First Snows 

by Hotaru/Amber


On the first day of snow

I close my eyes,

and the flakes tickle my eyelashes.


On the first day of snow,

My dark blue hair blows in the breeze,

Contrasting against the falling fluries of white.

I feel warm inside.


I reach my home, but then,

"Ami-chan!" Usagi calls out to me.

We sit and make snow angels until well past three.


At night, I sit at home,

Alone at the kitchen table,

Immersed in another one of my textbooks,

Latin, I think.

A mug of hot chocolate steams at my side.


As I got to bed,

I open my window -

Just a crack -

And a few flakes of the snow fly in,

Coming to rest for a moment,

On my waiting hand.


My eyes close,

My mind blissfully turns to rest.


How I love the first day,

Of the clear, crisp snows.