Can you believe that a bus driver gets off a bus and buys a cup of coffee while he is on duty? One evening in the early summer I took a TTC bus at the Sheppard station to get home. On my way home, the driver suddenly stopped the bus and opened the door. It was not a bus stop. I wondered what had happened. I thought an emergency had occurred. I even thought he hit somebody. Then, he got off the bus and went into a coffee shop. I thought he went into it to use a phone. He left about thirty passengers on the bus. I became nervous, but none of the passengers seemed nervous. They were pretty calm. After a few minutes, he went back to his seat with a cup of coffee and began to drive again, as if nothing had happened. To my surprise, no passengers complained about it to him. I had taken TTC buses almost every day for two months, but it was the first time I had encountered this kind of thing. Later on I learned that this is not unusual in Toronto. I doubt it would happen in Japan. If a driver in Japan did the same thing, the driver might end up on a TV news program informing that he has lost his job.