Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful
Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North
America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans.
No copyright infringement is intended.

	Script format.
	[...] are setting/action notes. Example:

		[The author is sitting at his computer. A dark shape looms behind

	(...) are dialog comments. Example:

		TOM: (gasping) Since when did *you* start working for *him*?

Episode 3: Some Changes
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch
Draft 1999-03-23

[Ranma and Akane are unpacking Akane's stuff at the Saotome's.]

RANMA:  You're only going to be here for a week, why'd you have to pack
        so much stuff?

AKANE:  Just because you can pack everything you own into a backpack
        doesn't mean the rest of us can. A girl needs a few things to get
        along you know.

[Ranma opens his mouth, then quickly shuts it when he sees Akane taping
 the end of her mallet against her palm.]

AKANE:  Not a word Ranma.

RANMA:  Uhh, okay.

[More unpacking]

AKANE:  Hey, Ranma. Where did you put my pajamas?

RANMA:  I didn't put them anywhere, you must have unpacked 'em.

AKANE:  But I'm *sure* I... Oh, no!

RANMA:  What?

AKANE:  I must have packed them into Nabiki's suitcase when I was
        helping her! Great, now what am I going to do? It's too late
        to go back to the dojo.

RANMA:  Just borrow something from my mom.

AKANE:  Good idea. I'll go ask her now.

RANMA:  Okay, I gotta finish my own unpacking.

* * * *

[Ranma has finished his unpacking and is lying on his bed, reading a
 schoolbook (what can I say, he's really bored). There's a knock on his

RANMA:  Come in.

[Akane walks in. She's a little wide-eyed.]

AKANE:  Ranma, do you have an old shirt or something I could sleep in?

RANMA:  What's wrong, my mom not have anything clean?

AKANE:  No, it's just... not my style.

RANMA:  What's wrong, too feminine for you?

[Ranma flinches and covers his head when he realizes what he said].

AKANE:  Yes.

RANMA:  Huh?

AKANE:  Let's just say Happosai would *really* like what your mom
        considers sleepwear.

RANMA:  (thinks for a second). I don't even want to know.

[Ranma jumps up and rummages through a drawer. After a moment he pulls
 out one of his red silk shirts, more worn than the ones he usually

RANMA:  Here. I got this when we first got to China. It's a bit small
        for me to wear now.

AKANE:  Thanks. Thanks a *lot*. I really didn't want to wear black lace

RANMA:  (interrupting) I *don't* want to know.

AKANE:  Okay. Oh, your mom wants to talk to us before we go to bed.
        Something about school tomorrow.

RANMA:  Right. Let's go.

* * * *

AKANE:  You wanted to talk to us Auntie Saotome?

NODOKA: Yes, I'm a little worried about you two traveling all the way
        to Nermia everyday for school. Especially you Akane, I've
        heard about some of the things that salarymen do to school
        girls on the train.

AKANE:  I can take care of myself.

RANMA:  Yeah, she'll clobber a few and the rest will leave her alone.

AKANE:  Ranma....

NODOKA: Still, it would be very difficult to get your studies in with
        all that time spent commuting.

RANMA:  Great! We can spend the week training.

NODOKA: That was your fathers suggestion. Unfortunately that is *not*
        an option.

RANMA:  Ah, right mom.

AKANE:  So what do you suggest.

NODOKA: Simple, we'll go to the local school early tomorrow and arrange
        a temporary transfer. The school is only a few blocks away, so
        it will only take a few minutes to get there in the morning.

AKANE:  But what about my friends at school? And they might not be
        studying the same materials.

NODOKA: You wouldn't have any time for your friends anyway with a two
        hour commute each way. And I'm sure the instructors will take
        your current studies into account.

RANMA:  Actually, it would be nice to get away from the craziness for a

AKANE:  I guess so. It's only for a week.

NODOKA: Excellent. You better get to bed now, we'll have to leave early
        to get you registered.

AKANE:  Okay. Good night Auntie.

RANMA:  'nite mom.

* * * *

[Miko and Soun are sitting down to breakfast.]

MIKO:   I hope you like it Soun-chan.

SOUN:   Anything you make for me is wonderful my love.

MIKO:   Better taste it before you say such things Soun-chan. I think
        eating Kasumi's cooking might have spoiled you.

[Soun drinks a bit of his soup and tries some of the fish.]

SOUN:   Truly wonderful.

MIKO:   Now, Soun. Tell the truth. We're not children and while I was
        once an excellent cook, I'm out of practice.

SOUN:   Uhh... well, it is actually quite good, though I think the fish
        is overcooked a bit. The soup is every bit as good as Kasumi's.

MIKO:   Better. I think we should be truthful with each other, don't

SOUN:   Yes, you're right. My late wife always said... I'm sorry

MIKO:   Don't be Soun. You wouldn't be the wonderful man you are today
        without your late wife. I'm very grateful to her.

SOUN:   Miko, would you mind coming with me to visit her grave later
        today? I feel I must explain myself to her.

MIKO:   Of course. Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold.

SOUN:   Yes dear.

* * * *

[Ranma is slumped over the table, yawning hugely.]

RANMA:  It's weird not training with pop in the morning. Usually only
        happens when he's been drinking. I don't think he had anything
        to drink last night.

[Nodoka dances into the room and places food on the table. She's
 humming merrily.]

RANMA:  (To himself) I suppose he might have stayed up late with mom...
        No Ranma, don't think about it.

[Akane comes walking down the stairs wearing Ranma's old shirt and
 rubbing her eyes.]

RANMA:  (thinking) Wow, that shirt looks huge on her. She's always
        acting so tough and macho it's easy to forget how little
        she is.

RANMA:  Good morning.

AKANE:  (yawning) morning. Guess there's no time to jog this morning.

RANMA:  Yeah, I didn't get to practice with pop either.

AKANE:  You want to practice after school?

RANMA:  Sure. We'll have to practice out back though, no dojo.

AKANE:  Oh, that's right. I hope it doesn't rain.

RANMA:  Maybe we should see if we can use the school gym or something.

[Akane just nods sleepily. Nodoka comes in with the rest of the food
 and they all start breakfast.]

RANMA:  I wonder how Uncle Tendo and Miko-san are doing?

NODOKA: I'm sure they're doing just what all couples do on their

[Ranma and Akane trade looks]

RANMA:  (thinking) Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't
        think about it...

AKANE:  (thinking) Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't
        think about it...

* * * *

[Nabiki sits up from the futon at the inn she's staying at and yawns.
 She looks over and the futon next to hers and pokes the figure
 sleeping in it.]

NABIKI: Come on Kasumi, past time to get going.

KASUMI: (sleepily) I guess. It's just feels so nice. I haven't slept in
        for years.

NABIKI: Really? Wow.

KASUMI: I always had to get breakfast started and there were always so
        many chores to do.

NABIKI: Well, you should have lots more chances with Daddy's new wife

KASUMI: Her name is Miko.

NABIKI: Yeah, sorry. I know you like her Kasumi, but I never met her
        before. Now she's supposed to be my mom?  I don't think so.

KASUMI: She's not mother. She's someone father cares about very much.
        You hardly complained about Mr. Saotome staying with us,
        despite how much it cost to feed him, because you saw how it
        helped bring father out of his shell.

NABIKI: But this is different, Mr. Saotome never tried to take anyone's

KASUMI: Miko isn't trying to take Mothers place.

NABIKI: I...I know. I just never thought there could be anyone else in
        Dad's life after Mom died.

KASUMI: I know, but it's really selfish of us to think that way. You're
        moving on with your life, getting ready to leave home for
        University. Why shouldn't father get to do the same?

NABIKI: You're right as usual.

KASUMI: You were right too though.

NABIKI: What do you mean?

KASUMI: Miko is going to take someone's place. Mine.


KASUMI: For years I've been taking care of the family. I didn't -
        couldn't - replace mother, but I filled one of the roles she
        left empty. Now that's Miko's job.

NABIKI: Doesn't that bother you?

KASUMI: No! It's time I lived my own life. I liked taking care of
        everyone, but it wasn't my place. I have to find my own place.

NABIKI: Hey, no need to yell, I agree with you.

KASUMI: Sorry Nabiki.

NABIKI: No problem. Now lets get dressed and get some food. I'm starved.

KASUMI: As long as I don't have to cook.

* * * *

KASUMI: This rice is too sticky. And the soup is oversalted.

NABIKI: Yeah. That's the problem with you not cooking, you've got to
        put up with inferior food. Maybe you should become a chief.

KASUMI: I'd rather not. (giggles) Maybe I should ask for Miko's old job.

NABIKI: What does she do?

KASUMI: You didn't know? She was a waitress at one of those topless

NABIKI: You've *got* to be joking.

KASUMI: No. She used to dance, but now she just waitresses. The
        waitresses don't have to go topless.

NABIKI: Wow. I wonder what its like working at a place like that?

KASUMI: Oh, the dancers are very nice. They're like a big family.


KASUMI: Oh, Miko invited me into the dressing room to wait for her a
        few times when we were going out for tea.

NABIKI: You're not seriously thinking about working at a place like

KASUMI: Why not? It might be fun.

NABIKI: Maybe you better take this 'living your own life' thing a bit

KASUMI: If you say so. I *am* going to get a job though.

=== END EPISODE 3 ===

C&C is welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to
twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively complete
drafts are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/.

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/dojo/5201

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