head with a cynical smile.

"Don't push your luck, son."

Barbara was frightened.

"Sephiroth... we better obey"

"Listen to you girl man, or I put a bullet between your eyes."

"I'm without gils tonight boy, you better go before I smash you."

The robber gets tired and punched Sephiroth's white face. Sephiroth tolerate that act with his closed wrists, ready to attack the guy. But the thieve putted the gun right between his eyes.

"I'm nothing kidding you fucking bastard!!"

Barbara started to cry: "Please let us go... we don't have any money here!!"

"Stop scream fucking bitch!!"

Sephiroth just had time to see him slapping Barbara with the hand of the gun, strongly enough to throw her away against the wall, bleeding. Sephiroth was shocked, no one have dared to do this kind of things for long years, his heart was biting faster, his eyes gained a lighting green color, he was furious.

Even without his materias or his Masamune he was still a fighter, Sephiroth rose his head and with one kick unarmed the robber. The robber fell and Sephiroth grabbed and raised him for his neck. He was facing the boy eye to eye.

"I warned you, no one jokes with me!"

Barbara didn't know what to expect. Sephiroth was furious, and leaned the guy against the wall higher than his own head. With the both hands he started to suffocate the man. So he heard Barbara moaning around, and looked at her.

"Sephiroth, please... let's get out of here..."

The thieve was almost dying in fear, the man had a big strength in his hands, wasn't breaking his neck because was having some fun before kill him.

"Shit man, listen to your girl, I'm won't do anything more, I swear!!! Please!!"

Sephiroth's wish was to take his head out, but HE was afraid to scandalize Barbara. She wasn't a fighter. So he thrown the thieve in the thrash containers far enough to them.

"Let's go Barbara, the night is over.

Sephiroth rose Barbara in his arms and walked in his way home.

Not that far, two junk beggars watched everything. And commented:

"Was that Batman?"

"No, did you see his eyes, I think it was Spawn."

"Nope, your drunk."

"I'm drunk... but that guy is fucked." - said the beggar, pointing his finger to the fallen body of the robber.

"Yeah... I bet he is! Ah, ah ah ah ah."

Color Bar

Sephiroth opened the door of his apartment, and laid Barbara on the sofa. Locked the door very well, then came back to her side. She was still crying and bleeding in her mouth. He stayed there, asking himself what to do, when he remembered how she took care of him when he was found. He brought two ice cubes in a towel and gently pressed on her cheek. Even aching, she could smile to him.

"Oh Sephy... You were a hero again... thank you for protecting me that way..."

"I wished to kill the bastard."

"I know, but it won't be good for us, right? The... the "soldiers" of our world could make worst with you."

"I'm so stupid, Barbara... I'm so sorry... Since I arrived here all I did was to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. The next time I see you bleeding I'll kill myself."

"Sephiroth... Come here a little bit closer..."

Sephiroth came, sat down in the ground, just by her side.

"I never thought I would say this silly words one day, but here I go..."

"Barb, what are you taking about?"

"Don't kill yourself for me, Sephy. I love you."

Sephiroth jumped and looked at her deep in the eye. His body became tense and he sweats cold. His Mako eyes became almost blue.

"A what???"

"I love you Sephy..."

"You must be kidding..."

"I love you, Sephy, Sephiroth, General Sephiroth, Lord Sephiroth, One Winged Angel, I love you Sephy, MY Sephy, I love you, I love you..."

Sephiroth closed his eyes and laid in the ground, smiling happy as a child.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this... Nobody never loved me before..."

Tears fell from his eyes, and so he reached out Barbara with his hands and pulled her over him. He held her tight, until she complains:

"Aaaaw, big one, I can't breath!!"

"Barbara... I think love you so, too."

"Do you... do you 'think' you do?"

"I never loved anyone before, remember?"

Barbara remembered:

"Tomorrow you'll meet my parents. Listen carefully: you are orphan, an old uncle educated you, ok? Do not allow anyone call you Sephy -

"It's your privilege, Barb.

Barbara smiled, and they talked for one more hour before she leaves. Sephiroth opened her the door.

"Sephy, tell me... you miss the fighting, don't you?"

"Yes" - he nodded sadly.

"Bye Sephy... see you at the school."

" Ok, Barbara... See you there, so."

He closed the door and went to the window, watching Barbara get into her car and then, go home. He felt the wind softly blow his hair back.

Sephiroth closed his eyes, a sad smile. Hell... the damn word couldn't leave his brain alone. He remembered the nightmare, "You will wish the hell...!", the voice said.

Yeah, it WAS a kind of hell. He was having feelings he didn't know, some good, some bad. He had to keep on hiding from the people around him, or the "police" could take him to the jail - the place seemed awful and the simple mention of the word gave him chills - he couldn't be himself, he was always having to hide into a kind of mask - he wasn't known and respected. The worst part: he even c