Most recent updates:
4-26-03: I'm doing spring cleaning on the website, haha! ^_^ Seriously, I'm revising a lot of things. Added a Yuugiou section in there.
??-??-??: The anti-Pokemon section has been deleted because I decided not to make an anti site. I wouldn't like people to make anti sites for the cartoons I like. I hope nobody was terribly offended by the anti-Pokemon page.

Here are the areas of my site that are open;

Picture gallery
Fanart Pictures
Fanfiction stories
I adopted! Come see
My Chrono Trigger section
My Revolutionary Girl Utena Section
My Ranma 1/2 section
My Sailor Moon Section
My Oh My Goddess! or AH! Megami-Sama! section
Dragon Ball-Z-GT Section
Magic Knight RayEarth Section
Yu-Gi-Oh/Yuugiou/King of Games Section
Who created this site? Why, ME! See who I am.
Want an award?
Oh my God! I got an award!
The webrings I joined!
Links to other web sites.

E-mail me at with any questions, comments, or death threats you may have.
Back to the gate


Playing music from the English Sailor Moon Show when Sailor Moon fights Queen Beryl.

I do not own any Anime, Manga, or video game characters or pictures or music featured on this site but my own created ones, copyright information on my charecters in fanfiction section. If I do own something besides what's listed it will say so next to it. I don't even own this cute pink-haired girl...(actually, I don't even know who actually does own her!)