Hi! I'm Erin, "Koi" to my friends, a college student living in the Cambridge, Massachusetts area. Although anyone who knows me may deny this, I actually do have interests other than Ranma 1/2. Wait... let me think... ^_^ well, I like origami, science fiction and fantasy, filk music, and so on.

     What does the word "Koi" mean? In Ranma 1/2, it first appears as pun in "Ja Ja Uma Ni Sasenaide". In the first stanza, it takes on the meanings of both a fish and love. To avoid confusion with a friend, I'll use the "love" aspect.

     How did I get introduced to Ranma 1/2? It's all Eric's fault. A few years afo, a student walked into class with a large paper structure, shaped somewhat like a dodecahedron. That's when I first really noticed Eric, he usually was (and still is) pretty quiet. We talked, and he seemed kind of shy around me, but eventually he got over it. Eric really just needs to relax around other people... but anyways, I was curious about what he was reading (Ranma 1/2 Vol.1), and that's how I got hooked. From there, I moved onto a variety of manga and anime, and started wondering if I could be able to tell stories like the ones I read.

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Created 4/18/98       Updated January 29, 2004