Nicky Wu 吳奇隆

Brief Background
Nicky and His Mom Nicky Wu 吳奇隆 started his singing career in 1988 when he was 18 years old. He was spotted by a staff member working for Kai Li 開麗 who told him to enter the Little Tigers 小虎隊 contest to become a singer. After Nicky talked over it with his mother, he applied and was chosen.

Nicky practiced over 8 years of judo and tae-kwon-do when he was young. He started when he was in elementary school. Just after half a year of practice, he ranked 1st place. He also won 1st place in Taiwan for 3 consecutive years in judo and tae-kwon-do. Thus, he attended Fu Ren Catholic University 輔仁大學 in Taiwan to major in physical education 體育系 and graduated in 1996. Nicky's College Graduation

Name 吳奇隆 Nicky Wu 吳奇隆
Cantonese Name Ng Kei-Lung
Mandarin Name Wu2 Qi2 Long2
English Name Nicky, Nicholas
Nicknames 霹靂虎 Thundering Tiger,
霹靂暴風 Thunderstorm
Date of Birth October 31, 1970
Birth Place Taipei, Taiwan
Family parents, 2 brothers
Height 173 cm
Weight 65 kg
Blood Type O type
Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog 肖狗
Zodiac Scorpio 天蠍座
Religion Christian 基督教
Favorite Actor Jackie Chan 成龍
Favorite Actress Sylvia Chang 張艾嘉
Favorite Animal dogs 狗, dolphins 海豚
Favorite Clothing T-shirt ㄒ恤, jeans 牛仔褲
Favorite Color black 黑, white 白, blue 藍
Favorite Drink honey tea 蜂蜜茶
Favorite Flower tulip 鬱金香
Favorite Food Sushi 日本料理
Favorite Manga Xin Tong Ji Shi Dai 新同居時代
Favorite Movie Life is Beautiful 一個快樂傳說
Favorite Place beautiful island 漂亮的海島
Favorite Singer Chyi Chin 齊秦
Favorite Song Yue Ding 約定
Favorite Sports diving 潛水, bowling 保齡
Want to Do Most visit different places 到處流浪

Forever Nicky Wu 霹靂暴風吳奇隆