How you can help SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT!

Coming to this page already shows that you care about our environment. Mankind has brought pollution into our world. Countless species are becoming extinct everyday. Our ozone layer is depleting and our whole surrounding is being invaded by toxic substances. And YOU are living in it....every small effort to help our environment counts. As people say "THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY!"


Here are some tips.....some you may have heard a lot of times already....but have you followed them to the fullest? I hope you take some of these tips into consideration! =)


(1) Take a shower instead of a bath!

(2) Fill a sink or container when brushing teeth or washing something

(3) Put glass jars inside the toilet will take up some of the water space...but DON'T block the pump!

(4) Fix that tap that's been leaking! It can save a lot of water!

Around the HOUSE:

(5) Close all windows when you have the air-con turned on

(6) Turn off the lights when you leave the room

If you have a BACKYARD:

(7) Compost!! Many people are afraid that it will smell or attract animals...but if you put the right amount of the right will do fine!

(8) Grass-cycling....that is when you mow your lawn....leave your grass clippings on the lawn!


(9) Everyone should know the 3R's....I would just like to remind:

(i)Reduce-buy only what you need & try to buy in bulk

(ii)Reuse- Is there anything in the garbage that you can reuse, like a plastic bag?

(iii)Recycle-So, if you cannot reuse something, can it be put into the recycling box?

After reading this long & boring page, I really hope you can go out and help our doesn't matter if it's just turning off the lights in a room next door or joining an environment club and help planting trees....your effort to help our environment does count!

© 1998