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Sailor Moon Profile:

Japanese name: Tsukino Usagi
American name: Serena
Birthday: June 30th
Blood type: O
Favorite colors: White and pink
Hobbies: Eating and sleeping
Favorite food: Ice cream
Least favorite food: Carrots
Favorite class: Home economics
Least favorite classes: Math and English

Serena is very reluctant to be Sailor Moon. She wasn't expecting all the responsibility of a super hero:
she is the exact opposite of what a super hero should be. She is so uncoordinated she can't even walk a block without falling down,
her clumsiness seems to be her trademark. She is also an eating machine, eating whatever anyone gives or whatever is on them via begging.
When she is not eating or thinking about food she is talking. She is one big cry baby, crying at any little thing that upsets her.
Most of her friends think of her as a flake. But she is shaping out to be a good leader of the Sailor Scouts as Sailor Moon.
Her positon teaches her resposibility, leadership, and maturity. Now if she could keep those traits as Serena.

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