All About Me

Name: Jasmine Angel
D.O.B.: August 12, 1986
Race: 1/2 Korean, 1/4 Filipino, 1/4 Chinese
Fav. Group(s): Garbage, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey.
Suckiest Group(s): Backstreet Boys, N*Sync, Five, and any other boy bands.
Fav. Movie(s): The Matrix, Princess Monoke, Ninja Scroll, Jawbreaker.
Fav. Show(s): Dragon Ball Z (DEFINENTLY!), Fushigi Yuugi, Devil Hunter Yohko, Power Puff Girls, Xena: The Warrior Princess, The Blame Game, South Park. My cousin gots a page all about South Park. It's Go visit it alright?
Stuff I like 2 DO: I love to draw, watch tv (especially DBZ), go shoppin, hang out, talk on the phone, cooking, reading magazines, work on my page, play Nintendo.
Friends: My best friend is Jennifer (Miss Track Team). My other friends are Alyssa, Rosemary, Darlene, Rose (she currently lives in Flower Mound, TX), Stephanie, Ana, Fallon, Stephanie, Ashley, Melissa, Mary, Nikki, Kristina, Megan, Jessica, Tiffany, Nicole, Amanda, Kim, Jenny, Nedra, and some other people.