Well, what to say? I'm a 17-year-old aspiring webmistress with an unhealthy anime obsession? Wanna see other sites I've done? Visit my directory, which lists all sites I maintain. Well, here's an interesting little tidbit. I present for you, my MPDs!!! Yes, I often boast about having multiple personalities, most of which are anime characters. Oh, and these are in alphabetical order. *g*

Me: This is just me, in my senior pic. Isn't my kitty cute? ^_^ Anyway, I just thought I'd put this up here since it'd be silly to have all these MPDs and not include the real me!

Aeka (Tenchi Muyo): Aeka is my favorite character from Tenchi Muyo, and to be honest, I'm still not quite sure why. Perhaps she reminds me of Ami Mizuno, only a bit older and more mature. Um... and... well, harsher? And she has purple hair, which is just too cool!!!

Ayako (Devil Hunter Yohko 6): Look at her! She's got the hair, the dress, the look, the moves! She's just that cool!!! Okay, maybe she was the bad guy, and maybe she wasn't completely bad even, but she was still really, really awesome!

Catsy (Sailor Moon): Okay, so maybe she's not a favorite amongst fans, or even incredibly cool, but I like her. She was the first Sailor Moon villain I EVER saw, and she has a soft spot in my heart because of that. I kinda ended up as her by accident in a Sailor Moon RPG, and she's been my character ever since. I now play her in a different Sailor Moon RPG, Moonlight Legacies.

Deedlit (Record of Lodoss War): Deedlit is one of my characters from Record of Lodoss War. Due to an agreement between my friend and I though, she's only my character during the original series. My character in Chronicles of the Heroic Knight is Pirotess. Anyway, I like Deedlit because she's an elf (already kewl) and I like her powers and her outfit. And she's animated really well. ^_^

Felana (Sailor Moon, sorta): Felana is an original character I created for a Sailor Moon RPG, the Crystal Millenium. She's a cat shapeshifter, and one of the villains in the RPG, which takes place long after the fall of Crystal Tokyo...

Jessica de Alkirk (Lunar: SSS): Lunar has to be one of the best video games I've ever played, period. And I love Jess for her wisecracks and to-the-point attitude. She's got wit and a wry sense of humor, not to mention fangs and a cool robe!

Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon): Sailor Mercury was my first real Anime MPD. I guess it started when my friends and I started referring to each other as "Amy-chan", "Usagi-chan", "Rei-chan", and "Lita-chan". ^_~ What can I say? I like her. She's the practical one, and the intelligent one. And she has blue hair. I seem to be partial to blue and purple hair.

Quistis Trepe (Final Fantasy VIII): Look! She looks like me!!! And I was wearing that hairstyle a year before this game came out!!! Wierd, ne? I also had sunglasses in light blue of that shape... scary. Anyway, it's an uncanny likeness, I'm tellin' ya.

Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion): Okay, by now you should realize that it's the hair color partly, and the fact that I always root for the shy, quiet, underdog characters like Aeka and Ami Mizuno. Rei is somewhat of a mysterious character, and I like that. I also feel really sorry for her, but I can't explain too much without spoilers.

San (Mononoke-Hime): Well, the main reason I like San is that she looks cool, and that she's a Wolfrider! Okay, maybe she's completely unrelated to ElfQuest, but she has Wolfrider-type traits to her, and the wolf tribe is just that cool. I'd love to have Moro for a mother!

Shadow (Not an anime character): Shadow is an original character I created for an online RPG, The Fellowship. An ancient Japanese vampire who is constantly shifting between good and evil. Fun to write about! She's also somewhat sarcastic in a wry, sorta twisted way. Hey, we all gotta have our evil sides, ne?

Shadowpool (Original ElfQuest character): Shadowpool is a character I adopted from Rushwater Holt. She is the tribal boyer and fletcher (she makes bows and arrows). She's shy, but not weak-willed. She almost always sends instead of speaking. Generally one of my calmer characters. ^_^

Tempete (Original RPG character): Tempete is my villainess of storms from the RPG Eclipses of Etame. She has an elemental horse, and has power over storms (more wind-and-water than thunder-and-lightning though). She's the equivalent of one of the generals in Sailor Moon, as this is a Sailor Moon based RP.

Umi Ryuuzuki (Magic Knight Rayearth): Yet again, the hair, but this time, it's long!!! Yay!!! (I have long hair, btw.) She's kinda trendy, but she's the sarcastic one, and she fences. And her patron creature is a dragon. I've collected dragons for a long time... figurines, pictures, etc. And her power is over water, something some other characters of mine share... *cough cough* Sailor Mercury *cough*.

Yui Hongo (Fushigi Yuugi): To be honest, I don't know why I found Yui to be my favorite character in Fushigi Yuugi. Perhaps because she's nearly as moody as I can be? Perhaps I pity her. I really don't know, but she's one of my favorite anime characters ever. Call me odd.

Yui (Vampire Princess Miyu): To be honest, I don't know a lot about Yui. Just what I've read of her in the New Vampire Miyu manga so far. But I find it contrary that she seems so honest and caring, but she is a vampire. She also looks so innocent and kawaii. And the red eyes are a plus. They're creepy, but cool, like Rei Ayanami's.

MORE SOON!!! (as I get them typed.)

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