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Why are you reading over the bar? 0_o;;

Konban wa!  Welcome to my page minna-san. ^_^;;  There's a lot of original stuff to be found here, most pertaining to anime and manga.  I hope you enjoy your visit here.  Ano...  I'd really appreciate it if you'd sign my guestbook.  I spent a lot of time doing this, and it's nice to know people come here. ;^^  Anyway, I'll stop babbling on, and get to the important stuff. -_-;;

Last Updated ; 05-16-99
I put this page up today. ^_^  There's almost nothing up yet, but I'm really working hard on it.  Keep checking back, as things should start getting under way soon.  I'll try not to be too neglectful of my pages. ^_^

You're reading the bars again... -_-;;

Anime Cd Reviews
The Tatara Fanclub
Anime Characters who Look Asian
Anime Midi Files

Iris, Kouran, and Sumire from Sakura Taisen.

Seiyuu, Singers, and Jpop Groups
Musical Theater
Movies, Books, and Tv Shows I Like
The Kawaii Page

Info on Characters From:
Rurouni Kenshin and Macross 7
Sailormoon and Fushigi Yuuigi
 Wedding Peach & Nurse Angel Ririka SOS
Shoujo Kakumei Utena and WeiB Krutz
Mahou Kishi Rayearth and X/1999
Slayers and Lost Universe
Tenkuu no Escaflowne and Sakura Taisen
Hime-chan no Ribbon and Fancy Lala
Rose of Versaille and Glass no Kamen
Phantasy Star and Final Fantasy 7
Hana Yori Dango and Marmalade Boy

Win My Award
Awards that I've Won
Links to Other Sugoi Pages
Webrings, Fanclubs, etc. ^^;;


When you're done here, visit my friend Sayoko-chan!! ^_^

@ March, 1999
Everything here is copyright to the big ass companies that produced it.  This page is non-profit, and doesn't give full information on any anime series - just character information.  I see no reason why this page would be a threat to any company, but if you happen to run an anime company and are offended by anything here, please give me time to remove my content before you sue my ass off. ^_^  Also, to all of you out there who want to copy images and text from this page.  I don't mind, but please email me first, and give me credit.  If I catch anyone using my content without following those steps, I'll be sure to raise Hell.  Thanks for reading this. ;;^^