Alright.... as hopefully.. the majority of you already know.. in Dragon Ball there are many many puns on all the character's names.. ^__^ this is just a section I made listing all.. or close to all (when it's complete) of  em and their meanings..remember this is under construction and I haven't done everyone's names just yet!



(names are spelled in japanese first then english name)

Goku:: ok.. Son Goku is the pronunciation of Sun Wukong.. a  Trickster monkey in an old Chinese story called Journey to the West. And he resembles Goku in the way that he has a flying cloud, a tail, and a Nyoi Bo..Also, in Japanese Goku means "air"
Kakarotto:: Goku's original [Saiya-jin] name also has a pun.. Kakarotto.. is from the word Carrot  (in French his name IS Carrot) which is from another pun where.. every Saiya-jin is named after a vegetable.. (explained later in "specie's names" puns)

Chichi:: Chichi's name simply translates to milk; mother's milk..  or father; pioneer;originator.. although it's suppossed to be the first one.. (even though Chichi in the manga is spelled in katakana and in the dictionary Chichi ~mother's milk~ is spelled in kanji)--who knows--

Gohan:: Gohan in Japanese is a type of rice meal.. but Goku didn't just name him Gohan after a favorite food dish.. he named him Gohan because his adopted grandfather was name Gohan also..

Goten:: Goten is a pun all himself.. not only is he an exact replica of his father.. but his name is as well ^_^.. 'ten' in japanese means sky .. and when 'ten' is added to Goku (tengoku) it means heaven! ^_^ kawaii, ne?

Raditsu(Raditz):: Raditsu is derived from another vegetable (as all full Saiya-jins are) which happens to be "Radish".. (kinda obvious isn't it?)

Bardock::(coming soon)

Mr. Satan(Videl's Father) & Bideru (Videl):: both Videl and Mr. Satan are named after figures of hell.. ^_^::: Mr. Satan's name being spelled the same way as SATAN and Videl's name being when you switch the letters around they spell Devil ^^

Pan:: Pan in Japanese (as well as Spanish & Portugese) means bread.. I don't know how this fits into any of the other puns.. just another food pun ^_^

Ouji Bejiita(Prince Vegeta)::  Vegeta is close to the word Vegetable which all Saiya-jins are named after--and him being the prince/king.. this makes sense--

(Bejiita Ou)King Vegeta:: Both him and his son have the same name.. so I assume the entire line of the throne has the same name (Vegeta) --same pun as his son--

Baruma(Bulma)::Bulma's entire side of the family (including her 2 children) are named after types of underwear!! Bulma meaning "Bloomers"

Trunks:: It doesn't take a scientist to realize that this is also a type of underwear!!

Bura(Bra):: Guess

Dr. Briefs:: Named after another underwear prduct (Briefs if you couldn't tell)

The Ginyu Force (lol ..AKA the Milk Force.. Ginyu means milk!!)

Captain Ginyu:: Ginyu means milk... and being that all of his Ginyu members are named after MILK products.. this is very logical ^_^

Batta(Burter):: Based on the word Butter (a Milk product)

Jiisu(Jeice):: Loosely based on the Japanese word for Cheese (a Milk product)

Rikum(Recoome):: Based on the Japanese word for Cream (a Milk product)

Gorudo(Guldo):: Based on the Japanese word for yogurt (a Milk product)

Kuririn:: Means Chestnut in Japanese

Marron:: Is also derived from the word Chestnut.. and means Chestnut paste

Maron:: (Kuririn's girlfriend before 18) is close to Kuririn's first daughter's name..except with one 'R' (she also looks like Bulma a LOT  if this counts.. since it seems that Kuririn might have had a small crush on Bulma for a while)

Oolong:: Japanese Tea

Puaru (Puar):: Puar (Pual.. whichever) is also a Japanese Tea!

Freezer (Frieza):: you know.. that other part of your fridge where you keep the icecream?? The Freezer?.. yup.. and man does HE have a cold personality! ::bad pun alert::

Coola(Cooler)--Freezer's older bro--also a type of place to keep things cold (cooler, freezer)

King Cold:: To top it all off... here's king cold! yay

Bibidi(Bippity), Babidi(Boppity) and Buu(Boo!):: Have you ever seen Cinderella?.. Bippity Boppity Boo was it? hee hee

Dabura(Dabra):: Abra ca Dabra maybe?? oh well.. it's still based on the Bippty Boppity Boo song thoughl! ^_^

(Zabon)Zarbon:: A citrus fruit, the Zabon

Dodoria:: A bad-smelling fruit from southeastern Asia, the "durian".(Being as Freezer's 2 main henchman --Zarbon and Dodoria--are both named after fruits is not so suprising)

Jackie Chun:: Name pun after Jackie Chan one of the greatest martial arts masters of all time! (a little biased there ne?) wouldn't it be cool to have your name in one of the most famous mangas ever??--by the way.. one of Akira Toriyama's idols is Jackie Chan--

Ranchi(Lunch):: The word Lunch being stuck in there with all those foods is not suprising
Kushami:: AKA Lunch's evil half.. hee hee! Kushami means sneeze in Japanese! Oh no.. now I'm rhyming.. O_o

That's all for now! More to come soon!