Queen Anime's Talk To The Scouts!!

Talk With Serena/Sailor Moon!!

Hi! I'm Serena. I'm 14 years old, and not exactly the best student at Crossroads Junior High School. My friends Amy and Lita go to my school, but they aren't in my class. When the forces of evil threaten our world , I transform into Sailor Moon, the leader of the Sailor Scouts team. With the magical items given to me by my talking cat Luna, I fight to protect the world from the evil mosters from the Negaverse. I'm not exactly hero material. Everyone tells me I'm a bit clumsy and a crybaby. I really just want to be a normal kid, and I really don't like fighting. But, I have a great responsibility as Sailor Moon to protect everyone from the evil forces of the Negaverse. My friends and especially my cat Luna remind me of this all the time. When I'm not on Sailor Scout business, I like to eat ice cream, play video games, and most importantly, sleep! As Sailor Moon, I have several magical items I can use to keep baddies from taking over the world. I can use my Luna Pen to create disguises so I can sneak into places I might not be able to go. The power in my Sailor Locket lets me transform into Sailor Moon. When I am transformed into Sailor Moon, I can use my Moon Tiara as a weapon against evil monsters. Some of the monsters we fight are people that have been changed. I use my Cosmic Crescent Wand healing power to change them back. All I need to do is call out "Moon Healing Activation" and I can change them back! It's really neat! Combined with the power of the Silver Emperial Crystal the Cosmic Crescent Wand has enough power to battle the biggest baddies the Negaverse can dish out. I'd show it to you, but I think I may have left it at Raye's house. Or maybe it's under my bed... Well, in any case, I was recently given the Moon Scepter which is even more powerful than my Cosmic Crescent Wand! I am also Princess Serena of the Moon Kingdom. Me , Serena! A princess! I still find it totally hard to believe. It turns out that my friends and I were sent from the Moon Kingdom of the distant past to the present . It's all a lot for me to handle, and I don't exactly understand it all. I have a hard enough time just being plain old Serena, let alone Sailor Moon and Princess Serena. Fortunately for me and the world at large my friends are here to help me. Without them, I'm not sure what I would do. I am also totally in love with Darien, who helps me a lot! I live at home with my mother and father, and my annoying little brother Sammy. My birthday is June 30th, in case you wanted to get me any presents or anything. Well that's about all for now. See ya!

Talk With Ami/Sailor Mercury!!

Hello, my name is Amy. I am also 14 years old, and was born on September 10th. I attend Crossroads Junior High School with my friends Serena and Lita, although we are all in different classes. I don't really dislike any subject in school, but my favorite is mathematics. I also attend a computer cram school two nights a week. When I'm not in school I like to read and play chess. I've been told that I am very intelligent. While I find that flattering, I don't believe that makes me any more important than anyone else. I am, however, trying to tutor Serena and make a better student out of her. So far I haven't had much success and her grades are still as bad as ever. I am also a member of the Sailor Scouts team, Sailor Mercury. As Sailor Mercury, I have powers over water. Most of my powers are more defensive than offensive, serving to confuse our enemies rather than harming them. My Mercury Bubble Blast creates a mist of water bubbles making it hard for our enemies to tell where we are. All my other special abilities are based on water or ice. I also have some tools that aid us in defeating the evil forces of the Negaverse. I have a hand-held supercomputer which I use to analyze enemies and devise attack strategies. My Sailor Suit also has a virtual reality visor, which helps us avoid hidden traps and illusions. I'm studying very hard, and I hope someday to be a doctor like my mother. I stay in touch with my good friend Greg, a really nice guy with a strange ability to predict the future. Although I don't talk about it much, I hope someday we can spend a lot of time together. Bye!

Talk With Rei/Sailor Mars!!

Hi, I'm Rei. I'm 14, like my close friends. My birthday is April 17. I attend a private school, so I don't see my friends much during the day. I am Sailor Mars, the third to join the Sailor Scouts team. I live and work at the Cherry Hill Temple with my grandfather. My life at the temple has made me the spiritualist of the Sailor Scouts team. I use my temple training to aid us in our battles with the forces of evil. I personally feel that I have the strongest leadership ability in the Sailor Scouts team, and that Serena is too much of an airhead to be our leader. Unfortunately, she's the Moon Princess and not me. Besides, I don't think I'd have enough support of the other Scouts to be their leader. Please don't think I hate Serena, even though she can be a major pain at times. She is, after all, my friend and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. Well, not anything really bad anyway. Just don't tell her I said any of this, okay? Thanks! When I'm transformed into Sailor Mars, I have the power of fire. I often use my Mars Fire Ignite attack to toast nega-trash monsters back to where they came from. I can also charge good-luck charms with enough positive energy to stun most evil monsters for a little while. When things are especially bad, I can use a super-charged Mars Celestial Fire Surround attack and really show those Negaverse creeps how dangerous it can be to play with fire!

Talk With Lita/Sailor Jupiter!!

Hi, I'm Lita! I'm 14, and my birthday is December 5th. I'm a bit of a newcomer to the area. I was transferred to Crossroads Junior High because I got into a lot of fights in my old school. Lots of people are afraid of me because of my aggressive personality and my size. Even though I am in the same school as Serena and Amy, I still have to wear my old uniform. It seems that Crossroads hasn't gotten one in my size yet. Even though I'm bigger and stronger than most, I'm not much of an athlete. I prefer to spend my time cooking, and after tasting some of Serena's specialties, I'd have to say I'm a pretty good cook! As Sailor Jupiter, I can control the awesome power of lightning. My Jupiter Thunder Crash is a great way to blast those nega-creeps! Unlike my friend Sailor Mercury, I can be a bit headstrong and fight without really thinking. Sometimes it gets me into trouble, but other times my quick temper can really save the day. I'm not one to give up or walk away from a challenge, especially when it comes to trashing jerks from the Negaverse. My special attack, the Jupiter Thundercrash Zap is especially powerful. I can't wait to toast some negatrash with it!

Talk With Mina/Sailor Venus!!

Hi, I'm Mina, pleased to meet you! I'm the newest member to Sailor Scouts team, and I don't know everyone that well yet. But, I do know that I'm a part of the team and welcomed by everyone. I'm a bit friendlier and more outgoing than the others in the Sailor Scouts team. I'm also 14, and my birthday is October 22. I live close to everyone else, but I don't go to the same school as Serena, Amy, and Lita. I try and be as friendly as I can to everyone, and I can be a bit on the playful side to win people's friendship. I'm also a bit more athletic than my friends. Although I was the last to join the Sailor Scouts team, I was a Scout before the others . I met Artemis the white cat from the Moon Kingdom quite some time ago. Back then I battled the forces of evil alone as Sailor V. I drew a lot of attention as Sailor V, and they even made a video game and movie about me! When the forces of the Negaverse threatened the world, I knew I had to find the other Sailor Scouts and do what I could to help them. It took us a while, but Artemis and I found them just in time! I then took my place as Sailor Venus in the Sailor Scouts team! As Sailor Venus, I have two special weapons to battle evil with. My Venus Crescent Beam Smash is a very strong attack and is usually enough to deal with most monsters I enounter. For those monsters that are especially strong, I can use my Venus Love Chain Encircle to create a chain of energy to trap them. Although I'm the newcomer, I know what I need to do to help save the world from the nasty creeps from the Negaverse. They'd all better watch out while Sailor Venus and the Sailor Scouts are around!
