Chibi Usa's KISS Dolls

KISS is short for Kisakae, a Japanese word that refers to paper dolls.

- PAPER dolls???

Yes, paper dolls. Due to someone's great ingenuity, paper dolls have been able to make the transition into the computer age. They are commonly called KISS dolls. A great place to go to learn all about this is The Big KISS Page! There you can find everything from viewers to more dolls than you can shake a stick at! ^_^ heehee...funny american sayings... ^_^

Here, I've put up a few of my favourite Sailormoon dolls for you to download. I'm only displaying 5 at a time because this is REALLY image-heavy as I have included a little sample pic of each set. Some of them look kind of boring, I know, but the clothes are just hidden somewhere! ^_^ I thought it would be more fun for you to find them yourself! (actually, i was just lazy, so i copied the first set that is displayed when i open the file. often, the best sets are at the end) <-- if that didn't make sense to you, don't worry, it will... ^_^ For those of you who don't want to wait, here is a TEXT ONLY VIEW which lists ALL the sets, not just these five. I'll rotate the sets on this page about once a month or so.

IMPORTANT: By the way, some of these dolls kinda need a PG/M rating. Most of them will/can end up completely naked. So, I'll leave that for you to think about. That's it! On to the dolls!


Ami's Instructions: Due to Geocities not uploading *.lzh files (which are what the KISS program reads) and me not wanting to link to another person's site, I renamed all the KISS doll files to *.zip. What this means is that after you download it (click the pic to download), don't unzip it, just go to Windows Explorer and rename them. EX. --> amifkiss.lzh A dialogue box will pop up telling you that changing the extension of a file may render it unusable, but don't worry. Just click OK. It's all good. Well, sorry for the inconvinience!


      Dress Hotaru-chan! Click on the front bow to change her uniform from Sailorsaturn's to SailorStarSaturn's.

Hotaru's Opinons: Wow, first set listed! ^_^ This set has fewer clothes than the set below, but the clothes it has are really well designed. There are a few animated gifs and a sound effect with my Silence Glaive as well. Also, this set has some nice backgrounds.

      Dress Hotaru-chan, again! Click on the wand at the side for an interesting surprise!

Hotaru's Opinions: This is a very cool set with many outfits! ^_^ There are about a million separate pieces that you can mix and match to make a zillion different outfits!There are even outfits from other anime! I didn't find out about the wand trick until today, and I've had this set for a while now! ^_^

      Dress Naru-chan! Click on the Umino doll for a surprise! ^_^

Usagi's Opinons: Naru-chan's my best friend so I'm glad there's a KISS doll of her too! This set is good, with a quite a few outfits, but several of them are set dresses meaning that there's limited mix-and-match potential. Special effects include sounds and surprise images. Click around and see if you can find them! ^_^

      Dress Ami-chan! There's lot's of animations and sound effects in this set!

Ami's Opinions: Wow what a cool set. The drawing style is unique, as it the artist's taste in clothes. There are lots of separate pieces for you to mix and match and create your own outfits. The sound effects are pretty cool. Sometimes a dialogue bubble will pop up and I will have something to say to you! ^_^ Overall, I *really* like this set. It is a worthy download.

      Dress Michiru-san! Click on the "Sailor Neptune" to gain access to the clothes.

Michiru's Opinions: Finally a KISS doll of me, the most beautiful senshi! ^_^ This set is pretty good, with a few oufits. Everything can be separated so you can design your own "look" for me. ^_^ However, the clothes *are* kind of old-fashioned in design. Whatever, I can pull anything off! ^_^ Overall, a good set. I like it.

Unfortunately, I do not have the names of the artists/creators, but they *are* listed on The Big KISS Page. Sorry! If you are really upset about this and would like me to give you credit for your work specifically on this page, then please e-mail me.

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