Sailor Moon' s Story

The rough summary.

Over 100 episodes exist about Sailor Moon and there are more Manga, Japanese comics, about her too. Some of the comics have been translated from Japanese to English and are available to get over the phone at 1-800-THE-MIXX or go to MixxOnline. In different episode a new sailor scout is introduced. All characters that are mentioned are created by Noako Takeuchi. She's really talented. Serena a fourteen year old girl trying her hardest to stay awake in class, soon learns she is a sailor scout from the Moon Kingdom and her cat, Luna, can talk. Her first problem goes by the name Jedite, a Negaverse lackey of Queen Beryl who Serena thinks is cute except for his bad attitude.


Ami, Sailor Mercury, was introduced when Sailor Moon and Luna found a Negaverse lackey running a computer school and using the computers to gather energy for Queen Beryl. Rei, Sailor Mars, was introduced when a bunch of girls were disappearing after visiting Rei's grandfather's temple, for Jedite had took on a false identity at the temple to sell luck charms to the girls to get their energy. Jedite was frozen for eternity by Queen Beryl for not defeating the scouts. Lita, Sailor Jupiter, falls for a guy who has a piece of the silver moon crystal inside of him and is being followed by Serena's next nemesis Neflite, the guy Molly (Serena's best friend) falls for and shows him unconditional love shortly before he dies. Another nemesis named Zoycite poses as Sailor Moon and robs banks and tries to give Serena a ba d reputation along with her boyfriend Malikite, but Sailor Venus, Mina, along with Artimas, her cat Artemis, save the other four sailor scouts. Together they search for the Silver Crystal and the moon princess.

In later Sailor Moon Season, other scouts were introduced.

Names are important, but when you think about Serena and Usagi being the same person it gets confusing. Japanese names just didn't fit the characters after they started speaking English. Usagi is not the name of an American girl so when it was necessary the characters got new names. Serenas little brother, Sammy, was once named Singo. Even Serenas last name was Tsukino but now doesn't have a last name.

The following is a list of what the names once were.

Serena = Usagi

Lita = Makoto (a boys name)

Mina =Minako (not change by much)

Darien = Mamoru

Sammy = Singo

Melvin = Umino Gurio

Ken (Serena\rquote s father) = Kenji

Serena\rquote s mom = Ikuko

Molly = Naru

Andrew = Motoki

Rita = Unazuki

Kevin = Yuuichirou

Tuxedo Mask = Tuxedo Kamen

Reny = Chibi Usa



Sailormoon (1st series) =PG

Sailormoon R (2nd series) =PG

Sailormoon S (3 rd series = PG 13

Sailormoon (the rest) =PG 13 to TV M

Sailor Chibimoon

Chibimoon is the sixteen year-old Reny (aka Chibi-Usa =little rabbit). She became friends with Sailor Saturn. Reny was originally introduced in Sailor Moon R (R =romance) when she was around 7 years old. She uses a key which was given to her by Sailor Pluto to go to the past to save Crystal Tokyo and her mother Neo Queen Serenity (aka Serena). Her only friend was Sailor Pluto, who communicates with Reny through a Luna Ball like the one Dark Mistress is holding. The Super Sailor Scouts have a new uniform designed much like the last but Serena and Reny have a different colors on their dresses.

If you want to know how the other scouts came into play try the Internet for there are plenty of synopses.



(the following are names of characters not yet introduced on Sailor Moon):

(Sailor Pluto) don't know = Setsuna

(Sailor Neptune) don't know = Michiru

(Sailor Uranus) don't know = Haruka

The following are those who I do not know what their English name is:

(Sailor Saturn) same= Hotaru

(Sailor StarFighter)= Kou Seiya

(Sailor StarMaker)=Kou Taiki

(Sailor StarHealer)=Kou Yaten

{Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon = Chibi Chibi

Evil professor in Sailor Moon S = Tomoe Souichi

The following are those who I do no the English name they may have:

Mistress 9

Black Lady

A little Japanese:

Usagi means rabbit

Chibi-Usa means little rabbit

Tsuki no usagi means rabbit of the moon

Mamoru means protect

Kou means Light

Does this mean that other characters names have meaning too?

From left to right: Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Tuxedo Mask, Sail or Venus, Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Saturn.