Kampong Stenggang

Kron Aken

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Full marks for guessing the odd person out (that's me). Have a laugh. Go on. ....but seriously if you would like to contact me, you can email me at kron_aken@yahoo.com. I would like to hear from you.

To fellow Bitonggang, I would like you to write or record stories about your village life, stories from your parents and relatives. In particular, I am interested in family relationships in the village. I would like to know who are your parents' brothers and sisters. Who are their grand parents? Do you know their names? Send their details to me, and I can draw up your family tree. Don't worry if they are not complete. The gaps can be filled in future by other contributors. Check the family trees page to see what I have done so far.

If you would like to see suggest more topics on this Web site, please contact me.
