Raising Ducks and Geese

Yep, it's spring again..what's that mean? It's time for a new baby duck/goose/chicken/whatever! This is the most rewarding aspect of all.

Ducklings do not usually need to eat until they are at least one day old. Feed them soft foods that are cut very small so they won't choke. It is best not to give them meat until they are at least a week old. I give my ducks bird formula and soft rice. After they are a week old they can begin eating harder foods like bread, noodles and lettuce. Meat also makes ducklings grow about 50% faster than normal, but be careful--it is the easiest for them to choke on and can lead to imminent death.

Contrary to popular belief, ducks will take to the water instantly, in fact, mother ducks in the wild let their ducklings encounter the water 12 hours after birth. If you want your duck to have a partner or a friend, make sure to introduce it to him when he is a baby. It is harder for older ducklings to get along with younger ducklings if they have not grown up together. However, if you simply must get another duckling with your old or partly-grown ducks, wait for the new duckling to grow large. Then, when the duckling is close to full size (4-5 months; 6 months is full grown) introduce him. My full grown ducks usually try to kill young ducklings by drowning them, but if the duckling is almost their size, they will be more cautious and accept him as their own. I've noticed that locking ducks together in a cage for a night or more makes them instant friends.

If you're releasing your ducks into the wild (such as if your backyard looks like a national park), then it is best to introduce them to it when they are still ducklings. Do this gradually until they are comfortable and set up a cage for them outside. Because they grow up there, they will never go far. Even if they fly away, they'll most likely return every night. If it's geese, then they'll come home more than once in a day. Give them food at night to encourage them to return. If you have a pen, put food in their pen to make them come inside. If you're releasing ducks into a different surrounding that they're not used to, it's best to let one out first. Ducks can't stand being alone, so it won't go far. Once its comfortable, let out more, one by one. This will ensure that they will remain in the area.

Mulan has started nesting at 8 months old
