Midnight and Friday - UPDATED

Age:Currently, both duckies are about 6 months old. November 3rd, 2000. THAT MEANS THEY'RE FULL GROWN!!...*sniff* they're alllll grown up now..
Looks:They have their full adult plumage..Silver feathers on their bellies and sides, dark brown on their chests, brilliant green colored heads along with beautiful blue feathers on their wings. They also have the distinguishable curled feathers on their tails. In the pic above, they are about 4-5 months old.
Departure:They're still hereeee..YAY! The good news is that they get along quite well with Goku now. The 3 duckies go every where together (they're inseparable!). Midnight and Friday no longer stay in their pen under their own free will, they live in the lake now, like Goku. I feed them once a day, in the evening. The rest of the day they must find their own food from the lake (whereas I used to feed them 3 times a day).

A piccy of their pen, before they left it. Sadly, they out grew their cage that was in the pen..they couldn't fit through the lil door anymore. ^.^'

Friday at 3 months, hehe, he looks like a female..doesn't he?


Midnight observing the new digi cam, with Friday pecking at something behind him

the ducks don't mind the netting above their pen at all..^.^' it's there to protect them from predators..in fact, they loved their pen, and they chose to stay in it all day even though I left the door opened in it, and they knew how to get out. Now though, since I stopped putting food in their pen, they stopped going to it and they stay outside by the lake instead. They seem to like it a little more than the pen..hehe

aww..aren't they so cute?


Duckies havin' fun swimming in the lake!

They're takin baths, goood dux! ~.^

hehe, Midnight is soooo purdy, isn't he??
