Welcome to my Ghost Fighter Webpage!!!!

Before we start,You must know who are the characters:

He's 14, a belligerent big-mouth prone to violence and he hates to think too hard, but other than that, he's a pretty nice guy. Due to his training, he has become adept at using his Rei-Ki. His Rei-Ki increases dramatically when his close friends are in danger. Just as a side note, Urameshi is not a common family name. The root of his name is 'urameshii', which means spiteful or resentful. 'Urameshiya' is an ancient conventional phrase used by ghosts. Yusuke is common but the characters are not. 'Yu' is the character as in 'Yurei' [ghost trapped in the human world].

Another 14-year-old delinquent. Incredibly, he's even dumber than Yusuke. He may big, ugly, loud and annoying but he has this HUGE soft spot for his kitten Eikichi which means he's really a nice guy. He has a great sense of humour and enjoys quarrelling with Hiei. He is also in love with Yukina, but doesn't know she is related to Hiei. He has very strong Rei-Kan which gives him a strong feel for "hunches".

In reality, he is a many hundred year old demonic fox, called a youko. His name is Kurama in his fox spirit form and appears as a tall man with long silver hair, fox ears and a silver fox tail. He also has a true fox form with 7 ? tails. While trying to steal a demonic artifact, he was grievously injured by a hunter and escaped to the Human World to take refuge. He was born as Minamino Shuichi and is now a handsome, quiet, polite, studious, gentle 15 year old boy with long red hair and a bent for biology. Kurama who is cruel and heartless is basically trapped in this human body but surprisingly he has learnt about human love and sacrifice from his human mother. Kurama has the ability to create and manipulate any demonic plant with his You-Ki.

Short, arrogant, aloof, cynical, sarcastic, gruff and outwardly cold. He is a fire demon who was born into an ice demon clan. He was cast out as he was considered inferior and not a real demon. He looks like a small young man with black spiky hair. Hiei can also transform into a green-skinned demon with red eyes. His Ja Gan turns purple and evil eyes appear all over his body. In this form, his power increases dramatically. One of his advantages in any battle is his amazing fleetness. As his power increased he began to practice a powerful magical black-dragon-fire attack that almost rendered his right arm useless. Hiei also stole a Ja Gan, an evil eye. It allows him to look for people who are far away. He took it to search for his kidnapped half-sister, Yukina. He won't admit it that however. He won't admit much actually.

My Episodes:
The first Season:

The story begins when Yusuke is killed while saving a child . He was not supposed to die in the accident, so , Koenma sends Botan to help Yusuke to prove himself to be a kind person in order to revive him . Yusuke does prove himself and revives. After that incident , Koenma is impressed by Yusuke's skills and asks him to become the Detective of the Spirit World. Yusuke's first assignment was to recover the 3 treasures of the Reikai which had been stolen . Yusuke cathes up with the first thief, the spirit eating demon and subdues him with much effort. Then, he goes after Kurama, who had stolen the second item to save his mother's life. Yusuke is touched by Kurama's efforts and helps Kurama . Eventually , Kurama agrees to give himself up. The last thief is Hiei . Hiei captures Keiko and fights Yusuke when he tries to rescue her. Yusuke defeats Hiei by a stroke of luck . Koenma then sends Yusuke and his friend Kuwabara to the home of Genkai , the famous martial arts exponent , to learn from her . Yusuke and Kuwabara are put through various tests , along with other hopefuls. Yusuke and Kuwabara both make it to the final round where Kuwabara fails to pass. Yusuke finds himself up against a formidable opponent , who turns out to be a demon. Yusuke fights to his best ability and triumphs once again. Hesubsequently becomes Genkai's deciple and learns to use the rei-gun. No long after , Keiko is attacked by the four sacred demons and taken to the makai. Yusuke and Kuwabara rush to save her and are joined by Kurama and Hiei , who are serving the reikai as part of their sentences for stealing the treasures. Kurama first takes on the xuanwu demon and defeats him with style.Next is the white tiger demon , who Kuwabara defeats after much effort.Hiei then challenges the green dragon demon whom he defeats with ease. Yusuke is left to deal with zhuque, the strongest of the four. Yusuke initially has great difficulty countering zhuque's various attacks but somehow finds strength in him to conquer his opponent. Yusuke then recieves news that a youkai named yukina was being kidnapped by a greedy human so that she could cry tears of gems to make him reich. Yusuke and Kuwabara rush to her rescue. Yukina was being guarded by 2 youkai , the Tohguro brothers and their subordinates. Yusuke and Kuwabara fight their way to the mansion where Yukina is held. Yusuke and Kuwabara are then pitted against the formidable Tohguro brothers. Yusuke and Kuwabara manage to defeat the Tohguro brothers. Then Hiei and Kurama arrive and deal with the human who was the mastermind. It is then revealed toYusuke that Yukina was Hiei's long-lost sister.Kuwabara sees Yukina and falls for her. (he does not know that she is Hiei's sister ; neither does she) Next , the younger Tohguro brother , whom everyone thought was dead , forces Yusuke to join the angouku buttsukai, a martial arts contest held in the makai where rich humans bet. Yusukue goes and is joined by Hiei , Kurama and Kuwabara and a mystrious masked exponent. They make their way to the island where the meet is contested.

The second season:

In thier first-round match , they meet up with the team of the 6 wandering weirdos. In the first fight , Kuwabara fights a youngkid whose weapon is a yo-yo. Kuwabara loses badly!Next , Kurama fights a demon who had plated a bomb on his mother in order to restrict his actions .Kurama uses his wits and defeats the demon with style.Hiei then fights an exponent who is skilled in the use of fire , like himself . Hiei uses his new stance, the blackdragon punch to defeat his opponent , though his loses the use of 1 arm due to this. Yusuke then fights Sayuu , a fighter who loves a challenge like himself. The two are evenly matched and it takes unarmed combat to produce a winner. Yusuke's team progresse to the next stage. Yusuke and Co then fight a team captained by a mad scientist who has controlled his team with brain control. The fightbegins but Hiei and Kurama are held up by two members of the scientist's team.Yusuke and Kuwabara are at a loss when the masked exponent use his power andcures the opposing team from their brain control . Hiei and Kurama arrive and they defeat the mad scientist. The mashootsuka are Yusuke's next opponents . Kurama goes against the painting demon first but he is put in a tight spot ashis movements have been restricted by the painting demon's powers.After getting badly hurt , Kurama summons a plant to kill the painting demon . Kurama then fights against Toya , a user of ice. Kurama still cant's move and is hurt further but he manages to defeat Toya with his plants.He than fights against the boxing demon and is thrown out of the ring . Yusuke promptly gets rid of the boxing demon and starts to fight Jin , the user of air . It is a tough fight which is declared a draw by the judges.Kuwabara then gets to fight Rishyo . Kuwabara defeats Rishyo ( beacuse he was inspired by Yukina's presence!). Ysuke's team then fight the Usaotogi team . Hiei uses the Kokuryoha to get rid of 2 opponents with ease. Next is Kurama then fights a lowly demon who uses this magical smoke that brings you back to a baby . Kurama becomes a baby but he goes even further back in his life and regains the mofrm of Youko Kurama! His powers enhanced , he disposes of the demon. Kuwabara tries to fight Shishiwaka but is transported out of the fighting grounds! The masked exponent , who turns out to be Genkai , dispoese of Shishiwaka and goes on to deal with Suzuki , a genius when it comes to making magical tools.(but hopeless when it comes to fighting!) The final match is between Yusuke's team and the Tohguro team.Before the match starts , Genkai, is killed by the younger Tohguro, who turns out to be an old aqquaintance. Yusuke swears to take revenge.Kurama takes on Karasu first.Kurama had earlier obtained a potion from Suzuki that will allow him to return to the form of Youko. The potion takes its time to work and Kurama is put in a tough situation with Karasu, a user and creator ofall sorts of bombs.Kurama is seriously injured before he manages to change to his Youko form. He then uses plants to attack Karasu . Unfortunately, the potion wears off and Karasu defeats him. As Karasu was defeating him , Kurama managed to summon a plant (that sucks your blood away) and kills Karasu though he lost. Hiei then fights Bui,who tries very hard but is no match for HIei's Black Dragon Punch. Kuwabara takes on the older Tohguro and surprisingly , discovers a new way to use his rei sword and defeats Tohguro though he had a terribly hard time doing it! Lastly, Yusuke takes on Tohguro (younger).Tohguro is a tough opponent and it takes Yusuke much effort to cause harm toTohguro. Toguro, spurred on by Yusuke's abilities and fighting spirit, increases his fighting to 100%. Yususke labours some more and gets Tohguro to fight at100% of 100%! Yusuke is fired by the death of Genkai and eventually mamages to defeat Tohguro , who dies. Sakyo, the mamager of the Tohguro team and organiserof the meet then destroys the arena and kills himself. After the Angouku Buttsukai , Yusuke thought that peaceful days were here but one day, he is kidnapped by 3 humans , led by Kaito, who is from the same school as Kurama. Hiei, Kurama , Kuwabara and Botan go to rescue Yusuke. It seems that the 3 kidnappers have special powers which they can enforce within a certain territory. Kaito has the power to enforce "forbidden words". He decides which words are forbidden ; whoever speaks these forbidden words will lose their soul. Kurama and the rest were made to play by Kaito's rules. Hiei was the first to fall victim to Kaito's 'game' followed by Kuwabara and Botan. Kurama is left to deal with Kaito.Kaito is defeated by Kurama who used his intellect to good effect. The party were then made to go up 1 fight of stairs each ; all the stairs being separated. Upon reaching the top , the party find Yusuke there. Yusuke is told by Kaito that one of the party is an imposter and that he had to identify the imposter before they'd let him go. Yusuke takes time deliberating and finally decides that 'Kuwabara ' was the imposter. Yusuke was right and the real Kuwabara appears with Genkai! Yusuke and the rest thought that she was dead but she tells them that Koenma gave her more time in the ningenkai to help Yusuke. She also explains to Yusuke that the kidnapping was planned by her to teach him the importance of patience and clear thinking.

The third season:

Genkai then tells Yusuke and gang that there was something unsual happening in this small town . Second-rate demons werebeginning to appear and take over the town. Yusuke and gang head down to investigate. They discovered that there were 7 people in the town with powers similar to Kaito, they could enforce territories. Koenma then tells them that someone was trying to open the gate of the makai.They had only 7 days to stop the process. They had to find out where the gate was being opened. One day, Kuwabara was out with his friends and was attacked by a mysterious boy who had the power to create monsters from water. He had Kuwabara trapped but Kuwabara's reiken suddenly grew stronger and defeated him. It seems that Kuwabara's reiken was needed to open the gate of the makai and the boy had come to capture him. Kuwabara brought the injured boy home and helped him recover from his injuries. Later, Kuwabara was captured by the gang who were trying to open the makai gate. Yusuke gave chase but was caught in a battle with one of the gang members. This member had the power to create targets on your body and use anything as a bullet and hit you with it . Yusukewas made a target and many things were sent afte him. Trucks , rocks and others. With Hiei's help , he managed to escape. After that, Yusuke return home and meet up with the rest. They found out where the gate was being opened and decided to go and save Kuwabara there. Genkai, Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama , Kaito and the other 2 of Kaito's friends set off for their destination. The boy who previously attacked Kuwabara decided that he would help Yusuke and company.They party reach the place where the makai gate was being opened.It was a large cave. The cave was a labyrinth but luckily , the boy knew the way.Yusuke , Hiei, Kurama and the boy went in while Botan, Genkai and Kaitou and friends stayed outside . After a long while they reach a gate that the boy wasn't aware of.It turns out that it was in the territory of another of the 7,a small boy who could turn situations in video games into reality. Yusuke and company were forced to go out and get more people as the particular game chosen by the small boy required 7 players. After returning with more people, Yusuke and company are forced to play the game in order to pass through and save Kuwabara. First up was the boy who was saved by Kuwabara. He took on the 'game master' in tennis and won. Then Genkai won in the fight simulation event. Yusuke then won in the fighting section. Next up was Kaito who took on the game master in the quiz section. Despite being good, he was defeated easily. Kurama then realises something. If they defeated the game master , he will die like the game master in the game.Kurama has no choice but to tell that to the game master , causing the boy to lose concentraion and lose in the 3 7's section.He dies and Yusuke and company can pass through. Hiei, Kurama , Yusuke and the boy continue toward Kuwabara.They reach Kuwabara and find him tied up by the head of the 7 , Sensui. Another of the 7 comes to take care of Yusuke and gang and has his head promptly ripped off by Kurama. It turns out ot be the older Tohguro! He had taken over the body of this person. Kurama fights him and causes him to hallucinate and be wrapped up by this plant forever. Yusuke then starts to fight Sensui and half way through, Koenma arrives and it turns out that his pacifier has great power and is supposed to be used to stop future vil. He tries to use it but it is of no use. Sensui kills Yusuke and the gate of makai opens. Hiei , Kuwabara and Kurama, being trapped in an alternate plane, burst through and start to fight Sensui. They chase him into the makai and fight him there. While they are fighting in the makai, Yusuke suddenly revives! It seems that he has some youkai blood in him and the youkai in him has just awakened after he 'died'. Now stronger with youkai power, Yusuke also goes to the makai in search of Sensui. When Yusuke reaches Sensui, Hiei , Kuwabara and Kurama are having a hard time trying to defeat Sensui. They are relieved to see Yusuke alive. Together, they managed to defeat Sensui. Itsuki ( the one who opened the makai gate) came to the makai and brought Sensui's body to an alternate plane.Yusuke and friends then return to the ningenkai. Genkai notices that Yusuke was quite troubled and asks him to visit the first rekai dectective. He does so but when he is at the rekai detective's home , 3 youkai pay him a visit and tell him that his 'father' wished to see him. They explain that the makai was controlled by 3 powerful youkai , Mukuro , Youmi and Raizen. These 3 powers balance each other and if one were to topple , there would be chaos in the makai. Raizen , Yusuke's 'father', was dying and needed someone to take over his place to maintain peace in the makai. Yusuke decides to go and bids Keiko goodbye. He proposes to her and promisses to be back from the makai in 3 years. Keiko agrees to wait. On the other hand, Kurama is approached by a youkai who passes him a message. Youmi , his former partner when he was a thief, wants his assistance. Hiei appears and tells Kurama that he recieved a similar message from Mukuro. After some deliberation, Kurama decides to go help Youmi. Hiei also decides to join forces with Mukuro. All 3 leave the ningenkai , leaving a sad Kuwabara behind. He is studying hard to get into the high school of his choice. Yusuke meets the dying Raizen. Raizen explained to him how he came to have youkai blood in him. Hundreds of years ago when youkais ran loose, Raizen was among the many man eating youkai roaming the ningenkai. He was hunted and injured. Fleeing from his hunters , Raizen came to the house of this woman. Initially , he had wanted to eat her. Yet she showed no fear. This woman was a 'doctor'. She would eat the flesh of people infected with illnesses. Then she would give her flesh to other infected people as a cure. Raizen didn't eat her. Instead , they spent the night together. Since then , Raizen has never eaten and humans . That is what is bringing his death. Meanwhile in Mukuro's camp, Hiei was pitted against Shigure , the person who operated and gave him his 3rd eye. They both injure each other. Hiei is injured badly but Mukuro helps him to recover and finds out about his past. Hiei was bron in the ice country , where only females lived. HIs mother gave birth to him and a twin sister. It was a rule to throw away all male babies . Hiei's mother's friend was made to throw him away but before she did , she handed Hiei a gem , one which was formed by his mother's tear. Hiei was found by 2 thieves who took him in and brought him up. As he grew , Hiei became known as a thief but slowly became an outcast in the group of thieves. It was then that he decided to get a third eye. Shigure had made him promiss that he would not aknowledge his sister even if he found her. Kurama on the other hand was gathering a group of highly skilled youkai to help Youmi. They included Jin and Shishiwaka.Youmi brought Kurama to the dungeons and showed him this youkai who was being tortured. This was the youkai that blinded Youmi. It turned out that it was Kurama who made that youkai blind Youmi... Time passes and Raizen dies. His followers ask Yusuke what they should do. Raizen's old friends hear of his death and come to pay their respects. They pledge to help Yusuke . Yusuke decides to go and see Youmi. Yusuke reaches Youmi's country and speaks to him . He suggests that they settle the power struggle with a martial arts contest. The winner will decide how the makai is run.Kurama and his team of youkai are hiding and listening to their conversation. Youmi wasn't about to agree but Kurama and friends bust out and force Youmi to accept. The contest starts and Yusuke , Hiei , Kurama , Mukuro , Youmi and Raizen's friends all breeze through the first rounds. In the later rounds , Yusuke was to meet Youmi , Hiei was to meet Mukuro and Kurama was to fight Shigure. Hiei fights Mukiro with all his ability but he is no match for Mukuro. During the fight , Mukuro's past is revealed. When she was a child , she was held prisoner and put through horrid conditions. She had shackles on her hands. She fled the prison but she could not remove the shackles no matter what she did. Hiei knew this and used his black dragon stance to fight Mukuro. This causes the shackles to break. Hiei is defeated but Mukuro is finally able to let go of her past. Kurama takes on Shigure.Try as Kurama might , but he could not harm Shigure while he was still in his human form. Injured , Kurama returns to his Youko form and begins to give Shigure a hard time.Yet , Kuruama decides to revert to his human form. He did not want to become Youko again. He decided to use this fight to wave goodbye to his past. Human again , Kurama battles hard against Shigure and finally manages to defeat his opponent by destroying Shigure's weapon. Shigure asked Kurama to kill him but Kurama refused. Unable to take losing without dying , Shigure commits suicide.Kurama is heavily injured but glad to be rid of his past. Although he goes throught to the next round, he is to seriously hurt to continue. It is Yusuke's turn to fight.He takes on Yomi while Kurama and Hiei and Kurama watch from the sidelines.Yusuke tries to attack Yomi with his rei-gun but Yomi uses his ki to protect himself.Yusuke could not harm Yomi and was injured by Yomi's attacks.Yusuke refuses to give up and continues to attack Yomi finally injuring Yomi.Yomi's competitive spirt is aroused and both fight hard but happily.Yusuke was no match for the experienced and powerful Yomi and was defeated.After his defeat, Yusuke disappeared... The competition was won by one of Raizen's friends.He was given control of the entire makai, and being a peaceloving youkai, he ruled well and makai enjoyed peace.Hiei stayed with Mukuro and worked as the leader of the youkais who would bring wandering humans who have stumbled into the makai back to ningenkai.Kurama on the other hand started working at his step-father's company after leaving high school and Kuwabara entered Kurama's alma mater.Yukina went to live with Genkai while Keiko furthered her studies in a girls' school. One day, approximately 3 years after the competition, Genkai got everyone to go to the temple. They went to the seaside and were playing happily... Keiko suddenly gets upset.It was already 3 years and Yusuku had not returned yet...Suddenly, she hears a voice. She turns around and sees Yusuke... She is shocked but runs over to Yusuke , lunging at him and knocking him flat on the ground. To Yusuke's surprise, she gives him a big kiss...and the rest