AfterThoughts: Haruka To Michiru.

Michiru... I'm sorry.
It was my plan, and I failed.

Usagi saved us. (She always does,)
But I could not,

You would say 
that you will take the same dangers as I,
But no longer do I want to put you in danger.

If I had just...
Had just known, I guess,
That she didn't have a starseed...

So soon after, are arms fell in defeat,
We knew we had failed.

Death would come in a second,
I had closed my eyes to wait for it.

I wished that you would be spared,
(But that was silly... Galaxia bore no mercy...)
That my one love could get away.

If I had done it alone, Michiru...
If Usagi had failed...
Maybe you would have made it some how.

Escaped somewhere.


I wish I hadn't been so
Not realising.

It's my fault you had that pain, Michiru.

Yet I see you, next to me... looking in your mirror...

What is it, appearing before my eyes?...

I see myself, falling...
My bracelets dissapearing in a burst of light...

Then your thoughts, echoing in my head,

Haruka... I'm sorry.
This was my fault.
I should have begged you to run.
We've always fought togehter.
But I never wanted you to die.
I never wanted you to have that pain.
Haruka... I love you.

I touch her lips and give her a soft kiss.
I loved her.
She blamed nothing on me,
And I nothing on her.

"We did what we had to."
"To save the world." She smiled, and returned my kiss. My arms wrapped around 
her, in love, and, for the first time,
In a long time,
Without Regrets.



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