Hello everyone. Welcome to the Jin Yong Fan Fiction Page. This is the single spot on the Net where you can submit/read stories based on Jin Yong characters in ENGLISH! I hope this page will interest the many avid Jin Yong fans worldwide who may not read/write in Chinese.

Copyright stuff.

Who is Jin Yong?

Mr. Louis Cha (Jin Yong) recently filed a law order forbidding the piracy of his novels online. We do not have any of his original novels on this site. The stories contained herein are all original works written by Jin Yong fans which are based on the characters in his novels.

The Stories

Film/Movie Reviews

Submission Guidelines

Literary Criticism

You may submit as many stories as you like. We will publish any stories you submit and all submissions will by properly credited (so do include at least your name/pseudonym and e-mail address). However, we hope that you will adhere to the following guidelines when you submit a story:

  1. All stories should be original compositions based on any Jin Yong character that you like (e.g. Ling Wu Chong, Yeung Gor, Kiu Fung, Wai Siu Bo, etc.)

  2. We will not publish any stories with adult content. In saying this, we are not against eroticism in your stories. What we mean are meaningless pornographic stories which degrade the Jin Yong characters that we all love dearly.

  3. You may break up your stories into different chapters and submit them chapter by chapter. Remember that even Jin Yong himself used to do that when his stories were first published in the daily papers. Who knows, we may be looking at the next potential "Jin Yong Jr." here!!!

  4. If possible, try also including appropriate pictures in your stories.

  5. You may submit your stories to any of the e-mail addresses listed below. Due to the differences in our systems, please do send your stories in either HTML format or plain TXT mode.

  6. Your submissions will be edited for spelling/grammatical errors but its contents will be left unchanged.

  7. We will try to post up your stories within ONE week of submission. All stories will be categorized under its appropriate headings. E.g. "Condor Heroes Fanfic", "State of Divinity Fanfic", "Duke of Mount Deer Fanfic", etc.

  8. Lastly, let's all work together to make this the best fanfic site on the WWW :)

The Gallery

Discussion Forum

About the Webmasters

Send your original compositions to :

Edmund Lau (edmundlaukm@yahoo.com)
Nath Nguyen (nnpn@hotmail.com)

Ngoc Hang (Ngobody@yahoo.com)

Calvin (gumgong@hotmail.com)

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