Welcome to my homepage !!! In here, you can find Leon's newest and recent songs and album pictures. All files are in and must be downloaded in order to listen. If the downloading of a song stops in the middle, cancel it and press download again; this is because of geocities which is very busy. This page is best viewed by Internet Explorer. This page is always under construction. ENJOY!!!
You are Visitor# since Feb. 24 '98
Last Update: Jan. 23 2000
ok guys, sorry but I don't think I'll update this Leon page, since I just don't have the mood and time. But, this page might be re-constructed to something else I don't know yet. Lastly, thanks to all the vistors for their help, which made me kept the page going until half a year ago. In case, you were wondering, my guestbook was erased due to a crash of the server.
Please visit my other webpage:

My Recommendation Songs plus Lyrics

Sugar in the Marmaladeˇ]°ę»yˇ^     Listen      Download

±q¤µ¶}©l (LIVE)     Listen      Download

Music is Live ( Part 1 )     Listen      Download

Music is Live ( Part 2 )     Listen      Download

Music is Live ( Part 3 )     Listen      Download


SONY Albums
Karaoke VCDs
With Lee Ann picture gallery
With Lee Ann picture gallery 2

My Personal Profile

ICQ Uin: 5728110
AsianAvenue username: DNASOUND

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