design language practice and theory 



teaching at the ISIA Florence

  updated: april 2007

teachers Andries Van Onck and Gianni Ferrara


appendi habiti

A lotus on the wall

Cloth hanger "biit"
student Karmelina Marina
teachers Andries Van Onck e Gianni Ferrara
apre il fiore
With a touch of the finger this cloth hanger composed of five dye cast aluminum parts opens up.

The lotus is a symbol with many meanings both in ancient Egypt as in China, Japan and in Maya culture. Everywhere it is considered a holy flower signifying pureness, wisdom, rebirth.

To open and close this cloth hanger thus confers to this simple gesture of preparing nightly rest, of a new day, of entering or leaving of persons a ritual meaning.



A scarecrow for the living room

screen with variable opening "OZ"
student: Lorenza Anconetani
teachers: Andries Van Onck e Gianni Ferrara
closed screen
The scarecrow from the Wizard of OZ entered tinto the home of the smart set. Now he fancies as an angel of the third millennium two pleated fireproof antistatixc polyester wings, attached to his arms by velcro strips. The body and the arms are in extruded and anodized aluminium, the foot and the head are in die-cast aluminium. 


   andries van onck