• What is up with those weird names?
  • Who won the Tenkaichi Budokais'?
  • What are the rules on wishing w/ the Dragon Balls?
  • What are the rules on wishing w/ the Namek Dragon Balls?
  • What in the world does "Saiya" mean?
  • What is a Super Saiya-jin?
  • What does it take to become a Super Saiya-jin?
  • How has Trunks's time travel affect history?
  • How was Cell able to survive his kamikazee attack?
  • How was Cell defeated?
  • What is SSj 3?
  • How in the hell did Mr. Satan win the Tenkaichi Budokai?
  • What is "fusion" and how was it able to aid the Z-Warriors?
  • How was Buu defeated?
  • Why was Goku happy to train with Ubuu instead of staying home?
  • How many episodes are there in DBZ?
  • Why is it that most of the characters don't have mothers?
  • Of all the characters, who ended up being the strongest?
  • Who has never died in the whole series?