About Goldart

If you have read my Gundam Wing Endless Duel FAQ and you can read Chinese, you might already guess the origins of 'Goldart' correctly. Otherwise, read the following:

'Goldart' is the Romanized Cantonese pronunciation of the word goldart:°ª¹F. It is not a standard Romanization, but it is close enough for my purposes. ;-) In Hong Kong (not in Taiwan :P), this Chinese word has been adapted as the name of 'Gundam', the robot in every Gundam series. In other words, 'Goldart' is named after various Gundam series, in a twisted international fashion. ;-)
Originally, I tried to call myself 'Gao Da', which uses the same Chinese word as 'Goldart', except it is Romanized from Mandarin pronunciation. Although it sounded odd to me, I got used to it, until moments before signing up a Geocities account. At that moment, I realized 'Goldart' would be more appropriate because:

  1. 'Goldart' represnts the same word as 'Gao Da', only in different dialect.
  2. 'Goldart' sounds more approprite for my ears than 'Gao Da', due to heritage factor.
  3. 'Goldart' looks more like an English word than 'Gao Da' does.
After I had named myself as 'Goldart', this site was born moments later...

You may ask whether this page covers Gundam series, the short answer is yes and no. This page does intend to cover Gundam games (and among others), but for Gundam shows, I cannot do it because I have not watched a single Gundam episode for over a decade. If you want to know about the One Year War (the only series I have watched) and other Gundam series, you may better off go somewhere else, such as The Gundam Project.

However, if you are expecting Gundam series infomation on this page, you are not out of luck. Because The Gundam Project's reluctance to include any SD Gundam series info, I wanted to do what most (all?) other Gundam fan pages that haven't been done, by including SD Gundam canon series into this site.

However, to do this, I need supports and cooperations from Gundam fans like you. If you want to see info on SD Gundam series being recognized for the first time, please send me pictures and series information only on official SD Gundam anime. If you send pictures, please specify which SD Gundam series your picture belongs to. To avoid confusions, no SD Gundam doujinshi, fan art or fan fiction will be accepted. As for SD Gundam manga, models and games, right now I will only accept submissions of SD Gundam game FAQs, as well as non-SD ones.

For a list of official SD Gundam anime information I wanted, visit Sunrise's web site on the page 'history of Sunrise' (in English).

Want to know the origins of your names? Find them out at A web of On-line dictionaries.