Fanfiction, Fantastic!

Why is it so popular?

Everyone likes to make stories to get out of trouble, or to use his or her imagination. Using this picture of Belldandy from "Ah, My Goddess!" a story can be made. Maybe its about how Ranma and Akane call the Goddess helpline to get advise on whether they should be married. But then Ranma, who turns into a girl thanks to his father, Genma, and a certain Jusenkyo Cursed Spring in China, decides to ask her if she can change him back to normal

Genma, who turns into a giant panda, and the other cursed characters such as Mousse, who turns into a duck and Shampoo, who turns into a cat, all show up to ask for help. But can she help them?

This is just an example of what can be found or if you like make one up. Make sure to use as much detail as you like and have fun. Look for our newsletter that gives you more insight to Ranma 1/2 and company.

If you'd like your fanficition placed here Email Me or Send me a link and/or banner.

Here's some of My Sailor Moon Fanfiction