Welcome to my Home
    My name is Serena and this is the Crystal Palace.  I hope you enjoy your stay at the palace, you can visit the many rooms here, please feel free to look around, you can visit the  Galleries or the library. We are currently remodling the palace so the hall of fame, and Fanfictions from the library are under construction.
Updates: What's up?  Check here to find out more!
About Me: My life not the most interesting part of the site but you might wanna read it! It's got pics of me and my friends!
sign my guest book PLEASE!!!
For those of you that do not know  the story of The Silver Millennium Moon Kingdom , and the Sailor Scouts click on the picture above.
"Say hello to the nice people Luna"
"Say hello to the nice people Artimas"
If any one would like to donate any fanfictions or would like to suggest something feel free to e-mail the moon kingdom with the link given at the end of the page. The moon kingdom is always open for comments.
Melissa M.Acosta
  Proud owner of Sailor Moon Universe!
Hits since June 30 th 1999
Email the moon kingdom at: moon_kingdom_@hotmail.com