A Future Worth Waiting For

	Ohayo! Haruka and Michiru. Listen to some violin music, okay? Hope you enjoy. Short, but it might just call for a sequal or a prolouge. If anyone likes either of these ideas, please, feel free to e-mail me about it! Time takes all and gives all.

	E-mail very welcome at: tomoechan@hotmail.com

	All rights to Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters thereof belong to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha and Toei Animation. (To my knowledge.)

A Future Worth Waiting For

	"Oh, Haruka... it's beautiful." The pair gazed up at the white house, huge bay windows looking out to the sea, green trees scattered around the lawn, a white picket fence surrounding the vast yard. It was their house. Finally, they could live together. Haruka wrapped her arms around Michiru and breathed deeply, picking up the lightest hint of Michiru's perfume.
	"Do you like it?"
	"Haruka, I love it."


	Michiru picked up her violin and pulled the bow slowly across, making a long, sorrowful tone. Her eyes were closed, her soul embracing the very vibration of the music itself. Haruka was beside her, at the piano, waiting for the right time to begin. The tone Michiru had began ended, and Haruka's light hands began gliding effortlessly against the keys, the two joined in music that flowed endlessly out of the open window, the white lace curtains blowing in the breeze.


	Haruka was outside, early, early in the morning, the grey horizon just beginning to give way to the golden light of the coming dawn. Her muscular legs stretched as she broadened her stance, running as fast as she could against the wind itself. The powerful breeze tugged at her hair, pulling at it widly. Still, she pushed on. The exhilaration she felt was incomparable to anything else in her life. She did this many mornings, running as fast as she could, as if trying to outrun destiny itself. And in a way, she was.


	Michiru sat on the back porch of the mansion, ignoring the morning fog which was beginning to wet the hem of her dress. Still, the bow pulled against the strings of her instrument, her instrument of thought, of speak, what gave sound to things she could not express with words. The sound told a story on it's own; of the peace of living here, of finally being free of the constraints of Tokyo, of being with Haruka, very much in love. Of being lonely, of her daughter and friends that they had left. Even Setsuna and Hotaru didn't know where they were; the two had dissapeared in the middle of the night, to travel through the countryside, togther, until they had finally came here. It was their resting place; the place where they would stay until the ice wave came. They wouldn't know it, it wouldn't reach them, and Crystal Tokyo wouldn't be seen by their eyes until they finally wandered back to the world that they had left. This did not bring pain to her, though. It was what she wanted, to stay with Haruka, alone with her, the wind that lifted her up, until they could choose their own destiny once more. They did not fear for their friends; they knew that they would be fine. They were soldiers; well capable of watching over themselves. She stopped to reflect on this; how time had changed the young girls that they had met while in High School, those children who, they felt, knew nothing about the battles before them. They have changed, she thought. I trust them now; now we are equals.


	Haruka watched Michiru from her perch in the old oak. A beautiful old tree, which she had admired for many minutes before she had finally noticed the sound of the violin Michiru was playing. She had climbed it, and now lay resting in one of its forks, watching the elegant ocean play music that could heal the deepest wound. How long had they been here? Hmm. Time had ceased to matter so long ago. It was their paradise here, in the countryside, with the morning mists and the starlit skies at night. They sat and watched them together. How long had it been? Haruka only knew that they talked less now, for they knew each other so well words seemed less important. Also, there was little to talk about. They had came here to escape destiny, until the future was already set. It had been time for the wind and the ocean to make their own way, their own lives, together. But, often enough, they would sit and watch the other, running or playing music, painting, sleeping, whatever they chose to do to pass time. More often then not, they just went out into the forest and lay by each other's side all day, enjoying the other's presence in the peace. It had been time for this, Haruka told herself. They had had to leave; to lead their own lives, alone. They were lonely senshi, much like Pluto, in the Millenium. Never had they been in love. Now, they only wished to return to that peace, with their new found loves, their new purposes. Strangely, Haruka found that she barely missed the other senshi. When she had first came here with Michiru, after that year on the road, she had expected to miss them everyday. But her heart had foudn a new life here, and was willing to let the old one go, if only for a time. Now, she could have blissful silence, alone with her one true love.


	Michiru looked out at the sea. Haruka was by her side. The two had said nothing so far, Haruka had simply taken her hand, and led her to the beach. She nestled her head on Haruka's shoulder, and breathed deeply of the salt air. Haruka's hand grazed her own.
	"Michiru," she said.
	"Ara, Haruka. So long since you've spoken."
	"Michiru, I love you."
	"I love you too, Haruka." And it was enough. It was all she needed to hear, to say. The two remained silent after that, just gazing out to the deep blue waters and the golden rays of the setting sun.


	I reached out, and my henshin stick appeared. For the first time in so long, Michiru was suprised.
	"Come on." I let the winds take it, and it dissapeared in silver sparkles. I held Michiru tightly, and felt the power of the skies join me, not for battle, but for the sake of the skies themselves. The winds began to blow, obviously making Michiru cold. I held her close, then they lifted us, up into the sky.

	She wasn't suprised. Haruka just held her love close, and the breeses lifted them up, blowing them gently over the sky. She wasn't sure how it was happening, but the clouds were above us, white and gentle. Michiru's lips were the same, as she reached over and kissed me.


	Can you feel the Winds of Change? Even as I held Michiru, even as our lips would touch, I sensed that in this, there was a turning point. As I looked into the clouds, I saw the other senshi, fighting battles, eating and laughing, without us. I closed my eyes, not wishing to share the message with Michiru; our time had come; let us enjoy these last moments.


	Flying wasn't something I had thought of before. Yet, Haruka was the wind. As wells as a pretty-suited sailor soldier for love and justice. I guess I shouldn't have been suprised. But the winds were so cool, my skin quivered. Below us, the ocean was fast moving, I stared at it for a second, then withdrew my own henshin stick. It, too, dissapeared, and a giant wave came up and engulfed us.


	The dark blue water let us breath. I suppose it was the power of Neptune letting us. But it was wonderfully cold, and Michiru was now holding me tight, as I stared in wonder at her mysteriosu, dakr world. It was beautfiul, more beautiful then anything, except for Michiru, that is, I have ever seen. She brought us up with a cresting swave, and the white foam washed up on us. We kissed there, so long, half in the air, half in the sea, each feeling wonder and peace at being in the other's world, and at being back in our own. I only felt a little sad, as a small, cool breeze let me know that the time to return had come.


	We dried off, then looked at the long dirt road that had brought us here, a beautiful house for sale by the sea, our home. Perhaps it would be destroyed with age, or perhaps it would still be standing, waiting for us, if we could ever return, the ocean and the sky. These years we would each miss, but now destiny had caught up with our souls, and cried for us to return to the city where we had once lived, Tokyo. I held Michiru closer than ever, for I did not want to leave this perfect world that I had built for her, just her and me, alone in the world. Even now, I wasn't sure I wanted to leave, but Michiru's gentle touch persuaded me to move forwards. We were still a bit wet, and the wind was cool against our skin. Our feet were bare, and we had not taken time to pack up our belongings. Yet, we moved steadily forwards, not looking back athe white house, but keeping ur step together. We would walk on for our future, and not look back. We loved each other, that was all that mattered. The winds of destiny pushed us on, but they pushed us on together. There was no regret in our step, only the faintest hint of anticipation, for the unwritten future, and the love we would share, togther.


	Two figures stood at the peak of the small mountain outside of Crystal Tokyo, covered in light green vines and flowers. One hand held the other's waist, and they looked out to all that was new in the world, for so long had they been freed from it. And as the silver winds blew their hair, they kissed, then began the descent into the city, to see once more the friends and times that they had left, and the new destiny that would await them there.

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/garden/Garden/6372

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