Gosei sentai dairenjaa is (C) 1993 Toei, TV Asahi.

(Five Star Task Force Dairanger)

(The following is slightly revised from my Sentai Manual, and was written very quickly on the basis of articles in TV MAGAZINE. There may be some errors.)

6050 years ago, the Daos civilization flourished in China. The Gorma Tribe tried to take it over. Thus began the war between the Gorma and the Dai Tribe. The battle continued for decades, led by the Gorma Triumvirate. The Chi Transmitting Beasts appeared to oppose the Gorma, whose magical powers had increased to the point where they could turn themselves into monsters. Five Dai warriors' chi powers had increased to the point where they could conrol the Chi Transmitting Beasts. These were the predecessors of the Dairangers of today.

6006 years ago, Kujaku falls into the trap of the Mirror Make-Up Master, and never emerges until 1993. Gara, though then a Dai at that point, hates Kujaku and joins Gorma.

Six years later, Zhang Liao (Chou Ryou), one of the masters of the Chi Transmitting Beasts, defects to Gorma, causing the defeat of the proto-Dairanger team. The war ends with the disappearance of both the Dai and Gorma tribes. Super Chi Transmitting Beast Daimugen takes on the form of the human Kameo.

Zhang Liao lives on, residing in Japan from 1969 to 1974. During this period, he fathers Ryou, who will become Dragon Ranger (Ryuurenjaa).

In 1989, Kou's mother, a member of the Dai Tribe, takes Kou, one of Shadam's twin sons, away from the Gorma and disappears. But after marking Kou with the sign of the tiger, she is captured by the Gorma.

In 1993, the Gorma Tribe, one of its two branches, revived to take over the world. To counter them, Master Kaku assembled a team of five youths with high levels of chi--the Dairangers, the warriors of the Dai Tribe! (Note that although they fight for the Dai Tribe, only Ryou and Lin are really of Dai heritage.) Dragon Star King (Ryuuseiou) is the first of the five Chi Transmitting Beasts to be revived. When the Dairangers obtain the Heavenly Treasure Lai Lai (Tianbaolailai / Tenhourairai) jewels, the other four CT Beasts awaken.At this point, Zhang Liao, knowing Ryou is his son, saves him from Archbishop Liege. Wounded in the process, he sacrifices his chi in order to power the Tianbaolailai jewels for the combination of the five CT Beasts into Dairen'ou and dies.Soon thereafter, Lion Ranger (Shishirenjaa) defeats the Mirror Make-Up Master and releases Kujaku from 6006 years of imprisonment.

Kaku's (Jiaxu's) master, Guhon (Wufan), returns to China, leaving behind the White Tiger True Sword (Byakko Shinken/Baihu Zhenjian) in preparation for Kiba's return.Indeed, Kibaranger (Fangranger) does return. Kou, drawn to the WT True Sword by telepathy, draws it out from a rock. He becomes the sixth Kakuranger, despite interference by his evil twin brother Akomaru. Gorma XV finally appears to order Shadam around (if this is what's really isn't).The Wontiger and the Kiba Daiou, the combination of 4 CT Beasts and Wontiger, debut.

The Dairangers develop new chi techniques such as the Shooting Star Lightning Flash to counter ever stronger Gorma monsters.Matoba Jin, beaten by Ryou in a duel, returns as the Demon Boxer Jin, powered by Zydos' Black Crystal, for revenge.The team becomes increasingly powerful when Guhon (Wufan) completes the Super Chi Power Bazooka and Kameo remembers after 6000 years that he actually is Daimugen. Daimugen combines with the BT Beasts to form the Heavy Armor Chi Palace for the first time to defeat the Combined Four Deva Kings.

However, on the very day Daimugen goes into action, Gorma XV revives Kou's twin Akomaru from the depths of hell.Jin returns to duel Ryou. This time, he has mastered the Demon Way Wicked Fist Spider Dance style. Zydos and Sergeant Cannon try to defeat both of them, but Jin uses his own body as a shield to protect Ryou.Count Kaleidoscope goes after a weakened Kujaku, trying to lure her with fake 'Tears of the Holy Peacock' which would heal her, but the Rangers defend her.The gigantic Great God Dragon comes down from space to attack both the Rangers and Gorma in order to bring an end to the war. The Rangers cease to fight Gorma...for now.

Zydos turns Jin into the Hungry Wolf Demon (Garouki), but Jin's friendship with Ryou enables him to get the Hunger Demon out of him and revert to normal. Zydos then kills Jin.

Gara uses a wrathful spirit incarnation of herself to attack Kujaku. Kujaku finally finds the true 'Tears of the Holy Peacock', saves Gara, and rises to heaven as the Mahamayuri Vidyaraja (Kujaku Myouou).

Kou is about to become a Gorma on his birthday, 24 December. As the date grows close, Kibaranger lashes out at his fellow Rangers, who do not want to fight him. Kou's twin Akomaru appears, riding his loyal monster, the blue-armored, one-eyed insectoid Ikazuchi (Thunder) to challenge a Kibaranger-less Dairanger team. Finally the truth is revealed: Kou and Akomaru are the younger and older twin sons of Shadam himself! Kou's mother returns, adding her jade ring to the WT True Sword, enabling it to find its lost master. Kou's mother prays to heaven, performing a baptism to purify Kou. It works, and Kou rejoins the Rangers.

Unfortunately, Kaku (Jiaxu) leaves the Rangers to...rejoin Gorma!? Kaku wanted to bring an end to the war between the Rangers and Gorma. He dispatches Lieutenant Shiryuu to force the Rangers to break up. But the Rangers refuse, believing that war is the way to peace [!], even though Shadam promised Kaku that he would stop fighting in exchange for the dissolution of the Rangers. The Rangers defeat Shiryuu with Dairen'ou, forcing Kaku to take matters into his own hands. The Rangers are no match for their own master, now garbed in red armor. Kaku strips them of their Aurachangers and Heavenly Treasure Lailai jewels.

Kaku also takes on Shadam. The winner of the fight will become the new emperor Gorma XVI. If Kaku wins, he will insure that Gorma will be at peace. But having the sources of his power (the Towers of Wicked Power and Chi Power, staffs planted by Shiryuu which transmit energy) destroyed by Zydos and Gara, he is defeated by Shadam's sword and dies in the arms of the Rangers. Zydos grows to giant size and turns into an earthen figure--a fitting fate for such scum, but why?

Meanwhile, General Fields of Plenty (Tenpou Shougun) spots Shadam doing something funny to Gorma XV. Shadam kills him. What is Shadam hiding? Shadam ultimately becomes Gorma XVI when he steals of the Great Earthshaking Jewel from Gorma XV. It turns out that Gara and Gorma XV had died 6000 years ago and had been revived by Shadam's magic as mud figures. (I suppose Zydos too had also died long ago.) The Rangers pursue Gorma XVI into the Gorma Palace, where they struggle against the power of the Great Earthshaking Jewel. But merging the light of their Heavenly Treasure Lailai jewels, they stands up to Gorma XVI. The Great God Dragon returns to wreck the Gorma Palace. Ryou and Shadam duel in human form. Shadam loses and reverts to an earthen figure...was his life also magically prolonged? The war ends.

Or does it? Fifty years later, Gorma returns again, and a new Dairanger team debuts to replace the elderly original team. The new team, the grandchildren of the old, fight against a repainted Baron String aboard the Dairen'ou. The story goes on, but Bandai needs to sell more toys, so the series must end here.

Characters and mecha by Amritavira Trailokya

(The following is from my Sentai Manual with some additions, and was written very quickly on the basis of articles in TV MAGAZINE. There may be some errors.)

Except for Ryou, Lin, and Kou, the Dairangers are all ordinary humans who transform (tenshin; literally 'turn-body') using Aurachangers that spark their chi powers and generate their Dairensuits of Daimetal and Daifibers that increase their abilities from eight to ten times.

Ryuurenjaa / Dragon Ranger of the Heaven Fire Star (Ryou)

23. Son of Zhang Liao (Chou Ryou), who had been one of the five Dai tribe warrior pilots of the Chi Transmitting Beasts 6000 years ago, and a human woman. Was not aware of this until recently. Has a younger sister Youko. Wanted to be the best gyoza cook in Japan. Worked in Yokohama's Chinatown. Captured by Baron String, he was saved by Master Kaku and recruited into the Dairangers.

Chi Transmitting Beast: Dragon Star King > Chi Transmitting Warrior, armed with the Flying Dragon Staff and the Great Wind Wheel staff-spinning technique.

Length (dragon): 82 m Height (humanoid): 34.5 m Weight: 102 t

Weapons/techniques: Red Dragon Fist, Red Dragon Double Dragon Swords, Heaven Fire Star Lightning Flames Destruction, Shooting Star Lightning Flash.

Dairenrod: halberd

Shishirenjaa / Lion Ranger of the Heaven Phantom Star (Daigo)

24. Worked at a pet shop.

Chi Transmitting Beast: Star Lion.

Length: 21 m Weight: 47 t

Weapons/techniques: Lion Fist, Lion Staff, Heaven Phantom Star Mist Concealment

Dairenrod: fork

Tenmarenjaa / Pegasus Ranger of the Heaven Weight Star (Shouji)

19. Dreamed of becoming a world boxing champion.

Chi Transmitting Beast: Star Pegasus.

Length: 24.5 m Weight: 52 t

Weapons/techniques: Pegasus Fist, Pegasus Nunchakus, Pegasus High Speed Spinning Kicks, Heaven Weight Star Gravity Inversion Destruction

Dairenrod: axe

Kirinrenjaa / Kirin Ranger of the Heaven Time Star (Kazu)

20. A stylish beautician who escaped his home at age 15 and came to Tokyo.

Chi Transmitting Beast: Star Kirin

Length: 24.5 m Weight: 52 t

Weapons/techniques: the drunken fist style-like Kirin Fist, Kirin Nine Section Staff, Heaven Time Star Time Reversal, Rod Arrow

Dairenrod: conical spear

Houourenjaa / Phoenix Ranger of the Heaven Wind Star (Lin)

Kaku's niece. Came to Japan as an exchange student from China. Hates living with Kou. Once fell in love with Takamura Shouichirou, a.k.a. the Media Magician.

Chi Transmitting Beast: Star Phoenix

Length: 24 m Weight: 35 t

Weapons/techniques: Phoenix Fist, Spear Phoenix, Heaven Straight Line Whirlwind

Dairenrod: multi-blade spear

Kibarenjaa / Fang Ranger of the Howling New Star (Kou)

9. Son of Shadam and a woman of the Dai tribe. Twin brother of Akomaru. The only one who could pull out the sword of Guhon (Yufan), the White Tiger True Sword. New to fighting, he is not particularsly strong. Uses the Kibachanger created by Guhon (Yufan) to change to adult size as Kibaranger.

Chi Transmitting Beast: Won Tiger, armed with Fireballs and the Golden Sword. The Chi Transmitting Treasure Pearls behind Kibaranger in the Won Tiger's cockpit represent the seven powers of Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth, and Sun. (Compare the seven days of the Japanese week or the Sailor Soldiers.)

Length: 48 m Height (humanoid): 46.5 m Weight: 150 t

Weapons/techniques: White Tiger True Sword, Howling New Star Chaos Echo, Fang Punch, White Tiger Bolt of Lightning

Master Kaku (Daoshi Jiaxu)

Originally a member of Gorma, he formed the Dairangers to oppose Gorma in the present day. But when the Great God Dragon appeared, he returned to Gorma, hoping he could defeat Shadam, reign as Gorma XVI, cease Gorma's invasion of Earth, and bring about true peace. But he lost against Shadam and died. In the VR Troopers miniseries "Quest for Power", there is a scene where Tyler Steele is being watched over by an unnamed Grimlord minion wearing Kaku's red body armor.

Kujaku ('Peacock')

Incarnation of the Mahamayuri Vidyaraja, a Buddhist 'deity.' Sucked into the Mirror Make-Up Master's mirror 6006 years ago and released in the present when the Dairangers defeated the Make-Up Master. Wanted revenge on Gara for her imprisonment until she encountered Daigo and had a change of heart. Died and became the Mahamayuri Vidyaraja.

The five main Rangers are armed with Starcutters/Starswords/ Daibusters, which can be combined in the Chi Power Bomber. Later, Guhon (Yufan) creates the Super Chi Power Bazooka.

The five Dairangers ride motorcycles called Kiber Machines ('Kiber'--a pun on 'kiba' [fang] and perhaps 'cyber'): Red Kiber 1, Green Kiber 2, Blue Kiber 3, Yellow Kiber 4, Pink Kiber 5.

The four Chi Transmitting Beasts other than the Dragon Star King form the Heaven Chi Palace (Tenkuu Kiden), a mount for the Chi Transmitting Warrior.

Height: 31 m Weight: 186 t

The five Chi Transmitting Beasts combine into the Great Union King (Dairen'ou), armed with the Chi Bomber-like Chi Kung Shot, the Dai Javelin, and the Great King Sword with the Gale Rage Waves technique.

Height: 54 m Weight: 288 t

Won Tiger combines with the Lion, Pegasus, and Kirin to form the Fang Great King (Kiba Daiou), armed with the Great Chi Power Punch and the Flying Sword Splinters and Dust attack (this latter with the aid of the Star Phoenix). Height: 63 m Weight: 336 t

Daimugen (Great Infinity), normally disguised as Kameo, who speaks with a Nagoya acent, is actually a Super Chi Transmitting Beast resembling a giant tortoise. Combines with the other mecha to form the Heavy Armor Chi Palace (Juukou Kiden).

Length (Daimugen turtle): 110 m
Height (Daimugen humanoid): 95 m
Weight (Daimugen): 1500 t

Height (HAC Palace): 62.5 m
Weight (HAC Palace): 1788 t

The Gorma Tribe (the other branch of the Daos civilization)

Gorma XV (Gooma Juugo-sei)

The Emperor of Gorma. Actually nothing more than a puppet ruler revived from the dead by Shadam.

The Gorma Triumvirate (Gooma Sankanbu)

Lt. Colonel Shadam (Shadamu Taisa)

Monocled, he is the real ruler of Gorma. Later Gorma XVI.

Lt. Colonel Gara (Gara Chuusa)

Originally a Dai Tribe member. After being wounded in an accident, she thought Kujaku was being cold to her and sold her soul to Gorma.

Major Zydos (Zaidosu Shousa)

The strongman of the trio.

Iron Mask Arm Zhang Liao (Tetsumenpi Chou Ryou)

Ryou's father. Was a warrior of the Dai Tribe but joined the Gorma in order to acquire more power. Meeting Ryou, he regained his ability to love.

Demon Boxer Jin (Makenshi Jin; Matoba Jin)

Ryou's rival. Sold his soul to Gorma to become stronger. Later becomes the monster Garouki (Hungry Wolf Demon).


Son of Shadam. Wanted to rule Gorma himself. Twin brother of Kou (Kibaranger).

General Fields of Plenty (Tenpou Shougun)

Gorma officer who raised Akomaru.


Akomaru's loyal servant from hell.

Lieutenant Zilong (Shiryuu Chuui)

Gorma allied with Kaku (Jiaxu). Along with Kaku, one of the few pro-peace Gorma.

Cotpotros (Kottopotoro)

Gorma grunts in black tights with lipped but otherwise blank black and white faces.

Great God Dragon
Not Gorma at all; but a mysterious, all-powerful neutral force treated in MMPR as 'evil'.

Episode titles and translations by Cory Machida; monster names by Amritavira Trailokya

1. Tenshin Daaa
1. Change
Gorma kaijin: Himo Danshaku (Baron String)

2. Kiryoku Daaa!!
2. Spirit Power!!
Gorma kaijin: Himo Danshaku, Gamaguchi Houshi (Purse Priest)

3. Tamashii Choudai!
3. Give Me Your Souls!
Gorma kaijin: Kagi Doukeshi (Key Jester)

4. Oretachi Amai ze!!
4. We are Naive!!
Gorma kaijin: Kagi Doukeshi

5. Aa Tama Kitaa
5. The Spheres Came
Gorma kaijin: Kuchibeni Utahime (Rouge Song Princess)

6. Kaze yo Butchigire
6. Wind, Tear them Apart
Gorma kaijin: Kuchibeni Utahime

7. Uragirimonoo!
7. Traitor!
Foes: Tetsumenpi Chou Ryou (Iron Mask Arm Zhang Liao), Daisoushou Riju (Archbishop Liege)

8. Oyajii!!
8. Father!!
Gorma kaijin: Nokogiri Daisoushou (Archbishop Saw)

9. Unuboreru naa
9. Don't be Vain
Gorma kaijin: Kagami Keshoushi (Mirror Make-Up Artist)

10. Aa Fukushuu no Megami
10. Ah, The Goddess of Revenge
Gorma kaijin: Sakura Shishaku (Cherry Blossom Viscount)

11. Jishaku de Gausu!
11. A Magnet Gauss!
Gorma kaijin: Jishaku Shinpu (Father Magnet)

12. Toufu de Yottaa
12. Drunk on Tofu
Gorma kaijin: Toufu Sennin (Tofu Hermit)

13. 3 Baka Sakkaa
13. 3 Fools' Soccer
Gorma kaijin: Kabuki Kozou (Kabuki Priestling)

14. Kakkabuki Kozou
14. The Ka-Kabuki Priestling
Gorma kaijin: Kabuki Kozou

15. Iyoo Kekkon Jaa
15. Well, a Wedding
Gorma kaijin: Kamikaze Taishou (Kamikaze Boss), Denwa Sensei (Teacher Telephone), Hakaishi Shachou (Company President Gravestone)

16. Gorogoro Kodomo Ishi
16. Child Stones Lying About
Gorma kaijin: Haniwa Fukuwajutsushi (Haniwa Ventriloquist)

17. Dokidoki Bishoujo
17. The Heart-throb Pretty Girl
Gorma kaijin: Yubiwa Kanjo (Lady Ring), Nekkuresu Kanjo (Lady Necklace), Iyaringu Kanjo (Lady Earring)

18. Hatsukoukai Gooma Kyuu
18. First Public Opening of the Gorma Palace
Gorma kaijin: Yubiwa Kanjo, Nekkuresu Kanjo, Iyaringu Kanjo

19. Demashita Nyuu Hiiroo
19. A New Hero Appeared
Gorma kaijin: Yubiwa Kanjo, Nekkuresu Kanjo

20. Himitsu no Byakko-chan
20. The Secret Byakko-chan
Gorma kaijin: Yubiwa Kanjo, Nekkuresu Kanjo

21. Kidenjuu-sama Gotanjou
21. Birth of a Spirit Legend Beast
Gorma kaijin: Yubiwa Kanjo, Nekkuresu Kanjo, Iyaringu Kanjo

22. Tora no Ko Dai Hijutsu!!
22. The Great Secrets of the Tiger's Cub!!
Gorma kaijin: Yubiwa Kanjo, Nekkuresu Kanjo, Iyaringu Kanjo

23. Jun Ai Masshigura
23. True Love at Full Speed
Gorma kaijin: Kagerou Zukin (Heat Haze Hood)

24. 3 Baka Chou Yakyuu!
24. 3 Fools' Super Baseball!
Gorma kaijin: Kamikaze Taishou, Denwa Sensei, Hakaishi Shachou

25. Zorozoro Ura Sentai
25. Opposite Teams in Great Numbers
Gorma kaijin: Kopii Jotei (Copy Empress)

26. Iya na Iya na Iya na Yatsu
26. A Hateful, Hateful, Hateful Man
Gorma kaijin: Tsubo Doujin (Pot Taoist)

27. Saishuuken Dadadaa
27. The Final Punch
Gorma kaijin: Tsubo Doujin

28. Soutoujou Dagya!!
28. General Entrance!!
Gorma kaijin: Touhouten, Saihouten, Nanpouten, Hoppouten (Eastern / Western / Southern /N Northern Heavens - Gooma Shitennou / Gorma Four Deva Kings), Gattai Shitennou (Combined Four Deva Kings)

29. Haha Ko Namida no Maruhi Urabanashi
29. The Secret Inside Story of the Mother and Child's Tears
Gorma kaijin: Hayaguchi Tabigarasu (Fast-Talking Bird of Passage), Gattai Shitennou

30. Hissatsu Hayakuchi Shigotonin
30. The Deadly Fast-Talking Worker
Gorma kaijin: Hayaguchitabi Garasu, Gooma Shitennou

31. Mata Deta Nyuu Hiiroo
31. Again, A New Hero Appeared
Gorma kaijin: Gooma Shitennou, Gattai Shitennou

32. Ougon Kikku no Oni
32. The Devil of the Golden Kick
Gorma kaijin: Torikago Fuuraibou (Bird Cage Vagabond)

33. Aidoru Hatsutaiken
33. First Experience as an Idol
Gorma kaijin: Media Majutsushi (Media Magician)

34. Shin Ougi Kumo no Mai
34. New Secret Art of the Spider's Dance
Gorma kaijin: Saboten Shougun (General Cactus)

35. Togetoge Shoujo Gari
35. A Prickly Maiden Hunt
Gorma kaijin: Oozutsu Gunsou (Sergeant Cannon)

36. Uramibushi Rokusen nen...
36. A 6000-Year Grudge...
Gorma kaijin: Mangekyou Hakushaku (Count Kaleidoscope)

37. Hikken!! Dekee Yatsu
37. You Have to See it!! A Huge Creature
Gorma kaijin: Pachinko Daimeijin (Great Famous Pachinko Player)

38. Ee!! Teisen!?
38. Huh!! A Ceasefire!?
Gorma kaijin: Pachinko Daimeijin

39. Maken Rakujitsu ni Chiru
39. The Evil Fist Scatters in the Setting Sun
Gorma kaijin: Garouki (Hunger Wolf Demon)

40. Saraba! 3 Baka
40. Farewell! 3 Fools
Gorma kaijin: Kamikaze Taishou, Denwa Sensei, Hakaishi Shachou

41. Kujaku Dai Shouten
41. Kujaku's Great Ascension
Enemy: Ikiryou Gara (Wraith Gara)

42. Kaachan Itchokusen
42. A Straight Line to Mother
Gorma kaijin: Ikazuchi (Thunder)

43. Gekihaku Kindan no Kako
43. Violent White Prohibited Past (?)
Gorma kaijin: Ikazuchi

44. Kandou!! Kimi mo Nake
44. Impression!! You Cry Too
Gorma kaijin: Ikazuchi

45. Maji de Kaisan!!
45. The Real Disbanding!!
Gorma kaijin: Ikazuchi

46. Hiiro Maru Hadaka
46. The Heroes are Naked
Gorma kaijin: Kyodai Shiryuu (Giant Zilong)

47. Suggee... Shinjitsu
47. Wow...the Truth

48. Souzetsu!! Doushi Shisu
48. Magnificent!! Doushi Dies
Enemy: Kyodai Zaidosu (Giant Zydos)

49. Sashuu Kessen Daa
49. The Final Battle

50. Ikuzooo
50. Here We Go
Gorma kaijin: Shin Gooma Kaijin (New Gorma Monster; repainted Baron String)

Movie: Gosei sentai dairenjaa (93.4.17)
Gorma kaijin: Toranpu Koushaku (Duke Cards), Himo Danshaku, Gamaguchi Houshi, Kagi Doukeshi, Kuchibeni Utahime, Ojaru Daiou (Great King ???)

Song lyrics transcribed with comments by Cory Machida (and partial translations by AT)


(Dairanger Opening)
Lyrics: Hatte Saburou
Music: Ono Katsuo
Arrangement: Yamamoto Kenji
Vocals: New Jack Takurou

Tenshin daaa! (It's transformation!)

Kiryoku daaa! (It's chi power!)

Tsurugi yo mae! (Dance, swords!)

Kobushi yo unare! (Roar, fists!)

Ryuu Renjaa, Shishi Renjaa, (Dragonranger, Lionranger,)

Tenma, Kirin, Houou Renjaa. (Pegasus, Kirin, Phoenixranger.)

Kiryoku! (Chi power!)

Tenshin, hengen jizai, (Chi Power Transformation! Free to change at will)

Naiteru kimi no, hohoemi mitakute. (Wanting to see you [stop] crying and smile)

Kiryoku! (Chi power!)

Tenshin, hengen jizai, (Chi Power Transformation! Free to change at will)

Moyashi tsukusu ze, makka na honoo. (Burn out, crimson flames)

Ten ni kagayake! Itsutsu boshi, (Shine in the heavens! Five stars)

Gosei sentai, gosei sentai, (Five Star Task Force, Five Star Task Force)

Dairenjaa! (Dairanger!)

Dairenjaa! (Dairanger!)

Tenshin daaa!

Kiryoku daaa!

Karada yo tobe!

Kokoro yo sakebe!

Ryuu Renjaa, Shishi Renjaa,

Tenma, Kirin, Houou Renjaa.


Tenshin, mondou muyou,

Kinou no koto wa, furimukanai no sa.


Tenshin, mondou muyou,

Mamoritoosu ze, kimi no mirai o.

Asu ni kagayake! Itsutsu boshi,

Gosei sentai, gosei sentai,




Tenshin, hengen jizai,

Naiteru kimi no, hohoemi mitakute.


Tenshin, hengen jizai,

Moyashi tsukusu ze, makka na honoo.

Ten ni kagayake! Itsutsu boshi,

Gosei sentai, gosei sentai,




(Dairanger Ending)
Lyrics: Hatte Saburou
Music: Ono Katsuo
Arrangement: Yamamoto Kenji
Vocals: New Jack Takurou

(Haa, haa, haa haa!)

Tonde kuru-kuru, sugoi yatsu.

Chikyuu de ichiban, tsuyoi yatsu.

Roddo guru-guru, mawashitara,

Kottopotoro mo batta-bata.

Dairenjaa, (haa, haa, haa haa!)

Kirameku mune no itsutsu boshi.

Dairenjaa, (haa, haa, haa haa!)

Minagiru chikara wa rikutsu nuki.

Inochi shirazu wa, kakattekoi,

Kiryoku tenshin!

Hakuryoku manten!

Oretachi muteki sa, Dairenjaa!

(Haa, haa, haa haa,

Haa haa!)

Kimottama-tama, futoi yatsu.

Seigi o batchiri, kimeru yatsu.

Gooma wara-wara, detekitara,

Oorachenjaa pikka-pika.

Dairenjaa, (haa, haa, haa haa!)

Kyodai na aite mo hitohineri.

Dairenjaa, (haa, haa, haa haa!)

Shouri no gongu o uchinarase.

Uchimi suri kizu, kunshou da ze,

Kiryoku tenshin!

Hakuryoku manten!

Oretachi muteki sa, Dairenjaa!

(Haa, haa, haa haa!

Haa haa!)

Dairenjaa, (haa, haa, haa haa!)

Kirameku mune no itsutsu boshi.

Dairenjaa, (haa, haa, haa haa!)

Minagiru chikara wa rikutsu nuki.

Inochi shirazu wa, kakattekoi,

Kiryoku tenshin!

Hakuyoku manten!

Oretachi muteki sa, Dairenjaa!

(Haa, haa, haa haa,

Haa haa! Haa haa!)

[How's this: this is my favorite song from (one of) my favorite episode(s) of my favorite sentai series. It was a Rin episode, in which she falls in love with a Gooma monster, Media Majutsushi, in the disguise of a "media creator" who makes her an idol (this is the song she sings on stage). He plans to siphon off her kiryoku through the photos he takes of her, into innocent people and make them use it for evil, while Rin dies as it is drained away. But he ends up falling in love with her too, and defends her against Gara in a fight on the beach. He is blasted and Rin transforms although she shouldn't have enough kiryoku to, and punches Gara. Gara tosses an enlarging bomb at Media Majutsushi and he enlarges, turned evil again. The Dairangers are forced to kill him but he dies in a shower of light instead of an explosion. In the last scene (which I truly love) Rin is at the beach where the battle with Gara took place, kneeling by the shore. She places a photo of the two of them, taken by Media Majutsushi in his human guise, in the water and lets it be washed out to sea. She sings her song (this one) softly to herself and looks out over the ocean. - Cory Machida.]


Yubisaki made furueteru,

Mou damatchainai,

Kono yasashisa o, fumitsukeru,

Kuroi kage.

Kowarete yuku machinami ya,

Yogorete yuku yozora,

Hoshikuzutachi mo, tooku kara,


Kotoba dake ja,

Wakariaenai no,

Kyuuto na, onna no ko,

Mou okorasenai de.

Try hard my destiny,


Nerai o, sadamete,

Senpuu okosu no yo.

Try hard my destiny,

Kizutsuite mo,

Hageshii, hibana ni,

Karei ni tobikonde miseru.

Kono sekai o te ni irete,

Kurayami e to kaeru,

Tada sore dakega, yume nante,

Samishii yo ne.

Aa daiji na yasashisa o,

Shinjirareru you ni,

Hoshikuzutachi yo, itsu made mo,


Namida datte,

Fuan datte aru wa,

Pyua na, kono kimochi,

Mou bakuhatsu shisou,

Try hard my destiny,


Kiryoku o, atsumete,

Senpuu okosu no yo.

Try hard my destiny,

Moetsukite mo,

Fushichou o, mitai ni,

Kirei ni yomigaette miseru.

Try hard my destiny,


Nerai o, sadamete,

Senpuu okosu no yo.

Try hard my destiny,

Kizutsuite mo,

Hageshii, hibana ni,

Karei ni tobikonde miseru.

On to Kakuranger