A Fushigi Yuugi Easter
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Tasuki looked around the place that Tamahome had brought him. It was a small meadow hidden amongst some trees. Laying on the grass were Nuriko, Chichiri, Chiriko, Mitsukake, Hotohori, and Miaka. They were laughing at a joke Nuriko had made about Tasuki's fangs. Tasuki could tell because Nuriko had 2 pointed sticks held up to his mouth like fangs. A quick Lekka Shien had a flamed Nuriko thinking twice about doing that again.

"Oh, Tasuki, you're here! Good, now we can start." Miaka got up and stood in the center of the group, ready to give a big schpeel about something. Tasuki looked to Nuriko with a raised eyebrow and a questioning face.

"Miaka brought us here to participate in one of her world's holidays or something like that. She didn't tell us much more, so I'm as about as lost as you are," Nuriko said, answering his unspoken question. The two then turned their gazes to Miaka, who had begun to speak.

"In my world, there is a holiday celebrated today. It's mostly celebrated in America, but my family does too. It's called Easter. On Easter, there are egg hunts, and that's what we're gonna do today!"

"Ano... so you mean we're gonna look for eggs, no da? Like, chicken eggs, to eat, no da?" Miaka looked at Chichiri and sighed.

"No no no, the eggs you're gonna look for are fake, and filled with candy! I sorta had to improvise with the stuff I brought-"

"And didn't eat already!" yelled out Tasuki, who was quicly quieted down when everyone glared at him. "What? Geez, you all know it's true..." Tasuki mumbled on while Miaka contunued.

"Ahem, anyway, the eggs are hidden anywhere in the meadow and on the borders of the forest! Go look for them, and the one who has the most will get this big chocolate bunny, along with all the candy you find in the eggs. Go on!"

So everyone split up, looking for the so called "Easter eggs". Chiriko was the first to find one. He found it in an old bird's nest in a tree by the pond.

"Look everyone, I found one," he said holding up the plastic egg. Everyone looked for a minute, and then went back to searching, now that they knew what one looked like. Chiriko looked in all the bird nests he could reach, and found two more. Mitsukake found three nestled in tree branches, and one more half buried in the ground. Nuriko and Hotohori decided to work together and split the prize, being that Hotohori didn't want to dirty himslef by looking through the dirt and in trees. Nuriko was happy enough to do it for him. They found five eggs all together. Chichiri looked for eggs around the pond. He found two buried in the sand, and another two floating on lily pads. Looking in the water, Chichiri thought he saw another one and decided to investigate. When he dived in and got to where he thought he saw the egg, he looked closely at it. It was not an egg. Instead, it was a fish. A hungry fish, who then proceeded to chase Chichiri around the pond, biting him once in a while. When Chichiri got tired of this, he threw an egg at the fish. The shell popped open, and the candy flew out into the fishes mouth. This offering appeased the fish, and Chichiri was able to get onto land again.

Tasuki wasn't having any luck. He had only found one egg. While looking for another, Tamahome sprung up on him and stole his one egg.

"Oh man! Only _one_ egg?! I should have stolen some from Mitsukake or Chiriko. Oh well, at least I have the most now" Tamahome commented, showing of his six eggs to Tasuki. Tasuki, being Tasuki, started to get mad.

"Why you @#$%*ing @#$5(*^&! Give me back my egg! LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!"

Needless to say, Tamahome was burnt to a crisp.

Tasuki took not only his egg back, but Tamahome's other five as well.

"Hm, serves you right you self serving @#$%." But that was not the end, as Tamahome jumped back up from his prone position and chased after Tasuki.

"Hey! Give those back! Come back here!" The two began to chase and fight each other- sometimes Tamahome having all the eggs, and sometimes Tasuki. In the end, their fighting and Lekka Shiening had destroyed the six eggs.

"You baka! This is all your fault. If you hadn't tried to steal my eggs in the first place-"

"That's 'egg' Tasuki. You only had _one_." Tamahome interupted with. Tasuki got mad and Lekka Shiened Tamahome once more. Then he sighed and went back to where Miaka was waiting, depressed about not winning the big chocolate bunny. Tamahome (after he came back from unconciousness) went back too.

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Once all seven seishii were there, they counted their eggs. Chiriko had three eggs, Mitsukake had four, the Nuriko and Horohori team had five, and Chichiri had four (counting the one the fish had eaten). Tasuki and Tamahome sulked around yelling at each other for not having any eggs.

"Yeah! It looks like we won Hotohori!" Nuriko yelled out dancing around and dragging Hotohori with him, Hotohori all the while protesting that his outfit was getting dirty. When Nuriko finally stopped, they went over to Miaka who was looking quite sheepish- the chocolate around her mouth explaining why.

"Well, you see, I got hungry while you were all gone... and I had a big chocolate bunny in my hands... and... well..." Nuriko sighed but got over it, and Hotohori started comforting Miaka, saying it wasn't her fault and that he forgave her. After a while of this, Miaka looked around at everyone's smiling faces (except Tamahome and Tasuki who were STILL sulking) and smiled herself.

"Well, happy Easter minna!" The rest (even Tamahome and Tasuki) all yelled "Happy Easter" to Miaka, and then started to eat their candy.

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The End

To The Heaven