Welcome! Like I said in the beginning, this page will be going through MAJOR updates.Look around and keep checking back to see whats new and whats to come. This shrine to Sailor Jupiter of the popular anime series Sailor Moon, will have all you'll need from info, to pics, and multimedia.

My *new* kawaii adopted characters, LaLa Orange, Patty O'Green, and Stormy!

Galleries and places to go!

Jupiter Galleries

Lita Galleries

Group Gallery (Coming Soon)

Manga Makoto Gallery (Coming Soon)

Stats on Sailor Jupiter!

Japanese name- Kino Makoto or Mako-Chan
Birthday- December 5
Astrological sign- Sagittarius
Blood type- O
Height- 5 foot 6 inches
Fav Food-
Cherry pie and Meatloaf
Least fav- None
Fav Saying-"He looks just like my old boyfriend!"
Fav Colors-
Green and Sugar pink
Fav animal- Horse
Fav Subject- Home Economics
Least fav- Physics
Gaurdian of- Thunder, Plants, Wood
Powers- Jupiter Thunder, Jupiter Thunder Dragon,
Jupiter Thunderclap, Jupiter Oak Evolution, Jupiter Thunder Crash
Strenghts- Caring, strong, and cooking
Weakness- Cute guys
Ambitions- To run a bakery or flower shop and become a bride!

Has trouble with airplanes.

Manga Jupiter Gallery (Coming Soon)

Sounds and Movies



Creator's Profile Page

Facts about Lita

*Lita transfered schools not because she got in trouble for fighting, but that she wanted to forget a guy she had loved.

*Lita's parents died when she was 8 in a plane crash.

*Lita's earrings are scented in the manga series.

*Lita wears her old uniforms because she was too tall for the ones at Serena's school.

*Lita was originally a smoker in Naoko Takeuchi's first character prototype.

*In the manga series, Lita is in a gang.

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