Kampong Stenggang


All photographs were taken by Kron Aken who holds the copyright

This is a front of the St Teresa Church, Kampong Stenggang. It is a Catholic church and probably the largest seating capacity of all the churches in Bau.

A priest celebrating Sunday Mass in the village. The priest normally visit the village once every few months. See how Mass is celebrated on other Sundays.
Note there is plenty of empty pews. This is deliberate, because the extra capacity is to cater for the expected increase in church attendances in many years to come.

This is how the church look like under construction. The construction of this church has been a 'journey' for all the villagers. The construction fund came from contributions and pledges of the villagers and from Catholic Mission funds and government grants. The villagers also contributed their own labour in the construction of the church. The villagers can proudly say that they sweat and toil to build their church. For it is from their labour and persistence that the church was able to be built and completed.

This is the old church. It was built around 1965. By the late 70's the church has reached its seating capacity. This was brought mainly from the increase in the village population. It was also contributed by the gradual conversion of families to Catholicism. Around 1956, a handful of families converted to Catholicism, much to the anger of the majority of people in the village. Now the whole village has been converted to Christianity.
