Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the
wonderful Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications
in North America). This work is strictly for the non-profit
enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement is intended.


    Script format.

    [...] are setting/action notes. Example:

        [The author is sitting at his computer. A dark shape looms 
         behind him.]

    (...) are dialog comments. Example:

        TOM: (gasping) Since when did *you* start working for *him*?

Episode 4: More changes
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch
Draft 2000-08-05

Cologne: Shampoo! Order for delivery!

[Shampoo comes into the dinning room from the kitchen]

Shampoo: Order this late in afternoon on Tuesday?

Cologne: Yes, rather unusual. Also the order is the Tendo Dojo, but the
         woman putting in the order was not one I knew.

Shampoo: Oh! Must be violent girl's father new wife. Met her Sunday.

Cologne: Oh? You did not mention this.

Shampoo: Shampoo sorry. Not think important, Miko not fighter.

Cologne: (thoughtfully) Keep your eye on this one Shampoo. Japanese are
         not like us, this woman may have considerable influence on

Shampoo: Yes, great-grandmother.

Cologne: In the meantime, here is the order. Try to find out what this
         woman is doing.

* * * *

[Shampoo knocks on the door, a trick she is finally getting down pat.]

Shampoo: Hello! Shampoo bring ramen order!

Miko:    (calling from in the house) Please come in, we're in the

[Shampoo walks into the Tendo's main room. Miko comes out of the
 kitchen wearing shorts and a revealing halter top and looking a little

Shampoo: Bring Ramen for two. Is no one else here?

Miko:    Everyone went away for a week to give us a chance for a
         honeymoon. With everything that we've been doing in the
         kitchen, it's not fit to cook in right now.

Shampoo: (thinking) What she do in kitchen make unusable?

Soun:    (from kitchen) Honey, please hurry, I need you.

Shampoo: (thinking) Shampoo not think about it, not want to know.

Miko:    Yes Soun-chan, just a moment while I take care of Shampoo.

Soun:    (from kitchen) Please hurry dear. If you want you can bring
         her in with you. She can help too.

Shampoo: (very big eyes) Oh, no need. Ramen present. Must go, hear
         great-grandmother calling me.

[Shampoo zips out at high speed.]

Miko:    Strange girl.

Soun:    Honey, I really need you to hold this wrench now. You were the
         one who wanted to install the garbage disposal today.

Miko: Yes dear, coming.

* * * *

Akane:   Ranma, wait up!

Ranma:   Humph!

Akane:   What's wrong with you? You aren't still mad about what
         happened at lunch today, are you?

Ranma:   Why should I be mad about a tomboy like you?

Akane:   Maybe you're jealous then.

Ranma:   Why would I be jealous, just because you almost got another

Akane:   It's not my fault the guy proposed to me, I'd never even seen
         him before.

Ranma:   It's not like it was my idea to ever get all those fiancees
         either, you still blame me for those.

Akane:   That's because you never try to discourage them.

Ranma:   Like you were trying to discourage that guy? You'd probably
         still be blushing and stammering if I hadn't pulled the
         'jealous boyfriend' act.

Akane:   So I got flustered!

Ranma:   But it's not okay if I get flustered when a girl comes on to

Akane:   (sound a bit angry) What girl's been coming on to you?

Ranma:   I was talking about Shampoo.

Akane:   Oh.

[They walk along for a while, not speaking.]

Ranma:   Akane, do you want to tell people at the school we're engaged?
         Just, you know, to cut down on the unwanted attention?

Akane:   That...might be a good idea. We're only going to be here two
         more days, so it wont hurt and might help. Just to keep us
         from getting bugged, don't get any ideas.

Ranma:   (mumbling) Not with that mallet of yours around.

Akane:   What did you say?

Ranma:   Nothin. Let's hurry so we can practice before it starts to

Akane:   You're right, it does look like it might rain later. (grabs
         Ranma's hand and starts dragging him along) Come on!

Ranma:   (smiling) Okay, okay, already.

* * * *

[Soun is standing in his room holding a tray while Miko sleeps. He is
 just standing there and looking at her]

Soun:    (sighs) Oh Miko, I keep expecting to find that this is some
         kind of dream. I don't understand how you can be interested in
         a broken-down old man like me.

Miko:    (murmuring) Broken down, right. Who wore who out last night?

Soun:    Well, there are some advantages to being a martial arts
         master, even if I don't keep up my practice like I should.

Miko:    (sits up): Food! Soun, how kind of you. Now hand it over, I
         need to regain my strength.

Soun:    Here you go.

[There's a few minutes of silence while they both eat from the tray]

Miko:    Soun? You certainly are in good shape for a 'broken down old
         man'. And Ranma certainly didn't have any trouble carrying my
         heavy bags all that way, and....

Soun:    Yes?

Miko:    Well, I was wondering, would learning martial arts help me
         too? Or am I too much of a 'broken down old woman' for it to

Soun:    Of course it would help! There are advantages to starting very
         young, but if you want to be stronger and have more energy
         martial arts can help a lot. Besides, learning some martial
         arts is almost a requirement around here.

Miko:    Really? Kasumi and Nabiki don't seem to have any special
         interest in martial arts. Certainly Kasumi has never mentioned

Soun:    Kasumi has a Black-belt in Akido. Nabiki never quite reached
         black belt level, but that was because she couldn't decide
         what to focus on. She has lower belt ranks in Akido, Kempo,
         Judo, and is fairly skilled in Kendo.

Miko:    Oh.

Soun:    Not that you *have* to learn any martial arts if you don't
         wish to. It *would* help you understand what happens around

Miko:    I'll be glad to learn anything you want to teach me, Soun-

Soun:    Actually...it would probably be best if someone else taught

Miko:    Soun? Do you only teach advanced students?

Soun:    No, that's not it. I *like* teaching beginners. I just...have
         trouble teaching people I love.

Miko:    Oh, Soun....

[Since this isn't a lemon, we'll fade out here and fade back in an hour
 or so later]

Miko:    Soun-chan? What we were talking about before?

Soun:    Mm?

Miko:    About me learning martial arts?

Soun:    Oh! I could ask the master of another dojo to teach you, or
         maybe Akane or Ranma would be a better choice.

Miko:    Whatever you think is best.

Soun:    What I think is best is to let you decide. Learning the art is
         hard work. If you want to put the effort into it then we'll
         find you a teacher. If not then that's fine too. Either way it
         must be *your* choice dear.

Miko:    Humph! And I thought men were supposed to be the masters of
         the house. Why are you such a pussy cat?

Soun:    (makes meowing sounds) I know better. I found out years ago
         just what being 'master of the house' means. Namely something
         surprisingly similar to 'servant'.

Miko:    (pouting) You mean I don't have to break you in? What's the
         fun in that?

* * * *

[Nabiki and Kasumi are sitting in a tea shop looking at the want ads in
 a newspaper]

Kasumi:  How about this one?

Nabiki:  An office lady? Somehow I can't see you in one of those short
         skirt and jacket outfits.

Kasumi:  There's always the Club where Miko worked...

Nabiki:  On the other hand you'd make a good office lady, just not
         the place in that ad.

Kasumi:  (giggling) You really don't want me working at the Club, do

Nabiki:  No! Why would you want to work in a place like that?

Kasumi:  It's not really that bad. It's not as if I'd be a dancer.

Nabiki:  It's just...not you Kasumi.

Kasumi:  I'm not so sure, I'm not really the perfect little homemaker
         either. That was, not an act exactly, but only one part of me.

Nabiki:  I think I understand, though it would be smart to start with
         something a little less extreme. Actually, an office lady job
         might be a good start, unless you've decided to go to college?

Kasumi:  I haven't decided, it's too late for this year anyway.

Nabiki:  A temporary job then, that's going to be harder to find.

Kasumi:  What's wrong with this one (taps the same ad).

Nabiki:  That company has a reputation. Some of the executives seem to
         think the female employees are automatically available.

Kasumi:  Oh my. Maybe that would be my best choice then.

Nabiki:  (shocked) Huh?

Kasumi:  With a reputation like that they will have trouble finding
         employees, so the pay will be higher and they won't mind a
         temporary employee so much. Besides, they're only a short
         train ride from the dojo.

Nabiki:  (sputtering) Kasumi! What if the reputation is true? What if
         one of them decides he likes the 'new girl'?

Kasumi:  I'll just politely say no. I'm sure they'll understand.

Nabiki:  ...

Kasumi:  If they don't, mentioning that my father, sister, and future
         brother-in-law are all master-level martial artists should

Nabiki:  Hmm...good idea, It might not be enough though.

Kasumi:  If not, then I'd have to hurt them. That would be too bad.

Nabiki:  You're a little out of practice Kasumi. You haven't kept up
         your martial arts training any more than I have.

Kasumi:  Then I'll have to ask Ranma or Daddy to give me a refresher

Nabiki:  (sighs) Much as I  hate to admit it, that will probably work.
         If you talk about your 'martial arts family' you probably
         won't have any problems.

Kasumi:  Maybe some of the other girls would like to get some self-
         defense training too? I'll ask daddy if he wants to organize a
         special class for them.

Nabiki:  (grinning) Oh, I *like* that idea. A subversive bunch of
         martial arts trained office ladies led by an ex-housekeeper.

Kasumi:  (laughing) Oh, Nabiki, you're so melodramatic sometimes.

Nabiki:  You have to admit it would make a good Magna.

Kasumi:  Maybe not a *good* mange...

Nabiki:  Well, if you're serious you could call for an interview, and
         then we could go shopping for some interview cloths.

Kasumi:  Yes... Yes! I'll do it!

Nabiki:  We also have to find a place to stay, we finished checking out
         colleges pretty fast and we're not supposed to return to the
         dojo until Saturday.

Kasumi:  I don't want to disturb daddy and Miko early. How about that
         nice little place down the street from Ucchans?

=== End Episode 4 ===

C&C is welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to 
twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively complete
drafts are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/.

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/dojo/5201

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