Time Training.

	Hello! (Again...) Another fanfic has developed from a scene in episode 
198, with the Outer Senshi. First Saturn twirled the Silence Glaive against 
Galaxia, the Pluto twirled the Key Staff, which opened up the discussion "Who 
taught who?" Well, here's my answer! I hope you enjoy it!

Comments are ALWAYS welcome! At: tomoechan@hotmail.com

Also, I would like to thank all those who have sent me comments! Please check 
out the revised version of "If Not For You"

All rights to Sailor Moon and all associated characters thereof belong to Naoko 
Takeuchi, Toei Animation and Kondansha Comics.


Time Training.

	Setsuna looked at baby Hotaru, asleep in her crib. She, Haruka, and 
Michiru had all moved with her to this small country farmhouse. White painted 
walls and large bay windows had given Setsuna a feeling of finality. Perhaps 
this would be where she would remain until Crystal Tokyo was recreated. Perhaps 
here, in this beautiful house, on the edge of nowhere, (So much like the 
Gates,) but no longer alone. She could live with that. Most of her life had 
been alone; as a solitary warrior that needed no one. At least that was how 
people saw her. Setsuna gently brushed a small strand of hair off the sleeping 
Hotaru. Had it been so long, she wondered, thinking back to her earliest 
recollections of the Silver Millenium. Had it been?


	She knew that she had been born on the planet of Pluto. She never knew 
her parents; perhaps because they would take away her capacity to be alone; or 
perhaps another reason. She had never known; even now, she hadn't the strength 
to go back in time and find out. She had been alone on Pluto for as long as she 
could remember. She couldn't remember much; food appeared for her in the 
palace. That was about it. Nothing ever changed; and if not for the Garnet Orb, 
she doubted she would have learned to even talk. (When she was a child, the 
mysteries of the Orb hadn't been revealed to her. All she had known was that it 
gave her knowledge, and made her feel safe.) Then, one day, she had been 
sitting on her throne, in her small black dress, when a silvery form appeared.
	"Princess Pluto?" I blinked. Was that my name? Somehow... it sounded 
	"I am Queen Serenity, of the Silver Millenium. Have you completed your 
	"My... training?" Serenity looked startled.
	"Pluto, do you not know why you're here?" I shook my head no. "Has no one 
yet talked to you? Do you know anyone?" Once again, I shook my head no. For a 
reason I did not understand, Serenity began to cry. She took me in her arms, 
giving me, what I would later learn, was a hug. (I think I rather liked hugs. 
Not that it matters, anymore.)
	"Dear child... I'm so sorry. If we had known... I would have come 
sooner... what has happened to your mother?" I told her that I didn't know a 
mother. "No one?"
	"Then," she said, standing up and taking my hand, "You might as well come 
home with me. That's what I was planning on. I thought you would have been 
ready by now, your parents having trained you. Since they're not here... you 
can live with me."
	"Where do you live?"
	"On the Moon," she smiled.


	Serenity quickly introduced me to her baby daughter, also named Serenity, 
and the Princess Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, also just babies. My first 
reaction to living on the Moon was the realizationthat my small world had been 
taken from me. There was more than just my small little Planet of Pluto; far 
more. Each new thing I saw, each new person I met, made me more and more 
curious about the new lives around me. Then, one day, fifteen years later, (I 
imagine I looked about ten then. We age faster while children, then slow as we 
reach our teenage years,) Serenity called me to the throne room.
	"Yes, your highness?"
	"Pluto, since you didn't have your training on Pluto, it is time we start 
now. You are a Sailor Senshi, and have a great destiny and duty ahead of you."
	"I will return with you to Pluto tomorrow, to get the Key Staff, hidden 
in the palace. For now, perhaps it is time you henshined."
	"Hen-shin-ed?" I asked. Serenity laughed. (I will never forget that 
laugh. It was light and airy, with the sound of jubillant bells. I think that 
if I were to tell this story to Haruka and Michiru, they would laugh much the 
same way. But I never tell them about my childhood. I was young, and not ready 
for the responsibilities I now have. I suppose I'm just too unwilling to let 
anyone know I ever had that weakness. Only two people ever knew me then; and 
one of them is now dead.)
	"A henshin is calling upon the power of your planet to help you become a 
warrior." I turned my head aside.
	"So, I am to be a warrior, then."
	"What's wrong?"
	"The children... they had given me strange looks. Once, when I went to 
the park where some of the younger ones played, they ran from me. When I caught 
up and asked why... they said I was 'a warrior'. I denied it... I suppose I was 
	"Pluto, you are stronger than they. Your heart will guide you. Now, 
repeat after me. "Pluto Planet Power... Make Up." I nodded, and drew a breath. 
I think it was at that moment that my destiny was set, that it was that moment 
that my path would lead irrovocably to the present. I was a child, and yet, 
this was the first time I felt I had assumed true responsibility.
	"PLUTO PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!!!" Most senshi would agree with me when I 
saw that the first henshin is always the most powerful. It realigns the powers 
in your body, changing it so that the henshins thereafter are easier. But this 
was a sheer burst if powers, encircling me. In these moments of escasty, I knew 
of my destiny to guard time, I knew of my powers that I would grow into, and 
the powers of the Garnet Orb. When I finally twirled to a stop, energy was 
still swirling endless around me. Serenity nodded.
	"Tomorrow then. I leave you for now."


	My henshin was still on me when Serenity and I left for Pluto. When we 
arrived, I stared for a long time at the barren wastelands. This, this is home? 
Despite this thought, the memories of the Moon Kingdom, as my feet touched the 
soil, I felt suddenly at peace and at ease.
	"So... this is where you lived for so long," She said. I nodded.
	"Do you know where it is?"
	"Somehow... I know I'll find it."


	And I did. The Key Staff was mounted in a glass case in the highest tower 
of the castle. Silver and gleaming in the soft light of the stars, I touched my 
hand to the case. Under my influence, it shattered, and the Key Staff flew to 
my hands.
	"There... now you can be a Sailor Senshi. Will you come back with me, to 
the Moon?" I looked at her. Pluto was where I belonged... but I think I might 
miss the poeple on the Moon, especially Queen Serenity.
	"Of course," I said. Serenity smiled at me, put her hand on my shoulder, 
and we disspeared in a twinkling of stars.


Part 2: A Year Later.


	I ran as fast as I could. Serenity had entrusted this to me alone. A 
group of spies from the Earth rebels had gathered on the Moon. We had just 
found out what city they were in, (Apollo Starlight, it was called, a golden 
city on a silver land,) but, we had also discovered that they had taken a small 
child from the city captive. Serenity was already dealing with Endymion and 
Beryl, (I'd always had a bit of a crush on Endymion, even back then, but was 
too busy learning to be a senshi to bother asking him to one of the Moon Balls; 
and he was a human, after all.) So, Serenity sent me to infiltrate the 
building, save the kid, and come back safely, after taking care of the rebels. 
I was the only senshi back then; Uranus and Neptune were learning quickly, but 
were far, far to young to take on such a dangerous mission.

	Finally, I arrived at a small alleyway. Beside me, a beautiful building 
with statues of lions, made out of the purest gold, were the Earth rebels had 
taken the child. The walls, too were made of gold, (Probably just plated, but I 
couldn't be sure,) so my best chance was an overhead window, open, with a dark 
scarlet drape blowing heavily in the breeze.

	Stepping back, I held the Key Staff in the air, and ran forwards as fast 
as I could. As I reached the wall, I pushed the Key Staff to the ground, 
vaulting myself up and through the window.

	The building was as well decorated inside as it was out. Silver glasses 
were on an endtable, filled with what appeared to be wine. Statues lined the 
halls, of Earth's legends, like Aphrodite, Ares, Hades, and Poseidon. I almost 
stopped to admire the effort and skill in the statues when I saw a trail of red 
hair turning down the hallway. Leaning close to a statue of a hermit, (This one 
I did not recognize,) and listened.
	"Serenity is trying to get Endymion to bring his army in. You should 
never have done something like this!"
	"M'lady Beryl, we are rebels, like yourself. If a Lunarian dies in our 
battle, it is no great loss."
	"This is not how I would have arranged it. You will transport the child 
back to Earth and dispose of her there. We will not wait while Serenity's 
guards sniff us out. Do you understand?"
	"Yes, m'lady."
	"Good." Beryl? Beryl was here? She was supposed to be working with 
Endymion! Beryl was a member of the rebellion!!! I leaned back furthur as the 
two marched away. I should warn Serenity of this immediately... but there was 
still a kid in danger. So... the kid must be in this building somewhere. My 
best bet was down.... I caught a glimpse of a set of stairs at the end of the 
hall. Clutching the Key Staff, I tiptoed towards it.

	The stairs got increasingly dark as I headed down. My main problem was 
that I wasn't in a good position. Because the stairs were straight, an enemy 
could see me instantly. Add that to the fact that I had nowhere to run meant 
that I had better get where I was going, and fast. I stepped up the pace, 
running as quietly as I could down the stairs.

	Sure enough, a child was tied up. I could just see her, on the last step 
of the enclosed stairs. Yet, something was strange... I closed my eyes and 
listened. Yes... there was a noise. I hadn't noticed it as much before... it 
just faded into the background... but now it was louder. A... rumbling. 
Motioning that the girl should be silent, (I suppose that was stupid, she had 
been gagged. But you never know.) I quietly turned the corner. There was one 
man in black armor at the far side of the room, a broadsword at his side. He 
was looking away from me, at something beyond; a waterfall. This wasn't a room 
at all, but an underground cavern!
	"I don't see why we don't just get rid of her now. If Beryl says we have 
to ditch;"
	"Shut up. Beryl said to get rid of her on Earth. That's what we do."
	"Yeah, just what we need; another Lunarian on our planet." Those racist 
pigs! But, who was he talking to? I snuck another glance; there was another 
guard. But he hadn't been there before... there must be a second set of stairs, 
maybe a secret tunnel. I drew a breath. If I waited for one of them to leave, 
maybe I would have a better chance.
	"Listen. Just do what Beryl says. Understand?"
	"Why are we still following orders from her anyways? She's so caught up 
over Endymion that she-" The man stopped speaking. Looking, I saw that the 
second had drawn his sword and put it against the other's throat.
	"Beryl is cultivating the favour of a very powerful prince; a very 
powerful warrior. Those who go against her are punished." He pushed the blade 
closer, "By ME. Do you understand?" The first man gulped.
	"Yes, sir." I heard the sword get placed back in it's scabbard.
	"Good. I'll be back in ten minutes; be ready to make our way to Earth."
	"Do you question my orders?"
	"Now is fine," The first man said as quickly as he could, then gulped 
again. I heard footsteps as the one whom I suspected of being a senior officer 
of some sort leave, up stairs. Another breath. Wait a few seconds....
	"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled as I ran into the room.
	"What?" I stood defiantly above him, having knocked him to the ground 
with the blunt end of my staff.
	"I am Sailor Pluto, the senshi of Time. On behalf of the Queen Serenity, 
I have come here to order you to release that child, and to surrender." The man 
	"Pluto, eh? I expected... more." I was a little embarressed at this. The 
urge to shout, "SAILOR SENSHI-IN-TRAINING, OKAY?!" Was overwhelming, but I 
	"I assure you, I am more than I seem." So I went with the ego approach. 
(No one's perfect.)
	"Right." I twirled my staff. He dodged; and we were engaged in a deadly 
battle. A red burst shot out of his hands; evidently, he was a magic user. I 
put the Garnet Orb in front of me.
	"CRESTA!!!" ; ) (Well, she does have all those round gems... you never 
know...) The bolt dissapated as a red force field appeared around me. I twirled 
my staff again, missing his leg by a fraction of an inch. Shoot. Another twirl, 
aiming for his shoulder. Once again, I missed, as he cleverly dodged.
	"Underworld... scream!" I shouted. (This was a weaker version of Dead 
Scream.) (My power-up would come motnhs later, from a valuble teacher.) The 
attack hit his chest firectly, and he fell backwards to the ground, brining up 
dust with him. I choked on it for a moment, but the wind from the waterfall 
quickly cleared it away.
	"Sailor Pluto." A voice behind me called. I froze.
	"Put down your Staff and turn around slowly and the child won't be 
harmed." The man, the second one... he must have came back down the stairs 
while I had been fighting with the first. Still not moving, I said,
	"I will turn slowly. But the child..." I stopped. Where was the child? I 
turned my head to the right, where the chair she had been tied up to was... 
empty. I turned again, to face the child's assailant. The man was standing by 
the sheer drop to the water below, only a few feet from me. The child was held 
out by one arm, dangling precariously over the falls. "Put her down!" I yelled.
	"No. Drop your staff." A plan formed in my  mind. (Okay, so it wasn't 
much of a plan. I was young!) Slowly, I moved as if I were putting the key 
staff to the ground. Taking a small step forward as I did so, I raised my staff 
as quickly as I could.
	"UNDERWORLD... SCREAM!!!" The purple orb blasted ferociously out, aiming 
right for the man's legs. If I hit right, he would fall forward, to me, on the 
ground. Even as I did so, I leant forward, trying to catch the child.

	Then everything went in slow-mo.

	I had aimed for the man's legs, straight on. He should fall forwards, 
towards me. It was logical. But the man began to dodge. (Of course! I screamed 
at myself after, of course he would!) Even as he did so, my attack was edging 
closer. As he lifted his second leg, the blast hit the top half of his foot. 
Coupled with the fact he was carrying a small child in one arm, the power of 
the orb pushed him to the edge, falling off, screaming. My hand went out, 
trying to save the child from my plan that had gone so wrong... but to no 
avail. My last sight of them was the man, screaming as he grew nearer to the 
churning black water, and the little blond child, unable to scream because of 
her gag, but eyes filled with fear, and tears.


Part 3: Two days later.


	I sat in silence, curled up on my bed. The pillow was still covered by 
tears; at first, there had been the shock... someone was dead because of me. A 
young beautiful child, the joy in someone's life, was dead, crushed beneath the 
tumbling waves. There had been no time for tears, not then. Serenity had taken 
me up in her arms, and we had hugged in silence. I was unwilling to cry then. I 
cried on my own. Yesterday had been filled with tears. It was only midday now, 
but the tears returned every time I thought of the child. I had been useless. I 
wasn't a strong senshi. I wasn't what the warrior I should be. I hadn't been 
ready; I had been too anxious to prove myself, and failed. I sobbed some more. 
If only things had gone differently. I needed to be stronger. I needed to go 
and train. I had to. It was the only thing that was going to get my mind off 
that.. that chi... sob. I scrunched my hands into fists around my bedsheets. It 
was my fault. I couldn't fix it, I had to accept that. But I could maake sure 
it never happened again. Never. At that moment, I made a decision. I would find 
the best Staff warrior in the Sol system, and make them teach me. If it took 
begging, sheer labour, money, whatever, no matter what the cost. I would find 
that teacher. Then I would be a warrior; worthy of the title 

Sailor Pluto.


Part 4: A week later.


	I had sat silently in the library for days. Rarely had I gone to eat, (I 
had discovered that my metabolism as a senshi required much less food then 
normal people; something that may come in handy some day.) I had been toiling 
over the books, trying to find out who the best staff warriors were. Most were 
dead; apparently staff fighting had long since been givin up for the sword. A 
few remained, though:
Sir Lange, an Earth warrior.
Abraham Doin, a Mercurian who had taken up the staff as a child, and lastly,
Anart, an Uranian warrior.
	Of the three, Doin looked like the only one who would teach me. Serenity 
would never permit me to work with an Earthling. Anart was a Uranian. Although 
of the three he would give me more challenge than the others, it could kill me. 
He had a reputation for being a fierce warrior.
	"Pu?" A little voice from below me asked. I looked down to see a cute 
child with dusty blond hair.
	"Hello, Uranus." The little girl tugged at my dress.
	"Pu, you said you would take me and Neptune to the park." I smiled sadly. 
Uranus was growing up so fast, as was Neptune. (It would turn out that the two 
would be seperated for nearly a century before they turned what would resemble 
	"Uranus," She looked at me strangely.
	"Pu, are you okay?"
	"I'm fine, Chibi-Uranus."
	"I'm not Chibi!!!"
	"I am not!" I tickled her, and we broke out laughing. (God, I am so glad 
Haruka doesn't remember any of that! I don't think Haruka believes that I ever 
was a child. Maybe she thinks I just "poofed" into existance.) Haruka giggled 
some more before we calmed down. "You're funny, Pu."
	"Uranus, if I give you a message... a very important message... can I 
trust you to deliver it to Serenity?"
	"Alright, Chibi-Uranus. I want you to tell Queen Serenity, and you have 
to tell her this, word-for-word, that `I've gone to find my destiny, wherever 
it may take me,' and that I'll return when I am once more worthy of being a 
Sailor Senshi."
	"Pu's... going away?"
	"I'll be back soon, I promise. Now go." Chibi-Haruka nodded and ran out 
of the library. I stood up.
	"PLUTO PLANET POWER... MAKE UP!!!" Time currents washed over me. Powerful 
booms cried out as  the garnet orb began to glow. "TAKE ME TO MERCURY! TO 


Part 5: On Mercury.


	I appeared in the middle of a park. Lucious and green, more than 5 
different streams ran through it. I looked around. I saw no staff warrior here! 
A sad song was being sung. Mournful cries, filled with pain. I closed my eyes, 
then began moving towards the sound. I held the Key Staff tighter. Before me 
was a procession of blacked clocked figures. Leading them, was the Queen of 
Mercury. She stopped, and held up her hands.
	"On this day, we mark the passing, of a friend,
a warrior,
an alley,
a guardian,
and a soul.
We say farewell to Abraham Dion, dead in the line of duty, protecting the 
planet of knowledge; Mercury.
Drion cared only for his people. He lived alone,
A solitary warrior,
Watching over children and the aged, the young and old. He cared for Mercury 
like few others,
and he will be greatly missed." A few nods from a crowd. I, on the other hand, 
turned and ran.

	I wandered up and down the empty streets of Mercury's capital for nearly 
an hour. I wasn't sure where to go, now. Finally, I ended up in a garden.

	A garden? I glanced at the engraved sign. This was the planet's Royal 
Gardens. How had I...? I glanced down at my outfit. Oh. I must have not noticed 
some guards as I was walking. They must have let me pass because of my Sailor 
fuku. It didn't really matter though. I sat down on a stone bench. I sighed. I 
was getting nowhere... I was too young for this. No, that's not true, I told 
myself. I am a Sailor Senshi. I promised myself that no matter what it takes, 
no matter how far I have to journey, I will find myself a mentor, so that I can 
become the strongest senshi I can be. I stood up, defiantly, as if challenging 
the skies themselves to try and stop me. I marched forwards in the gardens, 
looking for a way out. I would go to the libraries, to the scholars, to the 
warriors of this planet, to seek an answer. And if not on this planet, then 
another, and another, to the farthest reaches of the solar system!

	I kept walking through the garden. I had stopped momentarily to look at a 
red, lucious rose, thinking of Endymion, but then had kept on my way. Finally, 
I came to a dead end.
	"Great," I muttered. I looked around. Now where? The dead end was made up 
of a light bush. I looked at it closely. There seemed to be something... I 
looked down at the path. Why, it went right into the bushes! The royalty would 
probably be mad if I blew up part of their garden, so I pushed my way through 
the bush, closing my eyes to avoid being cut by them. The moment I looked 
again, I could not believe my eyes.

	It was almost as if a sad, dark song had began to play. A cold wind blew 
fast by my bare knees, chilling me to the deepest bone. Ahead of me stood twin 
statues; each carrying a scythe. Where the scythes crossed, a gateway was 
formed. I looked into the blank eyes of the statue I was closest too, and found 
a cold stare returned. Each wore a long, almost greek dress, with long hair. 
Made of a light grey stone, they apeared to have been here for a very, very 
long time, an almost forgotten part of this garden. I looked at the gate, then 
at the statues. Scythes... like staffs. If these statues could talk, surely 
they could teach me... it was a childish thought, but I entertained it just the 
same. Perhaps they're telling me to go in. Perhaps this is what I'm looking 
for. I walked forward through the gate, looking nervously up at the two 
scythes, expecting them to come down on my head any second. But the statues did 
not move, and I entered a second garden.

	It was a rose garden, and yet, unlike any rose garden I had ever seen. 
For each rose, each delicate petal, was a dark purple. At first glance, 
anyways. Looking closer, I saw a few black ones, and a few the colour of blood, 
spilt on some long forgotten battlefield. In the center, a single rosebush 
bloomed white. Pure white, like the clothes of angels or cloth for newborn 
babies. Each rose was like a snowflake, no hint of yellow or red, but a pure, 
pure white. And below this magnificent plant, surely unequaled in all the 
galaxy, was a solar system model. A circular stone, embossed with each of the 
planets. I looked at the planet furthest from the center, on the left, but was 
suprised to discover it was not Pluto, but rather the Sun. Looking to the far 
right was small Pluto. The planet placed in the centre of this map was the 
forbidden planet; Saturn. And on it, a statue of a woman warrior, carrying a 
bladed staff.


Part 6: Moments Later


	It wasn't that hard of a decision, really. I told (Well, sort of, 
anyways.) Serenity that I was going to find a mentor, no matter how far it took 
me. Even if it was to the forbidden planet. If I could not even do this, then 
surely I was not able to become a senshi. I drew a breath and held my staff out 
in front of me, the Garnet Orb beginning to glow with an inner light.


Part 7: The Forbidden Planet


	The teleport had been painful. More painful than any I had done before. 
Instead of the instantaneous transport I was used to, I had been slowed by the 
planets atmosphere. A sickening, grinding tug pulled me forwards, like a 
gravity far too huge for any normal body. Pulling me forwards, I felt the winds 
ripping against my skin, hair and fuku. My eyes were burning, even underneath 
my eyelids, which I had closed for the teleport. My only thought was; when is 
this pain going to end?

	Finally, I stopped. Rather abruptly, I might add, as I crashed onto the 
planet's surface. I barely got a breath, saw a purple sky, before my pain took 
me to the ground; unconcious.


	"Wake up," a voice above me commanded. I groaned. "Wake up." There was no 
kindness or anger in the voice, but a steady, unmoving tone, like in the army, 
or a prison. Was that where I was? Imprisoned on the most forbidden of all 
	"Who..." I aksed. I pulled myself up, to see who this person was. To my 
suprise, there was no one there. "Hello?" I called, "Hello?" No answer. Looking 
to the ground. I saw footprints, from someone who had obviously walked twards 
me. However, they stopped just feet from where I was, and vanished. "Hello? 
Anyone?" I tried again. I felt like collapsing. I was covered in bloody cuts, 
my legs in pain, my muscles sore. I had to get inside. My surroundings were 
hardly hospitable.

	Saturn was the planet of destruction. As far as my eyes could see were 
the signs of a ruined civilization. Shattered pillars, buildings, all of stone. 
The horizon was dark purple, lit up by the light of the sun. Lightning arcd 
every few seconds. Who could live here?

	Who indeed?


	I began walking. It was painful, at first, but I leaned against my Key 
Staff and marched towards the direction from whence the footprints came. Every 
step drew blood from my knees, and yet I refused to surrender. Every breath was 
a poison, burning into my lungs, but I walked on. Every blink was a stinging 
tears, but I refused to give up. And in this manner, in this way, my way, I 
walked on.


	The sun's light had just begun to pale as I reached what was, undeniably, 
the most beautiful structure I had ever seen. It was a castle of pillars. 
Greek, white marble. A huge set of steps led up to the oor, even outside, 
carpeted by purple velvet. The castle seemed to occupy the whole horizon, until 
nothing was left, but a faint remanent of the sky in the mind's eye. When I 
reached the steps, I called out once more,
	"Are you coming in or aren't you?" A voice came from the palace, quiet, 
yet full of power.
	"Every journey starts with the first step. From that point, there is no 
turning back. So, in this, we must choose wisely." The castle loomed ahead of 
me, and I glanced at the stairs. I hesitated. The voice did not continue. 
Sighing, I began walking up the steps. Odds were, I had asked for this!

	The steps didn't end. That's blunt, but true. There were no end. There 
just weren't. As soon as my feet had touched the first velveted step, the 
castle had dissapeared. I had continued on like this for the better protion of 
the night when I at last paused. I yelled up to the steps above me,
	"But these don't end!"
	"NEITHER DOES TIME!" A voice hollered back. I stopped. Had to think about 
this. The moment I stopped, the steps began to roll backwards. I began to 
scream. Taking the initiative to catch myself, I began running forwards.
	"I guess that means I can't stop either, right?" I asked. But no answer 
was forthcoming. Well, if Time was the... Key, to all this... I raised my Key 
	"Gates of Time! Open!!!!"

	I appeared at the top of the steps, which now seemed no less massive then 
they had at first. Time steps, I thought to myself. Rather than existing in the 
spatial, they exist in the temporal... I had been moving through time, not 
space, as I had imagined... hmm. I probably could have spent the better portion 
of the day studying these steps, but the huge doors before me drew me on.

	The doors were, like the rest of the castle, made of white marble. And, I 
noticed, had no handle. I pushed at them. I shoved. I ran back and threw my 
body at them. No avail.
	"A hint?" I called. Nothing was forthcoming. "Hello?" Great. Whoever it 
was had dissapeared again. Doors... doors... well... they need a key. I looked 
at the door. Unfortunately, there was no lock. Hmm. You walk through them. No 
such luck, I thought, as my nose slammed against the stone. I rubbed it gently. 
And if all else fails, you can always try...
	*knock* my hand rapped at the door. The doors opened, and I walked into 
what I guessed to be the main hall of the palace.


Part 8: Destruction's Senshi


	Before me, a woman was sitting on a throne made of silver. In her right 
hand was a weapon unlike any I had ever seen. The craftmanship in it was so 
ornate, I had to wonder if it were for sacrificial purposes or ceremonies. She 
noticed me eyeing it with her purple eyes.
	"This is the Silence Glaive. When it falls to the ground, it brings the 
Armageddon." I gulped.
	"Oh," Was all I could muster. She looked at me, her face unmoving.
	"Why have you come to my home? Invaded my land? This is a forbidden 
planet? Why do you risk coming here? Is it to ask me to begin a war? To destroy 
the land of an enemy? SPEAK!" Her voice suddenyl boomed. I gulped again.
	"No, I...uh.."
	"Are you mute?"
	"I need a trainer!"
	"A... trainer?" From her sudden display of expression, I deduced that 
this was not the answer she had been expecting. I stood taller at that. "I am 
the Senshi of Time, Sailor Pluto, I have searched the Galaxy to find a mentor 
who will make me a senshi, a true warrior, worthy of my title, I beseach you to 
help me!" She considered this.
	"Pluto?" I nodded. She laughed. May my ears decieve me, but she laughed.
	"What is it?"
	"It is nothing. This will not be our last meeting, Pluto. I will see you 
again, in a land drastially different from my own, in a time yet to come."
	"Of what land do you speak?"
	"It is of no consequence. I will teach you; it is part of my destiny. 
Come," she motioned. This time, my voice beseeched no furthur answers, and I 
walked quietly behind her, only half-conciously noting that she made no sound 
as she walked.


	The days to come were filled with wonder for me. Each day, Saturn let me 
explore furthur and furthur into her palce, filled with books and paintings, a 
piano and a violin, (She explained vaguely that they were to be a gift at some 
sort of wedding, but besides this, she talked to me little.) Yet, as each day 
wore on, I discovered with an increasing lack of patience that I was really 
learning nothing. Finally, I approached the Princess.
	"Are you not going to teach me?"
	"What is it you want taught?"
	"How to fight with my staff." All this time, I had not un-henshined. 
Saturn nodded. "So, are you going to-wooah!" I shouted as she neatly knocked my 
feet out from under me.
	"Pay attention," she said, then left.


	For the next week, I saw little of Saturn. Where she had dissapeared to, 
I did not know. But each day, I looked furthur and furthur in the library. In 
it were written text, all in purple ink, probably from some rare flower. One 
day, I noticed Saturn watching me from the doorway.
	"Did you write all these yourself."
	"Yes." It seemed as if the conversation could end there, so I added,
	"Who taught you to use the Silence Glaive?"
	"I wasn't taught. I knew." I sighed.
	"Why don't I know?"
	"You do. You just aren't looking hard enough. Listen. You have taught 
yourself more than you know."
	"I don't feel like it,"
	"Then go out."
	"Go... out?" I repeated. She nodded.
	"Go out to the desert of this planet, and when you come back, tell me 
what you have learned." She left once more, and I sighed.
	"Fine," I said, although I knew she couldn't hear me.


Part 9: The Ruins of Saturn


	I was on my own. The castle was far behind me, miles away. Ahead of me 
lay nothing but the ruined cities of Saturn. No food to speak of, it finally 
occured to me that I could not survive out here. I would have to go back. 
	What sort of lesson is that? I can't survive on the planet of Saturn? No, 
that couldn't be it... I sat on a rock and began to think. Even as I did so, 
the rock began to move, as if an earthquake had begun to move below it. I 
barely managed to yell out when it rose up from the ground, forming stoney arms 
and legs. It said nothing, but slammed a giant arm towards me, which I barely 
managed to miss. Leaping up, I raised my staff, slamming it down on the 
monsters head. Nothing happened, except that a few pebbles fell off. Making a 
mental note of that, I proceeded to run.

	The monster ran after me. I scarcely had time to look back when I 
realised that it was actually gaining on me. I kept running. If I reached the 
mountains, more than a mile ahead of me, I may have an advantage. Of course, I 
thought, glancing back again, it has the advantage of not needing to 

	At one point, I almost threw my staff back, but thought the better of it.
	"UNDERWORLD... SCREAM!!!" I shouted. The blast went towards the monster, 
partially shattering its rocky exterior. However, pebbles began flying off the 
ground, filling in the cracks. I groaned. Then, I heard a voice above me.
	"You're never going to beat it that way," she said.
	"Saturn! Help me out!" She smiled sadly.
	"Pluto, there are trials that we must all face alone, to grow. You must 
know this; because you will face more than most. This battle is yours and yours 
	"Arrgh!" I shouted at her as she dissapeared. The monster had begun to 
run again, and I dashed forward, not realising in time that I was too slow, 
that it's arm was descending upon me...! Going to die, I thought, dead dead 
dead dead dead.

	I screamed, and my tiara shattered. I felt a new power, coming from my 
third eye, my scream shattered everything in my mind. With this new power, I 
filled the Key Staff, shooting it out at the monster. I will not leave this 
life, and I will not surrender to anything!
	"DEAD SCREAM!!!" A gigantic purple orb filled the sky, the sound of 
morunful howls being drowned out by my own screams of anger. When it was over, 
the monster lay in a heap beside me, and I was alone.


Part 10: Last Days


	I walked all the way back to the palace. I did not stop, I did not rest, 
but I marched forwards, even as the sky opened up in something resembling rain, 
I went on. In my hand I held the Key Staff, but no longer did it aid me to 
walk, but I held it in both hands, a warrior prepared for battle. Whatever 
challenge the Princess of Saturn would put me up to, I would face, on my own.


	Saturn was sitting on her throne when I arrived back. She nodded.
	"Is that all you have to say?"
	"You did fine. You are strong now, as you wished." I sighed, but could 
sense that she knew I was happy with the truth in her words. "You are a 
Senshi." I almost felt pride, but she gave me no chance. She stood up, her 
dress trailing delicately on the black velvet behind her.
	"Now what?"
	"You are done, I suppose."
	"That's it? You have no more teaching to offer me? No new challenges?" 
She smiled.
	"Pluto, you are a most enthusiastic student. But I have no battles for 
you, save to battle me yourself." She spoke as if she expected me to leave 
right then and there.
	"Alright." She rose an eyebrow.
	"Where shall we battle." She laughed again. Perhaps I was still to proud 
at defeating the monster, but I was ready. Whatever sort of warrior she was, I 
was ready.
	"I don't suppose you know what you ask."
	"A true test."
	"Very well, a true test." She looked deadly for a moment, as she shot her 
hands up into the air and crossed them.
	 "SATURN PLANET POWER MAKE UP!!!" Ribbons, bright as the fire of stars, 
swirled aroudn her, and the Silence Glaive appeare din her fist. I drew a 
breath; the woman before me now was no kind princess, but a warrior hardened 
from battles I did not even want to imagine. On her bow was a shattered 
crystal, a symbol of death, as on her collar. The shoulders were of a spiked 
cloth, her earrings of a sharp crystal. Her tiara was set with a moonstone 
coloured gem, and her booths of a shiny purple leather. Add this to the 
elegant-yet-deadly blade of the Silence Glaive, and I had the sudden impression 
of being in way over my head. (Even as a teenager, I knew when to back away.)
	"Then again," I mustered. Her air of seriousness did not change.
	"There is no 'then again.'" Gulp. She dissapeared.
	"Hey! Wait!" Where had she gone? In a moment, I too teleported, but not 
by my own power.


	I was on Pluto! Home! I felt stronger instantly. But she was there, 
floating a few metres away from me, glowing purple.
	"Saturn? Sailor Saturn?"
	"You chose a true battle from me. My only battles occur when a planet is 
to be destroyed. So...." The Silence Glaive began edging down.
	"NOOO!" I threw myself in front of the blade. "Saturn, you can't! This is 
my home, my life, my world!"
	"You chose this fate for yourself," she said, in a merciless tone.
	"You can't.... I won't let you! DEAD SCREAM!!!" The purple orb shot out 
once more. (I can not say how relieved I was to see that it still worked!) She 
blocked it with a wave of the Glaive.
	"Give up, Pluto. If you teleport away, you won't die here."
	"Never!" I spat. At this moment, I think I truly had come of age. I was 
ready to die for what I believed in.
	"Have it your way," she said.
	"I will!" I lept forward and tried to grab the Silence Glaive from her. 
To my suprise, what appeared to be cold steel burned hot in my hands. I 
screamed, but picked up my Time Key. Then, we began to spar. I threw a hit, 
twirling it to the left, and she countered. She tried to jab my head with the 
bottom end of the Glaive, but I rose the Staff above my head. I hit her side, 
but the Glaive was already there, blocking it. She tried to trip me, but once 
more, my Key Staff knew where it was going, trustily hitting Destruction's 
weapon away. Finally we both took a step back, twirling in until we were both 
standing side-by-side to our weapons. We both panted for a moment.
	"You're good," she said. But this time, I felt not even a hint of pride. 
All my anger, all my hope, was gone. I was focused only on suceeding. Nothing 
else mattered; I had to stop Saturn. "But you still can't win." And the senshi 
of destruction brought the Glaive down on my planet.
	"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I threw myself to the ground under the fatal 
blade, to take it myself, if only it would not touch the ground of my hope, my 
home. I closed my eyes, waiting for the blade.


The thought, "Still waiting," occured to me. I opened one eye. Saturn was 
standing beside me, the Glaive tip less than an inch from my face. Then, to my 
suprise, she bowed. It was a solemn bow, filled with respect. Much respect. I 
needed a moment to understand things, but my instincts took over, and I too, 
stood up and bowed to her.
	"Thank you. Although... it didn't seem like a test."
	"On this day, you are truly a senshi. And so, I can give you only one 


PArt 11: This Gift I Give to You...


'It was a true test though. A test of the heart, a test of the strength, a test 
of wisdom, and a test of love. And in all of these, little Pluto, you have 
	'So this gift I give to you.'

'Follow your own path. Follow it through the day and the night, never bending 
to a weak will. Follow it to the unseeable future, to the destiny that is yours 
and yours alone. For all my power, this is all I can give you. Take it in good 
faith and love, and make your way in life until that day when we shall meet 


Part 12: The Present


	"Hotaru, you can't just give up."
	"Come on. Like this." I twirled my Key Staff around. Hotaru looked at me 
	"Okay," she tried again, twirling the over-sized Silence Glaive around.
	"Better. You'll get it eventually!" Hotaru put down the Glaive.
	"Yes, hime?"
	"Who taught you?"
	"Well, hime-chan, that's a long story..."

						*The End*



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