If Not For You.

Rights: All rights to Sailor Moon and all related characters belong to Naoko 
Takeuchi, Kondansya Comics and Toei Animation. (To my knowledge.)

The rights to the lyrics at the end of the story belong to the Walt Disney 
company, and are excerpted from `The Little Mermaid' reprise for the song `Part 
of Your World.' (C.D is available for soundtrack!) (Also to my knowledge for 
rights. E-mail me to correct!)

I'm not making any money of this, it's probably good advertising, so please, 
please don't sue me. I don't have any money anyways. I'm in grade 9! If anyone 
has any complaints about the rights or legal stuff, e-mail me and I will take 
this story down. Okay?

Welcome to the revised version!!!

Well, after receiving to comments about it in 1 day, both asking for some more 
explanation, detail. etc, I felt obligated to take "If Not For You," down. 
*Sob* (I'm really not fond of work-revision, since it always makes sense to me! 
But that's what comments are for, right?) I'm going to add in some "Author's 
Note:" to help explain, in case anything may be unclear...

After Note: Well, there, it's done. Hated putting a note near the ending 
though, but I suppose some things needed clearing up! But, now that I'm reading 
it with the notes, I'm finding it makes ever more sense to ME! 

Thanks for reading it, and please tell me, (If you read the original,) if the 
revision is any easier to understand. Please?
I can be reached at: tomoechan@hotmail.com

B.T.W: I would really, really like to thank all those people that have sent me 
comments! (I think I've gotten about 5.) I appreciate it so much, and it 
eventually led to the evolution of this fanfic. I think that getting comments 
is definitely one of the rewards of having a web page! So, thanks again to 
everyone out there who has taken the few moments to e-mail me!

Story Notes:

	I can't be stopped. (Maniacal laughter.) Yet another fanfic. For all you 
Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna fans out there, please don't kill me. I thought this 
would be a good idea for a story. After all, Setsuna must have been to hundreds 
of alternate dimensions, each with a VERY good possibility for a fanfic! I hope 
you enjoy it, and any comments are MORE than welcome. Actually, I am willing to 
beg for them. As said before, flames may end up being used for kindling by one 
of my friends and owner of Rei's Temple, so I might not get them. Questions? 
Feel free. Enjoy!

There is a Sequel! If you liked this, please read, "Where My Heart Is."


If Not For You.

	-Time crashes like waves on the ocean shore-


	Pluto's most powerful attack froze life in the area.
	"Pluto," said Sailor Moon, in her Eternal outfit, "You didn't have to do 
	"You know the laws of time. We could have used you against Demando," It 
was about twenty years before Small Lady would travel back through time to ask 
Sailor Moon to save her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity. Now, Neo-Queen, henshined 
as her senshi form, Sailor Moon, stood defiant against the oncoming attack of 
Demando. It would regrettable that Pluto would not join her in the upcoming 
battle, but the soldier of time knew how to take care of herself, and would not 
have used her last line of defense if it had not been necessary. Sailor Moon 
looked over her shoulder to her comrades. The other senshi had all sustained 
wounds, but Sailor Neptune had red gashes all over. Neo-Queen recollected as 
she had jumped in front of Haruka when she had become the centre of one of 
Demando's attack. Mercury stood up.
	"We have to teleport him back to Nemesis!" The other senshi nodded.
	"Moon Eternal Power!"
	"Mercury Star Crystal Power!"
	"Mars Star Crystal Power!"
	"Jupiter Star Crystal Power!"
	"Venus Star Crystal Power!"
	"Uranus Star Crystal Power!"
	"Pluto Star Crystal Power!"

	Neptune closed her eyes. With her powers, she could sense Pluto weakening 
under the strain of holding the Dark Dome closed. She had to help her 

	She held hands with Haruka.
	"Neptune Star Crystal Power!!!" Pluto began to flash as though waves of 
energy were passing in and out of her. Even as it began, she could feel the 
force of Time summouning her to the Gates, to pay penance for her crime. 
Everyone closed their eyes to draw upon more energy. Neptune did the same. She 
could feel Haruka's hand held tightly in her own. She looked at Pluto. Without 
the power of each of the energies, teleporting would become difficult. She sent 
her power out to Pluto, watching as she seemed to return from her ghost-like 
state. Neptune smiled. It was good that she had had the opprotunity to help a 
friend. Pluto opened her eyes, shocked.
	"Neptune!" she shouted, "No!" No one should ever interfere with the laws 
of time. Ever.

The past.

	Garnet energy filled the kitchen. Kaiou Michiru looked up. Her wavy hair 
was set gently upon her shoulders, but the hairs at the back of her neck 
tingled ever so slightly, like a warning of a storm, She was eating her 
breakfast, and combing her hair with her silver brush, inlaid with an aqua-
	"What the-" she suddenly blurted out.

	The garnet energy swirled around, striking Michiru.
	"What are y-" she screamed as she began to fade.

	Her brush clattered to the floor, making a hollow clanging sound in the 
empty room.

(Author's Note: Pluto used Dark Dome, thus she dissapears for awhile. Neptune 
wanted Pluto to help in the "Sailor Power scenario, so sent some of HER energy 
to Pluto, interfering with the Time powers. Time isn't happy about this, so 
decides to "erase" Sailor Neptune from the past.)

The Past, a year later.

	Haruka looked at the pen floating in front of her. The youma had slammed 
into her hard, knocking her to her feet. She didn't know what the pen was, or 
what it could do, but it couldn't possibly put her in a worse situation. The 
words flowed into her mind the moment she touched it. (Author's Note: Episode 
106 in alternate dimension.)

	"URANUS PLANET POWER....MAKE UP!!!" She glared at the youma, then smirked 
as a slight quiver of fear revealed itself in its eye. She half-noticed the 
dark blue fuku she was now in, the weight on her ear from a gold hoop earring, 
and the yellow bow on her chest. Instead, her attention was focused solely on 
the enemy before her.
	"WORLD...." she said, feeling the globe of power form in her hands, 

	Setsuna fell to the ground. She felt...different. Michiru never should 
have done that. Already, the new reality was trying to fit her to its standards 
of Sailor Pluto. Garnet energy was swirling around her, but she raised the Key 
Staff and it dissapeared. She stood up and looked around. A few tires sat 
forlornly in a corner, oil and grease sat on shelves, along with various power 
tools. Where am I? she thought. Somehow, it seemed familiar...as if in this new 
world, in a way, in a new life...she had been here before...in the shadows.

	She peered out the corner. She could hear the tell-tale sounds of a 
battle going on somewhere in the garage. Sailor Uranus lept in front of her, 
her back facing Setsuna. She didn't see me, she thought gratefully. Why do I 
care? In this reality...maybe I'm not to show up until the talismans are 
discovered. Maybe not. Setsuna held her breath as Uranus jumped away. Where was 
Neptune? Where was... she paused. She didn't want to think that way, she 
thought to herself, as possible fates of her friend drifted in and out of her 

	"I don't know what you are," said Sailor Uranus, "But you're going to be 
going back from wherever it was you came from! WORLD SHAKING!" Uranus sent a 
more powerful globe at her opponent, who disappeared in the waves of energy. 
Uranus looked down at her hand.
	"Getting pretty good at this." She smiled, and her transformation faded 
away. "I remember..." she said, putting her hand to her hair. "The 
talismans....I must find them, at any cost..." Haruka suddenly felt weak, as if 
the energy that had come so quick had given her a rush, and was now fading.

	Setsuna listened to Haruka talk to herself and pressed herself closer to 
the wall. On an instinct, she leaped to a platform and spoke from the shadows.
	"Sailor Uranus, we must stop the senshi of destruction. We must battle 
the Silence. We must find the one of light. If we do not, the world will be 
destroyed. But do not be afraid, do not give into any fear. I will fight with 

(Author's Note: No clue why Pluto's here? She's sent back to the Time after the 
timeline was altered, to fix everything. She left before the time-change would 
affect her. Now she's starting to adjust to the new dimension's Sailor Pluto.)

	As Haruka stepped closer to the figure in the shadows, Setsuna stepped 
back into the Gates. She looked around, but there was no one there...who else 
could know? Thought Haruka to herself. Who? Another senshi? Another 
senshi.....her...partner? Out on the seas, in the mists... who was she?

	The sunlight cascaded down in a radiant brilliance as Haruka stepped hard 
on the gas pedal. She veered a hard left, flying past the other cars. She poked 
her head out the window and waved at them.
	"See you at the finish line!" Truthfully, though, she wasn't feeling that 
optimistic. It wasn't the race, but the emotions she had been having. She knew 
that in the Silver Millennium, there had been a senshi that she suspected must 
have been her lover. The problem was that she didn't know who. She hadn't met 
any of the other senshi yet, excluding the figure in the darkness. Another 
world...something different, about them....

	Setsuna stood watching from a distance. The cars were all going so 
fast...it was a wonder Haruka had survived this long. She didn't know why she 
was still here. It was her job to fix the glitch in the time line. To find 
whatever had changed. Obviously, Michiru was missing. She thought back to her 
last moments in the first timeline. Michiru had sent her life-force, the power 
of Neptune, to her, probably to keep the teleport going. She had intereferred 
with the laws of time. Either time had stopped her, or a Setsuna from further 
in the timeline had, to keep the world from disaster. It seemed unlikely that a 
STOP of time would cause a great change, so she decided it was the force of 
time reacting to a potential enemy. (Even Time had self-defense if threatened.) 
She thought about when she came to the garage...it was like, in a way, she was 
Michiru. She had absorbed some of her life force. 
(Author's Note: When Neptune was sending her own power to Pluto near the 

	Some character traits may have transferred when she entered the new 
reality. She had felt so drawn just to stare out into the ocean, to look at the 
fathomless depths, to feel the waves crashing against her...Setsuna looked back 
to the race. If something had happened because of Michiru, she had to keep it 
under control. She couldn't let this new situation diversify her focus on the 
glitch. Haruka's car lept into the lead. Setsuna felt her heart raise as she 
saw a Haruka laugh at the other racers and go for the line. Setsuna felt a 
dizzying wave of strange memories wash over her, and she grabbed the rail. This 
was unlike anything she had ever felt... she shook herself. She had to 
concentrate, and not let her guard fall. It was peaceful, here, in its own way. 
Too bad she wouldn't have the luxury to enjoy it. Tomorrow, she would be back 
at the Gates, and examine the future of the new world. If everything would be 
alright...no. Everything wouldn't be right. Michiru wasn't here. She had to 
save Michiru. She would have to go through some news articles and find out what 
had happened to her...
	"Hey!" said a voice behind her. Setsuna turned. Haruka was grinning at 
her, holding her red helmet under her arm. "Like the race?" Setsuna felt her 
dark skin turn the lightest shade of pink.
	"Uh, yes. You're an excellent driver,"
	"Have I seen you before?" Haruka's eyes squinted in the bold sunlight.
	"In a way. Ms. Tenou, I'm afraid I have to go," Haruka stood straighter 
and stared right into her eyes.
	"Yes. You're a girl. A t-" Setsuna caught her tongue. Baka, she shouldn't 
have known that yet. Yet, Haruka smiled more warmly, and Setsuna found herself 
forgetting about the mistake.
	"You're the first person to figure me out," she said. "Would you like to 
go to lunch with me?" Setsuna almost gagged. Lunch... with Haruka?! The idea 
made her dizzy. She had been to the cafe with her and Michiru, but that had 
been, well....her and Michiru. Setsuna thought about it. It just wouldn't seem 
right, without Michiru there...
	"I'm sorry, Tenou-san. I don't think..."
	"Oh, come on. Indulge. You don't seem like a person who has fun to 
often." Haruka gave her a trademark grin.
	"No," said Setsuna, looking at the ground sadly, "I don't."
	"Well then, come with me to lunch."
	"Well..." Haruka grabbed her arm.
	"Do you drive?"
	"Apparently you're much better at it then I am," said Setsuna, smiling.
	"Probably." she said with another grin, "Maybe. Anywhere you like to 
	"There's a cafe on 17th..."

	"So," Haruka said as they drove along, the wind hitting her face, 
although she didn't seem to mind, "What's your name?"
	"I am called Meiou Setsuna."
	"What? That not your real name or something?"
	"No, it isn't, not exactly."
	"I'll leave it with that. Some secrets meant to stay buried, right?" 
Setsuna smiled at her, then cranned her head out the window.
	"There it is," she said, pointing.

	Haruka sipped her coke. This girl Setsuna was actually a friendly person, 
when you could get her to talk. She thought back to the Silver Millennium. Out 
on the ocean....she had been swimming...
	"You been here before?" She asked of Setsuna.
	"A few times...with old friends."
	"Hmm. Maybe I've met them."
	"Wouldn't surprise me." Setsuna suddenyl had the urge to change topic. 
"So, what got you into racing?"
	"The wind." she looked at Setsuna's smile, and blushed. "Alright, I know 
it must sound pretty stupid, but..."
	"It doesn't sound stupid. I connect well with time and earth."
	"How many sports do those entail? I suppose there's always golf, but 
really.." Setsuna laughed.
	"I don't play golf."
	"That's good. Because, in my expert opinion, golf is bad."
	"I agree completely." Haruka looked at her watch.
	"Look, Setsuna. I've had a great time. Would you like to come to my place 
for dinner tomorrow?"
	"Well, I don't know if I'll be around tomorrow..." Haruka looked at her. 
"Alright," she sighed, giving in. Haruka grinned, and helped her up. As she 
did, she gave Setsuna's hand a light kiss.
	"Till tomorrow, then." Setsuna blushed uncontrollably. Michiru! Haruka 
needed to find Michiru. Must find Michiru. "Do you need a lift home?"
	"Um.." Setsuna said, trying to get over the fact that in this dimension 
Pluto and Uranus might be....
	"No. I, I live near here. I'll just walk."
	"Okay. My house, actually, an apartment of sorts, is in the Tenou Tower 
in the Infinity zone. Just go to the fifteenth floor. I'm the only person that 
lives there."
	"Alright. And Haruka?"
	"Um hm?"

	Setsuna spent the rest of the day trying to forget about Haruka and 
trying to find Michiru. She had gone to the public library and pulled out 
hundreds of old news articles. It seemed the Kaiou Michiru had disappeared from 
her house one morning about a year ago. Setsuna would have to go back and see 
what happened. Too bad she didn't have her mirror, it would make things so much 

	Setsuna shook herself. Michiru's mirror. The aqua-deep mirror belonged 
only to the senshi of the ocean. Sighing, Setsuna disappeared. 

(Author's Note: Setsuna has became more and more like Michiru to the point of 
registering some of her memories as if they were her own.)

	When she reappeared, she was standing in the Gates,
	"Guardian Chronos, open the Gates of Time to me and enter into the past, 
to discover the fate of Kaiou Michiru!" The Gates creaked open, streaming light 
all around her. Sailor Pluto stepped in, guarding her staff closely.

	"What are y-" Michiru shouted. Pluto stood in the shadows. the red light 
left no doubt that it was Time working against Neptune. Pluto raised her orb 
and concentrated. She had just begun to draw back on the energy when she heard 
Michiru's final scream.
	"Uhnn..." Pluto let out as she fell. There was no air. She grasped at her 
chest, trying to breath. What was wrong? She looked at Michiru, who seemed to 
be suffering the same problem. The blue eyed girl disappeared in a final flash 
of light. She had failed. Now able to breathe, Pluto opened the Gates again and 
walked through.

(Author's Note: Since she's part Michiru, Pluto can't change the original 
Michiru's life, since it will directly affect her own, making a paradox.) 
(Author's Note: Gee, I'm beginning to like these "Author's Note's things!)

	At the Gates she sat and concentrated on what had gone wrong. She had 
tried interfering with time destroying a friend. She had become connected to 
Michiru. This connection had arisen in the original time line. Michiru had to 
die to create the new one. In effect, Pluto couldn't save Michiru without 
destroying herself. If she saved Michiru, none of this would have happened, and 
she would still live. If she succeeded, then, she would create a paradox. 
Someone else would have to go and correct time. But for now, she had her first 
dinner date in over five centuries.

	Haruka glanced in the mirror. Her tie sat perfectly along her throat, a 
rich dark blue, in a unique contrast to her black tuxedo. Her hair was well 
combed and neat. She grinned at herself. She didn't know why she was going to 
such lengths to impress Setsuna. She hadn't been in a relationship in...in... 
well, quite a long time at any rate. But this Setsuna kept bringing back 
memories of the Silver Millennium. She had been swimming, and had such 
beautiful hair....the violin brought strains of music more beautiful then the 
finest sunset...The door bell rang.
	"Coming!" She shouted. She opened the door. Setsuna stood there, looking 
lavishing. Her green hair was done up, curled in places, letting a few curly 
strains hand from each of her ears. Her bun had a garnet jewel sitting in it. 
Around her neck was another garnet, this one a cabechon, almost glowing in the 
dim light. Her dress was medium-low cut black, with its own glow, though she 
couldn't tell where it was coming from. It too, was set with a single garnet on 
the collar of her neck, a single black band with a cu gem. The band came down 
into a X which joined to the dress. Setsuna blushed and smiled.

	I seem to have gotten Michiru's fashion sense, Setsuna thought. She 
looked at Haruka's face, who had almost gagged and was now staring at her with 
the reddest of all cheeks. Setsuna let out a giggle. (A Michiru giggle! She 
accused herself. You've spent far too much time in this dimension!)
	"You look pretty good too." Haruka smiled and gave her her hand. Haruka 
had prepared an excellent meal, some American meats, a wok, some fresh 
vegetables, a red wine, and a sundae topped with a coffee-chocolate type of 
gratings for desert. They ate, each mouthful limiting their conversations.
	"So, do you live around here, Setsuna?"
	"Um...no actually."
	"What's it like, where you live."
	"My home has a very ornate gate. I imagine that's the best thing to say 
for it. How long have you lived here?"
	"About a year. Some...business brought me to this part of Tokyo."
	"Me too."
	"What's your business?"
	"To save a friend. To do that, I may have to sacrifice everything."
	"I know about sacrifice." Haruka looked out the window, the luminous 
lights of Tokyo starring back at her. Her eyes glinted for a moment, almost as 
if she were going to cry. Suddenly, her attention was drawn to something else. 
"Setsuna, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot to do something."
	"I'm coming."
	"I think that that would be a bad idea."
	"I don't."

	She hadn't wanted to argue with Setsuna, so had left her with a long kiss 
on the lips, causing both of them to blush furiously, and seemed to make 
Setsuna think about something. But she had bit her lip, so she had told her 
she'd be back in a minute or two and had gone out the door. Haruka wasted no 
time putting her bike in gear and roaring down the streets. This attack was 
(Author's Note: If you don't know, Haruka and Michiru could sense when a daimon 
was going to attack in Sailor Moon S.)

	Setsuna knew where Haruka was going. She had felt the heart crystal at 
the same time. And there was no way she was letting her go alone.

	"Sailor Uranus! You're back! Give us that heart crystal!" Sailor Moon 
shouted, standing over Makoto's limp body. Haruka looked briefly at Sailor 
Moon. She really did look like Odango. Uranus shook her head.
	"No. I can't. I must find the Talismans. For that, I will sacrifice 
everything." The youma lept up.
	"MOON SPIRAL....HEART....A T T A C K!!!" The gigantic pink heart flew at 
the youma, who lept out of the way.
	"It's too fast!"
	"SHINY AQUA ILLUSION!" Uranus' attack was sidestepped, but the pink 
haired youma, with glaring red eyes, was hit by Mercury's. It seemed to take a 
lot of damage.
	"It's fast," Mercury shouted, "But weak. All we need to do is hit it a 
few times."
	"Not so fast," said the youma, in a high pitched voice, "Prepare for 
meltdown! Fire Buster upgraded model 7!(Patent Pending,) I had to go through a 
lot of trouble to get this...but it will destroy all of you!" To prove her 
point, she shot the red flames at Mercury and Mars, who fell instantly. Sailor 
Moon and Venus huddled by them, trying to revive them. Sailor Uranus growled, 
but threw the heart crystal back. It wasn't the talisman. Now she would have to 
deal with this youma. She found the others interfering, but this youma was too 
dangerous to leave. Too fast. She was the wind, but if it could get a crystal 
before her, there was no reason not to teleport with it before she got there. 
No, it had to be destroyed.
	"WORLD SHAKING!" The youma easily dodged.
	"Are you insane? Get over there now so I can toast you at one time!" She 
sent another fireball at Uranus, but she also dodged.
	"Two can play this game." The youma went berserk and began firing off in 
all directions. Uranus kept dodging, but she was getting tired.
	"HAH!" the youma yelled as the attack finally hit Uranus on the back. 
Everything seemed to go in slow motion as she fell, rejoining the other senshi. 
The youma laughed maniacally as she rose the gun, aiming it carefully. The 
Inner senshi looked in horror at the weapon. Uranus just looked mad.
	"STOP!" yelled a commanding voice.
	"Who's there?"
	"On behalf of Time, I am the soldier of Reformation and Time, the 
guardian of the planet locked in a single moment, Pluto. On behalf of Pluto, I 
am Sailor Pluto!" The youma looked around, but could see no one in the thick 
black void of the shadows. Uranus clapped her hands once. The youma turned its 
head to look at her.
	"DEAD....SCREAM!!!" The purple orb hit the youma in the back...
	"No...you can't kill me...I'm chib..." It cried as it faded into ashes. ; 
) (Oh, come on. We all have to get our little kicks in, right?)

	The solitary warrior stepped out of the darkness and stood before the 
	"Sailor...Pluto." said Sailor Moon.
	"Hello, Sailor Moon. My battle here is over. I must leave." The Inner 
senshi nodded as Pluto walked away. Uranus didn't. Leaping, she followed Pluto.
	"Who are you?" she said when they were safely out of the Inner's earshot. 
The dark soldier just smiled, and her fuku faded, replaced by an elegant dress.
	"Setsuna..." Uranus said.
	"I've always known who you were, Sailor Uranus. Always." For a moment, 
they just stood staring at each other. Uranus finally removed her henshin, 
fading back into the tuxedo. She offered Setsuna her hand.
	"Shall we?"
(Author's Note: Well, they're still on for dinner, aren't they?)

	Two Months Later.

	"BLEEP!" screamed Eudial as the flames from Fire Buster 2 hit her again. 
This was the last time, however, because her torn body fell backwards into the 
gaping ravine below. Sailor Uranus stood panting. She had left Setsuna at home, 
Eudial having singled her out. Now she knew the carrier of a Talisman. Looking 
for a moment forlornly at her gun, which was hanging limply from her right 
hand, and she raised it to her chest and closed her eyes.
	"Uranus! NO!" screamed Sailor Moon as she ran into the room.
	"Odango, I have a Talisman. I must sacrifice for myself."
	"No...I don't want you to...we'll save the world without the 
Talismans...I promise...."
	"Odango...if you were in my place....wouldn't you do the same thing?" 
Uranus then shoved Sailor Moon to the floor, which she hit with a sharp cry. 
Fire Buster 2 glowed as it powered up, then a beam of red light shot out. 
Setsuna screamed as she ran in. She was too late. The heart crystal formed the 
Space Sword, the first of the Talismans to be discovered.
	"Sailor Moon," said Pluto softly.
	"Yes..." she said through the sobs.
	"We need the second talisman, and we won't get the third for a long time, 
at best. So the grail can save us."
	"Us?" Pluto picked up the Fire Buster. Sailor Moon lunged, but not fast 
enough to stop the red beam from hitting her.

	The second heart crystal was a different shade then most, a dark garnet, 
glowing until it formed the Garnet Orb. The two fallen senshi held each others 
	"NO!" cried Sailor Moon, "NO! GINZHUISHOU!" she shouted. Her broach began 
to glow. "You brought us back from a death...bring these heart crystals back 
too...." The talisman sparkles. The signs of Pluto and Uranus appeared as the 
two senshi's tiaras disappeared. The heart crystals glittered, and began to 
shimmer out of the two talismans.
	"Keep going, Sailor Moon! You're doing it!" shouted Minako encouragingly. 
Sailor Uranus blinked. Everything was so hazy...so much pain...Pluto lay beside 
her, her chest rising heavily. Her eyes were closed, feeling the pain from 
losing her heart crystal. She opened her eyes for a moment to look at her.
	"If we don't make it..."
	"They may have my heart crystal, Setsuna,"
	"But you've always had my heart," they whispered in quiet unison. The 
ginzhishou glowed a final, bright light, then the two crystals floated back to 
their owners.
(Author's Note: In the original time-line, it was all three Talismans appearing 
that allowed Haruka and Michiru to be saved. Since Michiru is already dead, 
Usagi's ginzhuishou was Haruka and Setsuna's only chance.)

One Month Later.

	"RUN!" Screamed Pluto to Uranus as the red blast caught the two of them 
off guard. Mistress 9 was laughing maniacally on top of the Infinity building.
	"Not without you!" Mistress 9 finally had the two cornered. She laughed 
	"The two pathetic Outer senshi. Ha! You were so easy to-ack-what.? No--
you ca---I w--" Pluto looked on with a stern gaze. Uranus just looked confused.
	"What's happening to her?"
	"The soldier of destruction is emerging. Come, my love. We have to leave 
here. Now." Pluto's voice spoke of urgency. Already, her own failure was 
weighing heavily on her. She hadn't found any way to bring the Aqua Deep mirror 
back. No way to... she let a tear fall from her already stinging eyes, no way 
to stop the Armageddon.
(Author's note: Don't you just love that word? Say it! Arm-a-ged-on!)

	Far above the ruined Infinity building a black mass was coming, covering 
the blue skies. Mistress 9 was still leaning over, coughing.
	"Get out of my head!"

	Mistress 9's screaming continued, obviously in unimaginable pain an 
purple beams began shooting out from her body. It was as if she were in the 
middle of an arguement with somebody, somebody from the inside, that only she 
could hear...

	Sailor Moon and the Inner senshi ran towards the two Outers.
	"What IS that?" Sailor Moon said, pointing to the skies, black with red 
	"That's Master Pharaoh 90. But he doesn't matter right now. We have to 
defeat Sailor Saturn. She's emerging."
	"Can we?" Shouted Mars over the screaming winds.
	"I don't know. If we had the seihai..."
	"But there was no third talisman!"
	"No. There wasn't." Pluto couldn't explain everything, she couldn't tell 
them that they weren't even supposed to exist. Maybe if she had, this could 
have turned out alright... maybe she wouldn't have fallen in love... Sailor 
Moon spun her heart wand. 
	"I'll stop her, if it will save the world." She began running. Uranus 
looked to Pluto.
	"Do you think she'll make it?"

	Sailor Saturn twirled her Glaive. Dark skies and clouds surrounded her. 
She heard footsteps to her left.
	"Sailor Saturn!" said Sailor Moon, "I won't let you destroy everything I 
care for! MOON SPIRAL HEART ATTACK!" Saturn merely rose the Glaive. It let off 
a little white glow, and the giant heart shattered.
	"It is my destiny to destroy this world. There is no one else to save it. 
Pharaoh 90 is coming closer. I can end it, or you can be enslaved to that," she 
said, pointing the head of the Glaive to the dark mass above her.
	"I can beat it! I can!" Sailor Moon said, "I'll use the ginzhuishou!"
	"The ginzhuishou? I doubt that will help. The tairon crystal is almost as 
powerful. And, you don't seem to understand me, Sailor Moon." Sailor Uranus 
clawed up the side of the building, and finally stood before the two glowing 
senshi. She nodded to Sailor Moon.
	"She doesn't care about the fate of this world. If she is here, if she is 
awakened, that means that she must destroy the world. She doesn't have a 
choice," she said, panting, "and she doesn't want one." Pluto appeared besides 
Sailor Uranus.
	"Sailor Moon, we must not let her lower the Silence Glaive!"

	Saturn smiled.
	"Pluto, you understand duty better than any of them. I will lower this 
Glaive of Silence. First the destruction of that monster," she said as she 
looked up to Pharaoh 90, "Then the destruction of this world." Saturn lept up 
into the skies.
	"DEATH RIBBONS REVOLUTION!" she screamed, and the purple ribbons engulfed 
90. The creature screamed as its power were sent into a nothingness. It faded, 
but the Tau Ceti system still loomed above. Saturn returned to the ground.
	"He has fled to his world. It is the end. In the name of destruction, by 
the power of Saturn," she said, raising the Glaive,
	"The end of the world."
(Author's Note: This is anime/manga crossover. Death Ribbons Revolution is only 
an attack in the anime. In the manga, when her Glaive lowers to the ground, the 
world is destroyed.)

	The pearly white head of the Silence Glaive swished down, and for a 
moment, there was no colour, no time, no sound. Everything stopped, and 
everyone turned to the feeling of dread which rose up in their souls as the 
world began to shatter.

	The senshi were floating in the debris of space. None of the inners had 
been able to stop crying, with the exception of Mamoru. The Garnet Ball floated 
(Author's note: There is such a thing as a Garnet Ball. It's a red orb Pluto 
has the power to create in the manga. She and the senshi can fly around in it, 
even in space.)
	"Pluto," said Venus, through the sobs, "You should have just left us 
there," Pluto nodded. She knew time. In a glow of the orb, the Inner senshi 
faded. These were her allies, and she wished them no pain.
	"They've never been here, right?" Haruka asked her. The Sky Senshi's 
understanding of time had greatly increased over the last year.
	"Correct." The grey eyes met the garnet eyes and they embraced for what 
they would know would be the last time.
	"Setsuna....why did we fail?" Even as she said it, debris from the planet 
were flying past them.
	"We couldn't find the last talisman. We couldn't get the seihai. If we 
had, Super Sailor Moon would have risen and saved us."
	"Odango. What of Saturn?"
	"She's returned to a cold sleep on her planet, to be awakened for the 
next armageddon."
	"We are the last?" Uranus pressed her hand to the side of the garnet 
power, looking out into the vastness of space. Little stars shone brightly 
light years away, the earth's dust and some rocks floated by. A dead leaf, 
somehow had managed to survive, floated aimlessly by Haruka, lost in he sheer 
vastness of space.
	"Yes. We are the last."
	"Then everything was for nothing. There was no way to save everyone, 
everything. The other senshi preferred to die than to live the few days like 
	"Yes." Setsuna closed her eyes. She had known that this was the way 
everything would turn out. But for once, for once, she had let herself live in 
the knowledge of doom, and found a love. Now she had to give the sacrifice that 
Uranus had prayed for.
	"Go save her, Haruka."
	"Save who?"
	"Your true love." She raised the Keystaff. "Don't forget me," she 
whispered as Sailor Uranus disappeared, leaving her floating in the expanse of 
space, once more, alone.

	"Where....am I?" said Sailor Uranus, looking around at the elegant room. 
A violin stood on a stand in one corner, the morning light reflecting off it 
and giving it a warm glow, a flute in the other. Long white drapes blew in from 
the window, which, when she walked up to it, she realized revealed the sea. 
Blue/green waves crashed wildly on the shore, and the powerful salt air 
overwhelmed her. She felt the urge to sit down, to say `I'm home.' She had been 
here before, it all felt so....familiar. Uranus looked down at her hands, which 
was strangely pale and translucent. She was like a ghost...invisible...watching 
this life, this world. The wooden door creaked open, revealing a tall girl, 
with aqua green hair. She stood tall and confidant, but moved so carefully, she 
cascaded through the room, each step so coordinated it looked like she was 
merely a wave, passing through the wonders of life. She pulled up a chair in 
front of Uranus and withdrew a silver brush from her pocket. It was her....the 
girl from the millennium....

	Neptune....her love.

	Carefully, Uranus pulled her hand through a few strands of hair. 
Michiru....*her name was Michiru* didn't notice. She sat back and sighed 

	Suddenly, red waves of light cascaded through the room, like lightening 
demanding a sacrifice. Uranus watched as Michiru screamed.
	"Michiru! Get out of here!" But Michiru gave no answer or sign of even 
having heard her. Uranus watched as the red light began to envelope her. "NO!" 
She lept in, pushing Michiru as Time began to destroy her.

	Sailor Uranus, who never was.

(Author's Note: Pluto couldn't stop Neptune from dying because they had become 
so intertwined. Instead, Pluto let Uranus go and save her. Because she lept in, 
(Pluto doesn't 'leap in' to things,) she was erased from the real time line 

	Pluto let out one more tear. She had created a paradox, now she had to 
finish it. `Uranus...' she whispered, feeling her pain. Raising the Orb, she 
withdrew her from the pain of time. Her action had reopened the original 
timeline. She had only a second before Time would realign.

(Author's Note: Pluto went to hide at the Gates.)

	I'm....still alive? Uranus looked around in confusion. Where was she? All 
around her, the figures of senshi, much more powerful...older...were dancing. 
Some sort of crystal ballroom... and Michiru was there. Waltzing with...her?!? 
Uranus looked softly at the older version of herself, who asked Michiru to 
excuse her while she went and got some punch. She walked up to her. For a 
minute....let me be here for a minute....in the name of Uranus... She looked at 
her hand and watched it grow solid. Not only that, but she was fully garbed in 
a tux. She walked up to Michiru.
	"You've already gotten the punch?"
	"Uh...there wasn't any."
	"Alright. Would you care to dance?" Haruka blushed furiously. this wasn't 
her reality. She imagined the other Haruka would be furious with her stealing 
this dance, but, one last dance...
	"Haruka?" Michiru said as they glided gently over the floor, "What's 
	"I've....um...Setsuna wanted me to tell you something."
	"What's that?"
	"She can't tell you yet. She doesn't KNOW yet, Michiru. In the 
future..there will be a battle...you'll be wounded, but they'll try and pull 
off a teleport. You musn't send your power to Pluto. Focus only on the 
teleport. Promise me," Michiru looked up with concern at her lover, who, for 
the first time in a century, had tears in her eyes.
	"I promise, Haruka." she said, tightly grasping her hand. She walked 
	"Thank you, Michiru."
	"Haruka...how do you know all this, if it happens in the future?" Haruka 
just gave a sad smile as she began fading. "Haruka?"
	"Farewell, Michiru....I was glad to meet you..." To her left, Haruka 
walked up and gave her a glass of punch.
	"Michiru? What's wrong?" her love asked of her.
	"Nothing, Haruka. Nothing. I think everything's right now."
	"Of course it is. I'm dancing with you!" And the two turned and danced in 
the gentle waltz of ocean and sky for the rest of the night, Michiru shedding 
only a single tear for the mysterious figure when the two gave a parting kiss.

	"NEPTUNE STAR CRYSTAL POWER!" she remembered the message, and watched as 
Demando disappeared in a flash of light. Everyone looked at Pluto.
	"I have to go now,"
	"You'll be back," said Uranus, "You always come back." Pluto smiled to 
the others, and waved the staff and disappeared. Uranus winked at her once, and 
then held Michiru close to her.

(Author's Note: Hate to ruin an ending, but here goes. Haruka had to go to the 
future, (Sent by PLuto before she was totally erased,) to warn Neptune not to 
help Pluto later on. (Paradox would have been created.) But also, Pluto sent 
her Haruka into the future to show her that everything turned out as it should, 
that she had finally sacrificed all she could give, her very existence, to save 
the world.)

	What would I give
	To live where you are
	What would I pay
	To stay here beside you    
	What would I do
	To see you smiling at me
	Where would we walk
	Where would we run
	If we could stay all day in the sun
	Just you and me
	And I could be
	Part of your world
	Setsuna let a single tear fall from her eye at the Gates. Not for the 
past, not for the present, not for the future, but for what could have been.

					`If not for you...'	

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			 .........      .     .    .. . ..
			.    .    .     ......      . . .
		    .	.     .    .             .
				.          .           .....
			   .   .        .......       .
			    ...                       .



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