Midnight and Friday

Name(s):Friday and Midnight, they were both born on Good Friday so the first duck was named Friday. Midnight was born at midnight, 8 hours after Friday. ^_^
Born:April 21st 2000, one week before Goku's birthday. Might I add that they are also his brothers, or at least half brothers.
Age:2 months old! phew..In the pictures they're all about 1 and a half months old. Big change now, the ducklings have all their feathers except full adult flight feathers. They don't have their adult size yet. I calculated that it took 56 days till I could tell if my ducklings were male or female. I found that they were both male because of the green feathers growing on their heads! ^.^ That was on June 11th, 2000.
Looks:Presently, Friday has all his feathers (brown and black patterns) and some green on his head. He won't have his true adult plumage until he's about 4 months old. Midnight looks exactly like him, in fact, I have trouble telling them apart. Mostly, the only way I can decipher them is from their voices and attitudes. Friday is a tiny bit larger too.
Departure:NO!!!!! THEY'RE STAYING!!!!!!FOREVER!!!!
Quote:"Its so cute!" and "I can't tell them apart!"

Friday and Midnight dabbling for insects and water plants in the lake

Friday standing by our satellite dish

O.o whats Friday watching?

Its the inside of the duck cage!!

A good shot of what their cage looks like right now. One of the ducks is bathing in the blue bucket inside the cage.

This looks like a certain picture I took of Goku. Well, this is Midnight watching the camera.

Midnight running to the lake

o.O Midnight probably looking for an insect
